i have often heard tids and bits about some serious dislike going on between a.moltke and r.davis and that he might even have been partially responsible for her leaving the show(besides being pregnant).does anyone have the skinny on this rumor?
the only actor i think alex had any real chemistry with was mitch ryan, from ep.1 i saw it and there was a scene early in the run when he kisses her in his room.it was very tender,it's a shame ryan left before him and vicki really hooked up.
Mitchell Ryan's love scenes were very good with all the ladies IMO and I hear he got a lot of practice.

I do recall Moltke cringing in her love scenes with Davis towards the end. He definitely had more chemistry with Durkin. As I recall, the love scenes between Moltke and Anthoy George weren't very good. He didn't seem to have any problems in his love scenes with KLS though and they were passionate by standards of those days.
I've heard a lot of the actors had problems with Davis. Don't know exactly what they were about but he is one of the few DS actors that has stood behind the show over the years and always attends the fests and is quite fun to listen to IMO. He and John Karlen are great in getting the fest audience into it.
I know that all the ladies here think that Quentin's love scenes were hot but I always thought he was a little too programmed if you catch my drift. The really passionate scenes were between Karlen and Barrett and Frid and Parker IMO. I'm probably the only one who thinks that Astredo was sexy. He certainly was extremely handsome despite all the make up.