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Governess Wanted - Anyone Need Apply
« on: June 21, 2004, 09:46:49 AM »
I was reading the JF bloopers topic and someone asked what Maggie's qualifications as governess were.  Then I started wondering what any of the governess' qualifications were.  What were Vicki's?  How about Daphne's?  Quentin just dropped by and asked her if she'd be interested in the position (after poor Hortense was killed by the "headless body")  ("in a topless bar").....sorry -- Selby movie.  And where did Edward find Rachel??  A governess employment agency?

Anyway, then I started trying to remember actual schooling-type interaction between David/Jamison/Tad and a governess and I couldn't remember much.  Then I started wondering if David had ever tried to do in Vicki like he did his father with the car brakes.  I can't remember the old black and white stuff from the first couple of years.  Did he ever try to torment her or get rid of her?  THEN I started thinking about this Hayley Mills movie called The Chalk Garden that I always loved.  She's this incorrigible, very sheltered young teenager who lives in a sort of fantasy world and prides herself on horrifying governesses and getting rid of them as soon as possible.  LOL

Did the DS storyline ever have any type of aspect like this during the beginning years with David?

-No memory left   :-

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Offline Miss_Winthrop

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Re: Governess Wanted - Anyone Need Apply
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2004, 10:12:20 AM »
[spoiler]I'm viewing the pre-Barnabas tapes right now.  I just finished watching a scene where David tells Vicki 'I wish you were dead' and then he goes about seeing if he can make that happen.[/spoiler]
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Re: Governess Wanted - Anyone Need Apply
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2004, 12:06:43 PM »
THEN I started thinking about this Hayley Mills movie called The Chalk Garden that I always loved.  She's this incorrigible, very sheltered young teenager who lives in a sort of fantasy world and prides herself on horrifying governesses


Connie i also like the film, The Chalk Garden. . except when you watch it today and you think Hayley Mill's character is a troubled child, by today's standards, it makes you laugh.  Unfortunately .  Also you wonder, back to your question, how Miss Madrigal, the governess got HER JOB. . given her revealed history ..  [spoiler]attempted murdress just outta prison![/spoiler]

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Re: Governess Wanted - Anyone Need Apply
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2004, 01:36:43 PM »
I was reading the JF bloopers topic and someone asked what Maggie's qualifications as governess were.  Then I started wondering what any of the governess' qualifications were.  What were Vicki's? 
I seem to recall her mentioning that she used to teach at the foundling home, although I have no idea what her qualifications to teach there were.

Anyway, then I started trying to remember actual schooling-type interaction between David/Jamison/Tad and a governess and I couldn't remember much.  Then I started wondering if David had ever tried to do in Vicki like he did his father with the car brakes.
They showed Vicki teaching David on a few occasions. She also mentioned grading his tests and such a few times. Apparently, David wasn't always very good when it came to school.

David disliked Vicki in the beginning, partly because he felt she was trying to replace his mother. I recall him snooping through her room and putting words on her mirror (like 'Death' or something like that).

[spoiler]Also, he locked Vicki up in one of the abandoned wings of the house. While she was locked up there, she came face-to-face with the ghost of Bill Malloy.[/spoiler]

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Re: Governess Wanted - Anyone Need Apply
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2004, 10:15:14 PM »
I always figured that Vicki was college-educated with a degree in teaching.  Rachel Drummond was an already-established school teacher, although she probably did fudge on her resume a bit so as not to have anyone contact the Gregory and Minerva Trask School of Profound Learning and Urchin Torturing.  Daphne?  Well, she was working in a newspaper office which proves that she was a young lady of some very fine education.  Besides, Quentin was hot for her bones.  And as for Maggie, like I said before, she was simply gorgeous.  She needed no further qualifications, at least in my search for someone to fill that position.


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Re: Governess Wanted - Anyone Need Apply
« Reply #5 on: June 22, 2004, 03:42:47 AM »
connie, how could you forget david's hostile reaction to vicki when she first came to collinwood?as another poster pointed out, [spoiler]david lured vicki to a closed-off section of the house with the full intention of leaving her there until she died![/spoiler] he was really nasty in those days.
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Re: Governess Wanted - Anyone Need Apply
« Reply #6 on: June 22, 2004, 04:11:11 AM »
connie, how could you forget david's hostile reaction to vicki when she first came to collinwood?as another poster pointed out, [spoiler]david lured vicki to a closed-off section of the house with the full intention of leaving her there until she died![/spoiler] he was really nasty in those days.

I'm rewatching the 1966 eps right now. He was a bratty kid in the beginning, but I don't know...a part of me always felt sorry for David. Talk about a dysfunctional household. His mother loved him but deep down had alterior motives for his existence; his father wasn't what you'd exactly call loving...David had a lot of issues to work out at young age. It's interesting to see him grow up on the show; adapt to the circumstances surrounding him. As one of my friends once said, the Collinses put the fun in dysFUNctional.  LOL    ::) ;)


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Offline Connie

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Re: Governess Wanted - Anyone Need Apply
« Reply #7 on: June 22, 2004, 04:56:16 AM »
connie, how could you forget david's hostile reaction to vicki when she first came to collinwood?as another poster pointed out, [spoiler]david lured vicki to a closed-off section of the house with the full intention of leaving her there until she died![/spoiler] he was really nasty in those days.

Well, I haven't seen those early episodes since they originally aired -- what -- some 38 years ago.  Don't remember storylines or any details - just have a the memory of feelings the show evoked, and pictures in my head, you know?  I was thinking that they must have been using the classic plot of the kid who hates/resents the new governess and whatnot, and had a vague sense of David doing stuff to her, but didn't know or remember anything specifically.  Soooo, I was just curious.
Then again, I can't remember things I watched within the last WEEK on the show.   :-
I think Gerard mentioned the thing about Rachel having taught at Trask's school....I'm like, "Duh......"  I was just watching some of those 1897 episodes about a week ago and I forgot about that already!! (sad, but true)  Didn't make the connection.  Just remember him walking in with her and the whole encounter with brother Quentin.

Really.  I need a brain transplant.  The damned thing just isn't working.

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Re: Governess Wanted - Anyone Need Apply
« Reply #8 on: June 30, 2004, 08:42:55 AM »
I recently purchased the first 20 DS tapes. :D  I don't watch it every day, but I am enjoying watching them. 8) I never saw the pre-Barnabas episodes. :( David was a bratty kid in the  beginning. :o He was hateful and mean to his dad and Vicki. :(  I am on Episode #62, and I plan to purchase more tapes when I get to Episode #100. ;D The tapes are nice to watch, because they have no commercials (except for a choice few) - and they show the "board" at the beginning with dates and the Episode #.  8) I am surprised at how different David was at the beginning from when I remember watching the show - after Barnabas came.  :o ??? :P

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Re: Governess Wanted - Anyone Need Apply
« Reply #9 on: June 30, 2004, 08:29:55 PM »
As far as actual teaching goes, Vicki is the only one who we see doing any. IIRC, we are treated to scenes where they discuss Maine history, geography, etc. It's never stated clearly what her qualifications actually are, but given what we're told of her age and her background, I don't think she has any college classes behind her. It's implied that she did some teaching at the orphanage (similar to what Rachel must have done, albeit with a more secular bent and happily).

Others have posted here that most likely private governesses did not need to have extensive credentials. I don't know how true that is, but I do know that private school teachers usually don't need to be certified. I'm assuming that the original idea was that David would get private tutoring for a few years until his behavioral problems got under control and then they'd be shipping him to some prep school.

It makes less sense in later years when Barnabas hires Maggie, who has no experience teaching (at least not that the writers bothered to give her), and the children are much older.
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Re: Governess Wanted - Anyone Need Apply
« Reply #10 on: June 30, 2004, 10:00:06 PM »
I recently purchased the first 20 DS tapes. :D  I don't watch it every day, but I am enjoying watching them. 8) I never saw the pre-Barnabas episodes. :( David was a bratty kid in the  beginning. :o He was hateful and mean to his dad and Vicki. :(

Have fun watching those episodes...I know I did the first time I saw them. :) Some of it is night and day compared to how things are later, but I find it refreshing at times (providing a good background for many of our beloved characters, IMO). I agree about David, but I don't me a nut but I still feel for the kid. Sigh.   :-[


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Offline Connie

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Re: Governess Wanted - Anyone Need Apply
« Reply #11 on: July 01, 2004, 03:57:08 AM »
It makes less sense in later years when Barnabas hires Maggie, who has no experience teaching (at least not that the writers bothered to give her), and the children are much older.

Let's see.....from a waitress in a diner to a teacher.  Ain't it always like that?

Then again, Barnabas would hire her for ANYTHING and under any circumstances, I would imagine.
(If she hadn't been such a ditz she could have held out for more money)

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Re: Governess Wanted - Anyone Need Apply
« Reply #12 on: October 24, 2006, 06:34:02 PM »
Maggie was an odd choice for governess wasn't she? From what I've watched all she ever knew how to do was wait tables.

[spoiler]Actually it was Elizabeth's idea that Maggie was hired. Barnabas pointed out Maggie had no known qualifications as a potential governess but Elizabeth made up her mind Maggie should be the new governess. Of course this rash decision can probably be attributed to the fact Elizabeth was once again obsessing over being buried alive and she just wanted someone, ANYONE, to be there to care for David and Amy.[/spoiler]