Justifiable temper? Hmmm....[spoiler]if I recall, she was sticking pins into Sarah's doll to make her sick again and threatening to kill her if Barnabas left her for Josette. If someone was threatening to kill my sister through voodoo, I might want to take a potshot at them too![/spoiler]
Everything that happened after the curse could be because of the curse's effects on Angelique, so I'm not worrying about it. That leaves, from your list,
[spoiler]the torturing of Sarah[/spoiler]
which is, I admit,...umm...problematical. Bear in mind, however, that
[spoiler]Angelique did not kill Sarah during this torturing.[/spoiler]
We assume that the reason she didn't go that far is that Barnabas stopped her - but it may be that she would have drawn back from the actual
just as she drew back from
[spoiler]killing Barnabas when Josette first arrived.[/spoiler]
I know that what she did do in this instance, shorn of what she might have done, is still less than admirable, but gosh, this was the 18th century.
[spoiler]People got painfully, mysteriously sick even without voodoo, and I don't think that anybody remembered this illness as being anything out of the way.[/spoiler]
Of course Angelique did other reprehensible things before the curse took hold of her, but she didn't
[spoiler]kill anybody. The only death before the initiation of the curse was Jeremiah's[/spoiler]
- and that was Barnabas's doing.
I really don't like Angelique, by the way.