Author Topic: Sad Scenes  (Read 5843 times)

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Re:Sad Scenes
« Reply #30 on: March 22, 2004, 01:17:26 AM »
Actually, what's very sad is David with both his parents.

On one hand, he's trying to 'off' his father; on the other hand, his mommy dearest is trying to 'off' her son.

 :'( :-  :'( :-

Very sad...and....can you IMAGINE any PTB today trying to put that in a scene!!!!!

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Re: Sad Scenes
« Reply #31 on: February 05, 2005, 08:16:53 PM »
Hey Cousins!
I have seen afew scenesthat have moved me to tears:
[spoiler]-when Liz tried to commit suicide
-just before the costume party, Vicki mentions that she has no family identity to Barnabas
-when Bathia Mapes dies
-when Maggie was trapped in the old house
-when Vicki finds out that Maggie died after escaping from the old house[/spoiler]
and other scenes I seem to can't recall at this time. A lot of the scenes sad and happy remind me of my life.
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Re: Sad Scenes
« Reply #32 on: March 12, 2005, 01:37:44 AM »
One sad scene for me was when Joe told Chris that when they told Amy about Tom's death, she fell to pieces. Losing the only person who ever cared for her was too much for her.

Another sad scene was when they tool Joe Haskell away to Wyndcliff.
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Re: Sad Scenes
« Reply #33 on: December 10, 2006, 03:09:06 PM »
Okay, here's my thoughts:
[spoiler]Sarah's death was definitely a tear-jerker, as was Naomi's suicide. I can't say I shed any tears for Angelique though.

Adam cradling a dying Carolyn in his arms after she participated in the experiment to bring (unsuccessfully) his mate to life. I felt so sorry for him there because he really did love Carolyn and didn't mean for any harm to come to her.

The ghost of Jenny come to make her and Quentin's daughter well again. Every time she sings to the baby it brings tears to my eyes.

My heart went out to Amy when Chris went to see her at Windcliff and her thinking he only came out of obligation and planned to leave her all along again. Poor girl really felt all alone at that point and it was such a relief to her (and me truthfully) when Chris decided he should stay in Collinsport for her sake.

Sarah appears to Barnabas at the Old House and vows never to appear to him again. Barnabas breaks down to cry.....that was just so sad. You can understand Sarah's anger, but yet you can't help pitying Barnabas, finally seeing his sister again for just a few minutes, only to have her angry at him and disappear before his eyes and him helpless to do anything about it.

Last but not least, Leticia and Desmond in his prison cell awaiting his execution. Leticia asks to be his wife, but Desmond refuses, fearing Leticia could be accused of being a witch. So they just say the wedding vows to each other. That was both so sad and so romantic at the same time.[/spoiler]