Nelson, was the blooper you mention with Grayson and Tony Peterson's office cut from the DVD?
One other thing- MPI is supposedly double-checking their master tapes to make sure they are complete, bloopers and all prior to authoring.
The 'fixes' to the episodes was something done for a certain run of syndication tapes around 10 years ago. When the DVDs were being made, TPTB sought to use master tapes closer to the original source (and of higher quality) than the several-generations away masters used for the tapes. Unfortunately, they did not check the master tapes for completeness and editing, and released several volumes with 'corrected' bloopers.
This was never an intentional effort by MPI to 'polish' the show- it was someone at Worldvisions idea, about 10 years ago.
MPIs mistake was not checking the masters against the lower quality ones for completeness.
They are now making sure there are no edits before authoring now.