Was he sexy? Was he sexy??? Oh come on, don't joke with me.

If he wasn't, I wouldn't have watched DS more than a few times out of curiosity. Unlike now, where it's a part of my life, like food, sleep, etc.
But I think I see what you're getting at - the physical parts of it, the kissing and such, he always seems a bit reluctant about it.

I've heard him say that he had no idea he had any sex appeal until he played Barnabas. He also says that he never married because no woman would have him. Think he's halfway kidding about that, but also think it shows that he just doesn't see himself that way.
So it makes sense that his sexual side would come out in the more subtle, subversive ways as it does, but when he's expected to be more overt - gettin down to bidness with some girl half his age, no less - he would not be as comfortable.