Author Topic: Which Burke?  (Read 5036 times)

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Re: Which Burke?
« Reply #30 on: November 12, 2006, 03:18:42 PM »
I got used to Anthony George as Burke, but when he took over the role, Burke did lose just about all of the fire that Mitch had infused the character with. And I agree it was hard to buy Anthony as the bitter harden ex-con (as a matter of fact they pretty much dropped the whole Burke's prison past when Anthony assumed the part. He made one reference to it but that was all).

And I also didn't care for the way he treated Vicki at times.expected Vicki to stay away from Barnabas on his say so without offering any reason why he wanted to. [spoiler]When Vicki wanted to accept Elizabeth's offer to move into the west wing to be close to David, Burke unfairly (at least IMO) accused her of just wanting to stay there to fix the place up. He got annoyed with her when she wanted to put off the wedding date so she be there for David (since Burke was so fond of David himself this is the one thing I would have thought he would have been more understanding about).[/spoiler]

Did like Anthony as Jeremiah though, probably because that was a role he originated and was able to make it his own without comparisons to anyone else. I always thought they killed off Jeremiah too soon. I too think he would have made a more competent lawyer for Vicki than Peter. I did think Peter did the best he could, but he hardly had any experience seeing as he was just starting out as a lawyer.