I never had the game as a child myself. I wanted it, but my mother refused to get it for me. I did get the comic books (and eventually the Marilyn Ross novels) with my owned saved pennies, but the game was out of my price range. It probably cost a whole whopping five dollars . Well, I guess that was a lotta money back then. I remember, a couple years earlier, that I wanted the Lost-In-Space ray-gun toy set. It came with two "guns" - a pistol and a rifle, and its "laser beams" were these whirly things that you wound onto the guns and then went spinning in the air when you fired them. I beg, pleased, cajoled, cried and otherwise tormented my parents into getting it for me. At the store, it cost a whopping $5.95. My dad sighed and said: "If we get this for you, this is the last thing you get until Christmas." The toy gun set lasted for about a month until I broke the spring-work inside the doohickey which shot off the whirly "laser beams" by winding it too tight. So maybe it's good I didn't get the Dark Shadows/Barnabas Collins Milton Bradley game back then. I woulda made shambles of it in record time.