Author Topic: 1966 Season  (Read 14103 times)

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Re: 1966 Season
« Reply #90 on: July 19, 2004, 04:59:24 AM »
With all Roger has on his mind.....its refreshing to see him on the outside footage intro of ep #68 arriving at his office......he even seems to have waved a good morning to one of the Collins Cannery Slaves.....nice guy......and what a kewl office......complete with dartboard :P
" When I gave Davey Collins the crystal ball I hoped he would see that I was his real father, and not that abusive Roger Collins!

Only Laura knows the truth regarding Davids paternity, and i am sure she remembers the back seat of that car Roger crashed.

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Re: 1966 Season
« Reply #91 on: July 19, 2004, 10:08:53 PM »
Regarding Dana Elcar as the gruff yet competant Sheriff Patterson......i read somewhere that he is blind from advanced there is a guy who has been in every kind of movie you could think.......i remember him as a mean FBI agent in that Redford/Newman film "The Sting" in 1973.  Come to think of it....he never seemed to age much through the years......i think he was only in his early 40's when he played Sheriff Patterson......anyway...i hope he finds peace in the twilight of his life :)

I intended to respond to this and was just reminded when I surfed into an ep of MacGyver on TVLand.  Anyway, his blindness was caused by glaucoma, though he has played a blind diabetic on shows such as Law & Order (my personal fave) and ER.

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Re: 1966 Season
« Reply #92 on: July 19, 2004, 11:34:02 PM »
With all Roger has on his mind.....its refreshing to see him on the outside footage intro of ep #68 arriving at his office......he even seems to have waved a good morning to one of the Collins Cannery Slaves.....nice guy......and what a kewl office......complete with dartboard :P
devlin,as you go foreward with the show keep your eyes peeled for that'll spot it over...and over...and over... ::)
sleep 'til noon and your punishment shall be the dregs of the coffeepot.


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Re: 1966 Season
« Reply #93 on: November 29, 2006, 03:34:24 PM »
Maybe I am just too spoiled by the supernatural aspect of the Barnabas episodes that I so much prefer them. The supernatural escapism was what drew me to the show, it made it different from other soaps at that time and most soaps from this day and age as well.

Not saying the pre-Barnabas episodes were bad, having watched them the first time a few years back on the sci-fi channel I actually found much to enjoy (I especially liked the Laura story and who killed Bill Malloy plot). But until the [spoiler]Bill Malloy's ghost appearing to Vicki, then Josette's spirit stepping out of the portrait)[/spoiler] DS seemed liked just another typical soap to me.

Once Barnabas came, the show really picked up speed.

I have to agree though, as much as I love Barnabas and the supernatural stories that came along, unfortunately some of the characters did get pushed to the background. Roger for instance. I agree he was much more prominent and better used in the pre-Barnabas episodes than he was after Barnabas came along, which is a shame because he was a blast to watch when he was being all pompous. Elizabeth's character did seem to change also with Barnabas' arrival, she was definitely a lot more strong-willed at the beginning of the show, and she did seem to lose some of it especially after [spoiler]Cassandra put a spell on her, making her obsessed about death and making her believe she was Naomi.[/spoiler]

The one thing I would have changed about the Barnabas/supernatural episodes coming into more focus was give Roger and Elizabeth more airtime. Someone already suggested that David's parentage should come into doubt, and that would have been a good one to showcase Roger [spoiler](and have the results prove that Roger is indeed David's dad).[/spoiler]