Barnabas sexy? Good question.
He's not (excuse the pun) "dead" sexy, like, say, Johnny Depp is, but...given that voice (well described in other posts), those eyes, yeah, I'd say he is. I'm recently watching 1795 and I've begun to see the "Barnabas" ness of it all. The "soul" that someone mentioned also comes into it. In 1795 you can see Barn sorta getting a psychic makeover, being under the influences of life's changes ala Angelique. What was a smooth tablet, is now enscribed with the experiences of the world. Then Barn whips that cloak on and strides out to "show her (Ang) the meaning of hate."
Now THAT is sexy.
And no one has mentioned that jacket in green velvet. Man, that makes me hot just thinking about it!
Maine Girl