Author Topic: How & when you discovered Dark Shadows  (Read 8123 times)

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Re: How & when you discovered Dark Shadows
« Reply #45 on: October 25, 2006, 06:50:59 PM »
watched up until 1970 Parallel Time...unfortunately channel 62 pulled the plug on it

Unfortunately there were no more episodes available in local syndication after Ep #1007.  [hall2_sad]  No one got to see Eps #1008-#1245 (and Eps #1-#209) on TV again until the Sci-Fi Channel first ran them in '94-'95 (and in '92-'93 for (most of) Eps #1-#209).

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Re:How & when you discovered Dark Shadows
« Reply #46 on: October 25, 2006, 09:03:20 PM »
It always shocks me when I read how in some schools it was considered uncool to watch DS because my experience was exactly the opposite - watching DS was considered the coolest thing to do. Everybody watched, and outside of class it was always the main topic of conversation, talking over what had happened the day before, speculating about what was going to happen next, asking if someone had seen the latest DS article, and collecting the cards, games and comic books.

Same here.  At my school nearly everyone watched the show and read those novels.  There were a couple of us who took time off from watching when Barnabas was away for an extended period of time and then resumed watching when everyone talked about the vampire's return to the show.  I started watching DS in early 1967 as a much loved TV program was scheduled to come on afterwards.  It was a kiddie's show in Philadelphia and then later, I think, Mike Douglas. Not sure which came first but anyway I turned on the TV to wait for my program which then followed DS.  The day Barnabas was discovered and stuck his hand out, I knew it was a vampire in that coffin as I was alread a big fan of horror movies.  I ran upstairs to wake my napping mother to tell her that I discovered another vampire that wasn't Bela Lugosi.

She was not impressed.  Years later she told Jonathan Frid "you ruined a nap of mine once."


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Re: How & when you discovered Dark Shadows
« Reply #47 on: January 08, 2012, 10:18:05 AM »
I remember watching the promos for DS before it premiered but it didn't strike my fancy back then. I was 13, a big too young for it. And I wasn't into spooky stuff back then. How things change.

I had been watching Sandy Becker for years at this point. Sandy hosted a kids show in NYC and I never missed it. Until he added an obnoxious, in my opinion, teenage sidekick. I tolerated the kid for a while until one day he was lip-synching to Judy Garland.  Enough of this!! I started channel surfing for something better. Well, I found it and never looked back.

And, if you're out there, Tim Moriarty, thank you!!!!!!
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