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Author Topic: And Now The Return of Another New Slideshow (Sort of), Part 2 [**Now featuring alternate versions of scenes - see replies #18,#21,#23,#49,#64,#69,#76,#88,#90,#100,#105,#107,#115**]  (Read 103840 times)
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« Reply #270 on: May 03, 2017, 02:06:01 AM »

I just checked and the Scene 94 on the shooting schedule that I shared is actually in the novelization. Though it's so short that if you blinked you might actually miss it on the page:

  After her talk with Barnabas she hurried back to Collin-
wood, realizing she barely had time to dress for the
costume ball they were giving to honor Barnabas that
evening. She raced up the broad stairway and went to
her bedroom to quickly disrobe and take a shower. Barn-
abas still puzzled here, even though she continued to
find him charming.

And probably needless to say, in the novelization Scene 97 is barely anything like it is in the film. The only things that are different from the script is that Dan "Marilyn" Ross decided that Roger's adlibbing would be for him to say, "So pleased to have you with us, Mrs. Pettibone," to which she adlibs, "This is truly an occasion!" And then Roger adlibs, "We hope it will be," and follows that with, "Allow me to escort you in," before Mrs. Pettibone delivers her scripted dialogue. Also, before he moves on to the next scene, Roger shows Mrs. Pettibone "to a group of friends" rather than to Liz.
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« Reply #271 on: May 03, 2017, 03:20:35 AM »

One more scene left on the cutting room floor:

101    DAVID - CAROLYN                                    101

       David in f.g. at bottom of stairs.  Carolyn starts down
       steps toward him.

101    CONTD                                        CONTD 101

And that when Saturday's first quote -

Page 37/Scene 101 - David: 'Carolyn -- what's wrong?'

- comes up, followed by Saturday's second quote -

Page 37/Scene 101 - Carolyn: 'Nothing -- nothing at all -- Is Barnabas here?'

- coming up, followed in the script by:

       David nods.                                           

And because this ended up on the cutting room floor, when it comes to the dialogue, the descriptions, and the directions for this scene, we have no way at this point of knowing how things might have actually played out in the film...
Uncle Roger
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« Reply #272 on: May 03, 2017, 04:14:05 AM »

I've heard that Denise Nickerson was on the set in costume during the party sequence. Have any pictures of that surfaced? Was she going to be some incarnation of Amy? Or simply an extra?
Fade Away and Radiate
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« Reply #273 on: May 03, 2017, 04:38:00 PM »

I've never seen any - but that doesn't necessarily mean she wasn't a part of the party. The party took two and a half days to shoot but so little of what was shot ended up in the film. And according to the shooting schedule, many of the scenes that were shot included extras, so who knows who might have turned up in some scenes if all that was shot had actually been used? One thing that is interesting is that Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Pettibone were supposed to show up in at least one more sequence - but we'll get into that when I do the next chart for the shooting schedule...

The only person I've regularly spotted in the background is producer Robert Costello - but I've read that other production personell from the daytime show were also extras for the party...
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« Reply #274 on: May 03, 2017, 07:20:54 PM »

Finally a scene that gets us back to the slideshow (though this one also has material that ended up on the cutting room floor):

102    INT:  DRAWING ROOM - NIGHT                         102

       Carolyn stands near French doors.  She is surveying
       the crowded room, obviously looking for Barnabas.
       The CAMERA FOLLOWS her gaze.  She sees Stokes, dressed
       as a working man, talking with Liz, who is dressed as
       Naomi Collins and wearing the necklace Barnabas gave
       her.  FIVE OR SIX PEOPLE WE DON'T KNOW stand in the
       center of the room.  AD LIBBING about the attacks in
       town.  Carolyn sees Todd at the bar in the organ room,
       talking with a LIVERIED BARMAN behind the bar.  Jeff
       Clark stands beside him.  Suddenly the group in front
       of Carolyn breaks up, and she sees Barnabas, dressed
       as his portrait, talking to Julia, an eighteenth
       century lady.  They are entering the room from the
       foyer.  Carolyn smiles, is about to start for Barnabas
       when Todd sees her, moves to her.  He kisses her cheek.
       Her eyes do not leave Barnabas.

And that when Sunday's quote -

Page 37/Scene 102 - Todd: 'You're beautiful.'

- comes up, followed in the script by:


                 After an afternoon at the hospital,
                 I'm not sure I can make this tran-

                 How is Miss Budd?

       But before Julia can answer, Carolyn comes up to them,
       dragging Todd behind her.

                 Good evening, Julia.
                      (then with special look)
                 Cousin Barnabas ...

                 Good evening, Carolyn.

102    CONTD                                        CONTD 102


       as he looks O.S.

And I'll deal with what's different a bit later - though it's easy to see a lot that is not in the film - and stuff that's in the film but is not in the script...
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« Reply #275 on: May 03, 2017, 10:54:43 PM »

The only part of the beginning of Scene 102 that survived its way into the film is Carolyn surveying the drawing room:

Quite unfortunately we don't see hide nor hair of the five or six people standing in the center of the room and ad libbing about the attacks in town. And it's interesting that we were to see Carolyn spot Todd at the bar in the organ room as he talks to a liveried barman and Jeff was to be standing beside him because we do see something very similar in the background of Scene 101. Who knows if DC staged them there in Scene 101 because he had no intention of us seeing the group ad libbing about the attacks? After all, any extras that speak get paid.

After we see Carolyn, things immediately transition to Barnabas and Julia entering the drawing room and Barnabas complimenting Julia by offering an unscripted -

"I'm sure your under-clothes are charming under that

- oh, wait, wrong film (though I do think Barn might have looked better in a bustier and fishnets) - no, Barnabas actually says an unscripted -

"Your dress is charming. You look lovely."

- to which Julia replies with an unscripted -

"Thank you."

- and then she continues off screen with her scripted lines about making the transition after spending the afternoon at the hospital while on screen we see Todd and Carolyn interact. However, the sequence between Carolyn and Todd is changed from the script because his "You're beautiful" line is completely dropped in favor of Todd simply kissing -

- Carolyn's forehead - Carolyn angrily pulling her shoulder away -

- from him and beginning to move away, leaving poor Todd confused and embarrassed and -

- wondering if anyone else saw Carolyn's reaction.

And after Carolyn interrupts Barnabas' question about Daphne by extending her greetings, Todd notices Julia's costume and offers an unscripted -

"Dr. Hoffman, you're stunning."

- and after Julia replies "Oh, thank you. Thank you very much" off screen, Todd goes on to say an unscripted -

"That's some costume."

- and while all that is going on is when something off screen catches Barnabas' eye...

And that's the end of Scene 102. However, I have two more things that I want to get into regarding the scene, but they have to wait until I've created two animated GIFs to share...
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« Reply #276 on: May 04, 2017, 02:44:01 AM »

Thanks to picking out captures for the previous post, I learned two things that I'd never realized as often as I've watched hoDS though the years:

One is that the extra in this production candid:

does indeed appear as a maid in one of the party scenes:[spoiler]

For people with slower connections, the first time though will likely take a while to download because the file is 8.81MB (79 frames) - but all the better to watch the GIF load frame by frame.  [easter_smiley][/spoiler]Though she goes by so fast that it can be very easy to miss her - especially if someone, like me, is paying more attention the main characters in the scene. Plus her head gets cut off along the way.

And the second is that I've always thought that none of Stokes' material from the party made it into the film. And quite sadly that is the case when it comes to his scenes with dialogue. But after I scanned this still -

- with the intent of using it for an upcoming party scene, I spotted Stokes actually going by in Scene 102:[spoiler]

For people with slower connections, the first time though will likely take a while to download because the file is 10.8MB (100 frames) - but all the better to watch the GIF load frame by frame.  [easter_smiley][/spoiler]Though if one doesn't know what sort of costume he's wearing, it can be very easy to miss him - especially, as I said, if someone is paying more attention the main characters in the scene.

So, there's Stokes walking in the background, Barnabas and Julia in the midground, and the maid in the foreground - it only seems natural that one if not two of those areas in the scene are going to get lesser amounts of attention.  [easter_cheesy]
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« Reply #277 on: May 04, 2017, 02:46:52 PM »

I've never seen that picture of the extra with a copy of Variety before but I love it to death! Thank you so much for posting it!!!
Fade Away and Radiate
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« Reply #278 on: May 04, 2017, 05:14:09 PM »

To my knowledge, that still of the maid reading Variety was only published once, in the August 1970 issue of TV Star Parade. And the funny thing is the article is all about a visit to the daytime studio and how a DS ep is produced - but all the photos are from behind the scenes of the production of hoDS. I guess they thought people wouldn't realize.  [easter_rolleyes]  But anyone who'd been following along with the many articles that were being published at the time about the production of hoDS would have easily known.  [easter_cheesy]
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« Reply #279 on: May 04, 2017, 06:21:18 PM »

Very, very interesting. I wonder how many other pictures from long gone magazines are still out there waiting to be discovered. If they weren't Ben Martin or ABC pictures, they may be hard to track down at this point. I remember one magazine ran a contest where the winner could choose their prize from dresses modeled by Nancy Barrett and Kathryn Leigh Scott. I've never seen those photos surface anywhere and I have long since forgotten which magazine they appeared in. Do you recall ever seeing these?
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« Reply #280 on: May 04, 2017, 07:28:01 PM »

Everyone has probably seen the hoDS behind the scenes photos of Nancy Barrett studying her script while sitting on one of Lyndhurst's antique benches, Joan Bennett getting her make up applied in the makeshift make up room in Lyndhurst's kitchen area, and KLS, Roger Davis and Grayson Hall in period costume and seemingly talking over the script in another room on the same level of Lyndhurst. But what I'm about to share has to be the wackiest behind the scenes photo from that TV Star Parade article:

Who knows who that is taking a nap on the window seat in the Gallery while one of the party extras sits nearby?! But I believe the party extra may be "John," who's seen talking to Maggie when Barn spots her -

- and who later has Jeff called over to meet him -

And just to digress from hoDS to daytime DS for a moment, KLS makes the following remarks in the TV Star Parade article:

Kathryn told us that she sees Dark Shadows "as a complete put-on when viewing"

Hmmm - can we ever imagine the KLS of today saying that?

And just for some perspective, the interviews for the article were done while DS was in the final month or so of the 1970PT storyline...
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« Reply #281 on: May 04, 2017, 07:34:48 PM »

I remember one magazine ran a contest where the winner could choose their prize from dresses modeled by Nancy Barrett and Kathryn Leigh Scott. I've never seen those photos surface anywhere and I have long since forgotten which magazine they appeared in. Do you recall ever seeing these?

It doesn't ring a bell off the top of my head. But back in the day there so many articles like that...
Uncle Roger
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« Reply #282 on: May 04, 2017, 07:58:11 PM »

I think that KLS would claim that she was misquoted if it was mentioned to her today or simply dismiss the matter entirely by referring you to one of her books. [easter_wink] [easter_rolleyes] [easter_wink]
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« Reply #283 on: May 04, 2017, 10:50:12 PM »

Considering we were cheated out of it in the film, I thought I'd share what Dan "Marilyn" Ross thought the group of people in the drawing room had to say about the attacks:

  She was conscious of perhaps a half-dozen strangers
near her and could hear the babble of their voices as if
from a distance. She tried to keep her mind clear as she
heard random phrases from the strangers in different
voices. Her head was spinning as she listened to their
comments about the recent attacks in the town.
  "Dreadful!" a high-pitched elderly female was say-
ing. "I don't dare venture out at night alone any longer."
  "Nor do I," a harsh-voiced younger woman agreed.
"We're buying a watch dog. A great, angry creature."
  "The police are too lax," a droning male voice insisted.
"They ought to have found out who murdered Nancy by
  "What about the artist?" Another ancient male voice
asked maliciously. "I still think he may have had some-
thing more to do with it than he has admitted."
  "The most vicious kind of killing," a throaty young
feminine voice deplored. "I'm terrified!"
  "What sort of creature would commit such a bloody
crime?" a young man inquired indignantly.

I would have loved to have seen Barnabas make mincemeat of the great, angry creature of a watch dog! Well, figuratively, not literally. He'd have had the poor thing crawling away with its tale between its legs before it knew what had hit it!!  [lghy]  But even better would have been if Jeff had been arrested for Nancy Hodiak's murder and he'd spent a good deal of the film off camera and in jail. But alas...

But seriously, it could have been fascinating seeing Carolyn hear and subtly react to all their complaints and theories while all the while she knows who the "creature" really is and she thinks he's anything but... But obviously it wasn't something DC cared for us to see.

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« Reply #284 on: May 05, 2017, 07:37:10 PM »

Those Lyndhurst behind the scenes photos are awesome!  Brilliant finds!  Congratulations, MB! I would love to know who played "John"!

And what a laugh that KLS described the show as a "put-on"!  Clearly, that was before she realized her life's work was going to be serving as professional Queen of Dark Shadows!

I wonder if copies of the hoDS novelization ever show up at less than extreme prices?  It would be fun to read it again.  His descriptions of those scenes are such a camp hoot!

cheers, G.
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