390_391 - (Lara Parker) - A seance has been held in the great house of Collinwood, a seance which has suspended time and space and sent one girl on an uncertain and frightening journey into the past, back to the year 1795. There, each of the Collins ancestors resembles a present-day member of the Collins family, but the names and relationships have changed, and Victoria Winters finds herself a stranger in a sea of familiar faces-and among the legends of the Collins family which have turned to terrifying reality.
Jeremiah lies in his bed, face completely bandaged (did Barnabas shoot him in the face? Or were they just trying to hide the fact that Anthony George had left?) Joestte sits beside him, and Naomi and Andre wait vigil with her. Andre and Naomi encourage Josette to get some rest, but she doesn't want to leave her husband's side. Josette feels a chill race through her and tells her father she believes death will be coming to collect Jeremiah--tonight.
Downstairs in the drawing room, Andre tells Barnabas of Josette's fear that Jeremiah will die this night. She's quiet, not crying, he says, as though mourning a man already dead. She feels responsible. No, says, Barnabas, I shot him, I'm responsible. Andre asks Barnabas to take pity on Josette and absolve her of blame. Barn says that's asking a lot, but Andre says if he ever loved Josette, do this for her. Barnabas promises to talk to her--perhaps Jeremiah will recover and he and Josette will be happy together, says Barnabas sadly--it would be nice if someone got to be happy.

Angelique enters and tells Barnabas that Sarah is doing well, chafing at being kept in bed. She kneels beside Barnabas, who is sitting in a chair, and asks him if he'll tell Josette that they're getting married. What? asks Barnabas. She blathers on about how it will surprise everyone, that many will think her unworthy, but she's going to be a good wife and make him happy. Huh? They never spoke of marriage! he says. She reminds him of his forgotten promise, but he gets flustered and says he only said that because he was willing to do anything to help Sarah get well--he was desperate! Realizing he's trying to weasel out of his promise, Angelique tries reverse psychology. If he doesn't want to marry her, she releases him from his promise! He's grateful, he says, and didn't want to hurt her. No, he just doesn't want to marry her, she cries, and bursts into tears. He asks her not to cry--he wants to be fair, but he loves Josette, and while there can never be anything between him and his uncle's wife . . . She accuses him of not wanting her because she's only a servant, not a great lady like Josette, so he can't care as much for her! (amazing manipulation, Ang!) "I love you, but you cannot love me or accept me as your wife," she sobs. He looks miserable and uncomfortable, but says if she can accept him as he is, with all these heavy, complex feelings for Josette, OK, he'll marry her. She hugs the dejected bridegroom-to-be, promising him happiness and obedience. He tells her not to tell anyone, he'll do that, including breaking the news to Josette. She agrees, promising that will be a practice in their married life--she will be an obedient, devoted wife (brother!).
Naomi comes in and sends Angelique upstairs to tend to Josette. She asks Barnabas if he's spoken to Josette yet--she really could use his consolation. He asks his mother to sit down and reveals that he is going to marry. Who? she asks--Millicent? (Can you imagine that pairing?) No, Angelique he says--she's a lovely young girl and will be devoted to me. Do you love her? asks Naomi, and he hedges the question and says he wouldn't be marrying her if he didn't. You were about to marry Josette a week ago, his mother reminds him. She asks if he's sure and hopes he isn't making a mistake he'll regret. He looks like he's already regretting the entire situation, the poor guy.

Angelique enters Josette's room. Did Barnabas ask to speak to her? No, Angelique says with relish. Barnabas was in a strange mood, reveals Angelique, and while she knows what he was going to say to Josette, she can't say it. Josette promises not to tell Barnabas she told, and all Angelique will say is that Barnabas forgives her. Josette is sure her father is behind this forgiveness and that Barnabas hates her--she turned friends to enemies, brought bloodshed to the family; she sure hates herself and wishes she were dead. Don't say that, Angelique cautions, but when Josette asks her to leave, that she wants to be alone, the witch is smiling malevolently.
Andre is sitting with Jeremiah. When Barnabas comes in, he tells him he doubts his uncle will make it through the night. He asks Barn if he's spoken to Josette yet, and Barnabas says no, he has something else to tell her, something everyone will know soon enough. Barnabas assures Andre though he should hate Josette, but he can't. He forgives her for falling in love with Jeremiah. He wants to forgive Jeremiah, too, but can't forget he's Josette's husband. He's dying, Andre reminds Barnabas, forgive him, and the latter says he's trying to. He keeps remembering that Jeremiah stole Josette from him, causing the hatred and bitterness return. Andre calls Barnabas to Jeremiah's bedside; he thinks he stopped breathing!
Josette lies asleep. At 2 AM, she sees Jeremiah appear in her room. She speaks to him, asking if he's recovered, but he doesn't answer. He reaches out one hand and walks out, Josette following.
Andre covers Jeremiah's dead face. Josette bursts in--she saw Jeremiah! She cries. The clock was striking two when he appeared in her room! That's impossible, insists Andre-- Jeremiah died, and just as the clock was striking 2 AM!
Josette gazes somberly at her dead husband.
392 - (KLS) - A seance has been held in the great house of Collinwood, a seance which has suspended time and space and sent one girl on an uncertain and frightening journey into the past, back to the year 1795. There, each of the Collins ancestors resembles a present-day member of the Collins family, but the names and relationships have changed, and Victoria Winters finds herself a stranger in a sea of familiar faces. Here she learns that the family history has not told her all of the secrets of the family-or their tragedies.
Everyone is dressed in black and the guys wear black and purple mourning flowers in the wake of Jeremiah's demise. Naomi chastises Joshua for his decision to put out the story that Jeremiah died after an unfortunate accident cleaning his pistol. It's to avoid scandal, he insists, but she asks if it will make things better for Barnabas, who killed his uncle and best friend, or for Josette, or for any of them? He tells her they are moving to Collinwood immediately, even if it isn't quite finished. There have been enough tragedies, he does have feelings, and they're leaving this accursed house ASAP! Naomi breaks the news to her husband that something else bad is about to happen--Barnabas getting married! Joshua assumes he's going to marry Josette and is scandalized, but Naomi says, propriety be damned, she wishes that were so--he is marrying Angelique! Joshua immediately demands that Naomi bring their son to him. When Barnabas stands before him, trying to be an adult, Joshua tells him his plan to marry that servant girl is absurd. Joshua can't figure out how they have exchanged enough words to even know each other, no less marry (he should only KNOW what happened between Barn and Ang in Martinique; he'd have a heart attack!), but Barnabas assures his father he knows her well enough. The shock of what happened has made you rush into this says Joshua, almost kindly for him--tell that servant girl you made a mistake and call it off. No, says his son with dignity, you brought me up to be an honorable man, and I won't break my promise. He tried to marry the "right" woman, and look what happened. Joshua calls Angelique an adventuress. She loves me, Barn points out, but this doesn't impress Joshua. If it is a mistake, it's mine to make, insists, Barnabas, I will be happy with Angelique, so leave us alone. Joshua makes it clear that he is determined to stop this, and Naomi looks very unhappy over this latest rift in the family.

Barnabas watches a black-frocked Josette kneel at Jeremiah's grave, cross herself, and place down flowers. How can he tell her about his engagement to her maid? He decides it might actually help matters if he does--perhaps telling her of his future plans will ease her remorse. Josette gazes up sadly at him and they exchange chastened greetings. He asks if she's offended that he's there, and she says he has as much right to be there as she does. He tells her not to blame herself-he killed him. She should have come to Barnabas before they ran away, she says. Barnabas assures her that she's young and has many pleasant things to look forward to--even after this. They gaze at each other like lovers for a moment, and Barnabas continues, saying they have to start living again, to heal themselves. How, she asks, and he starts to tell her about Angelique. Seeming to sense he's going to suggest that they get back together; she tells him not to say anything he'll regret. Sadly, she says she never thought they'd share remorse, but his words have made her feel better, somehow. He again tries to tell her about his engagement, but she protests, "Not here, not now," still assuming he's talking about the two of them and their future. Angelique interrupts them, offering Barnabas a ride back to the house in their carriage, but Barnabas refuses to ride back with his past and present fiancees. After Josette walks away, Angelique jealously asks if she interrupted anything, and he assures her she didn't. She'd better not have, she retorts, and he looks as if he's suddenly gotten an unpleasant flash-forward of his married life with this jealous harpy.

Drawing room - Awaiting Angelique, Naomi warns Joshua not to alienate the young woman and to treat Angelique tactfully. Josh's attitude is, she's a servant and tact isn't called for. Showing rare backbone, Naomi warns him that she doesn't want Barnabas turned against them; she won't have it! Angelique enters and demurely asks Joshua if she may sit down. Joshua wants Naomi to get ready for the big move, but she refuses to budge. Joshua gives the impression that he believes this marriage idea was all hers, but Ang insists Barnabas did the proposing. Joshua says there was no emotion in Barn's voice when he spoke of Angelique, but she assures him there's plenty when he talks to HER. Why do you want to marry my son? demands Josh. Because I love him, Angelique responds. Josh seems to think the two only spent an hour in each other's company, but again, he isn't privy to what happened in Martinique, or he might have sent Barn in a chastity belt. Joshua accuses Angelique of taking advantage of Barnabas in a weak moment, and cites the curing of Sarah incident. No, says Ang, holding onto her temper, they would have wed anyway. She should have waited, as a lady would, Joshua insists, and Angelique retorts that yes, she's a servant, but this is America and she can rise above her station in this great new land. She wants Joshua's approval, but he coldly refuses to give her that. Naomi is appalled. He offers Angelique $10,000 in gold--she can return to Martinique in style with that kind of money. (whew, nice bribing, Josh!) It's a small enough ransom for Barnabas' future. Angelique wants him to like her, and if he doesn't bend to this, his life will be very lonely. Naomi agrees. Joshua asks her to wait a suitable mourning period, to be decided by him, but Angelique says he only wants to buy time to fight her. Then we understand each other, says Joshua stiffly. Then the wedding will take place immediately, spits back Ang. Naomi begs Angelique to wait the mourning period, and promises her friendship to her for the rest of her married life. (drunkard or not, Naomi makes the most sense.) Angelique, smiling triumphantly, agrees to this.
Angelique realizes, however, that she still must contend with Josette, who could very well take Barnabas from her. She must fix that--tonight!
Josette lies sleeping; Angelique's voice awakens her. Jeremiah is waiting for you, he isn't dead! Go to his grave, now!
In the woods by Jeremiah's grave, Angelique holds a miniature coffin in her hand. She tells it that Barnabas is trying to steal his wife, that she's forgotten you, Jeremiah! Will you let your murderer have her?
Naomi is sipping sherry down in the living room when Josette comes down and insists she must go out, go to Jeremiah--he's not dead! Josette leaves, followed by Naomi. Angelique opens the mini-coffin in which a mini clay figure rests. "Come to his grave, Josette!" calls Angelique's voice. "Jeremiah is waiting for you to bring him back! Say his name--waken him!"
Josette and Naomi arrive at Jeremiah's grave. Josette calls to her dead husband. A hand rips through the earth, grasping, clutching, and the two women scream and run away.
NOTES: The scene between Angelique, Joshua and Naomi was classic here, and so very good. You knew Angelique wanted to lash out at her future father in law but didn't dare. Their parrying was wonderful to watch.
As for Jeremiah's ghost's arm thrusting from the earth, it scared me plenty the first time I saw it!
Love, Robin