Thank goodness they never caught me during my other "secret" DS related activities of which only one I'll admit to here. I used to play the DS album for background music and create my own episodes on cassette tapes. ![Blush(Yellow) [blshy]](
Oh! That is so cool, and a great idea. Did you act out the parts or were you just narrating??
I can't remember the sort of details a lot of people can - it was just tooooooo long ago. But I know I started watching from the beginning, in 1966. No one told me about it, so I must have seen promos or was watching something else in that time slot beforehand. Does anyone know what was on back then? Only thing I can remember watching in the afternoons was a show called Where The Action Is. LOL (very groovy)
I remember being quite into it from the very beginning -- Carolyn, Vicky, David, etc. but don't remember the plotlines (haven't seen the black and white stuff since the 60's). I remember more, the sort of DS-related nonsense and fun my best friend and I used to have. Ya know something we used to do in school when we were bored? We'd draw little scenarios for each other and exchange them in class. I recall mine usually took place in the Old House. I'd draw the fireplace with the portrait over it, a piece of furniture or two, and it would almost always have Barnabas (and probably Julia) in it. I couldn't draw for shit, but you knew it was Barn 'cause of the pointy bangs. I'd have them saying
I don't know WHAT to each other. Sometimes I'd do one at home (while I was supposed to be doing homework) and give it to my friend in school the next day. The ones done at home were better 'cause I could cut the different characters' faces out of teen magazines and paste them on bodies. (More realistic) LOL Only one weird thing -- sometimes we'd have other characters in the scene that didn't belong there. I can remember drawing George Harrison sitting on the floor in the drawing room in a yoga position, playing the sitar. (Go figure) Anyway, we called these little creations, "Pidger and Writty" (the term taken from one of John Lennon's books)
I THINK it was Fall of 1999 when I was flipping through channels one morning and lo and behold, there was Barnabas!!!! I freaked. It was around the time in the '68 storyline when Angelique had bitten him. So, if that's what was showing then, then it was 1999. Sometime not long after, I discovered there was Dark Shadows stuff online. One day I was looking at screen grabs and this silly stuff came to me. I put the grabs together with some dialogue and emailed it to my friend (the same friend -- who is my best friend to this day) as a joke. It was called
Revenge Of Julia. The rest, as they say, is history. Oy vey.
Who wants to know about some of dom's other "secret" DS activities.

(Hey - awhile back
I admitted that phony phone call to Grayson!)
Shameful - simply shameful