Author Topic: #1127/1128: Robservations 09/30/03: The Chosen One  (Read 1302 times)

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#1127/1128: Robservations 09/30/03: The Chosen One
« on: September 29, 2003, 09:25:05 AM »
1127 - Desmond finds the coffin open, the body gone, the mask on the floor--and Tim's dead body lying a few feet away.  Oh, no, says Desmond, checking Tim's lifeless body, but he's more concerned about the MISSING body--he remembers the Bedford Atrocities, and, horrified, says, "He'll kill us all!"

Gabriel plays chess alone in the Collinwood drawing room.  Samantha enters.  What a surprise--back so soon? he says--how was your trip?  Have you seen Quentin? she asks.  Gabriel tells her he was just sitting here, waiting for something--you know that feeling when you just sit and expect something?--I didn't think it would be you.  Gabriel, she asks, annoyed, where is Quentin?  He says he doesn't need to keep track of Quentin--why should she be concerned, she wasn't even here?--he was willing to wager she wouldn't even come back.  She says that, as usual, he's wrong.  Perhaps this time, he says, but I have other bets on you--which husband will you choose, eh?
--Quentin or Gerard?--he grins--you've come back to announce your choice, haven't you?--and all of us are dying, we can't wait to hear what it is--did you tell little Tad yet, of your curious dilemma?--I should like to have witnessed that scene--dear Tad, there is something I must tell you--you're going to have two fathers now!  I was determined, says Samantha, barely controlling her fury, that you would not get me angry--again--I don't want you to talk like that around Tad--I want you to leave him alone!  Is he in his room? asks Gabriel--since I'm his favorite uncle, perhaps I should go up and say goodnight to him.  Samantha insists she doesn't want him to upset him again.  So he is upset, says Gabriel; she turns away guiltily.  Did he influence your decision? inquires Gabriel, and she turns and says that he has not been well--I told him the facts, that is all he has to know--if you so much as mention this in front of him, I will KILL you!  Oh, how I have waited to hear you say that, exults Gabriel, you've never gone so far before--all you could do before was threaten to have me thrown from the house, but you can't do that now, can you, now that Quentin is back--and what do you think he'll say?  Nothing, she says, because he doesn't want you to talk to him either--he'll understand!  Taken aback, Gabriel says he wouldn't be too sure--he has a rather curious affect on Quentin.  Yes you do, and I know why, says Samantha, because every time he sees you sitting in that wheelchair, he remembers!  Why I'm here, yes! shouts Gabriel, eyes blazing, yes, yes!  You count on that, accuses Samantha--you make him feel responsible; it was nothing but a childhood accident, two children playing!  And one child unable to walk for the rest of his life, screams Gabriel, because of that playing?  "You wouldn't know how to live," says Samantha, "without that hold over him."  You're quite the character reader, says Gabriel--why don't you tell me how to live my life--go on, Samantha!--you've made such a success out of yours!  She leaves the room without another word, and he wheels forward, watching her put on her cape.  Off to see your lover? he asks bitterly.  She gives him a warning look, as he continues, warning her to be very careful walking in the woods tonight--there have been several attacks, and we wouldn't want anything to happen to you--would we?  She leaves, not closing the doors behind her.

Rose Cottage - Desmond, hatchet in hand, quietly approaches the head, thinking it he destroys that, the body is bound to die--he must do it before they are reunited.  I must do it! he tells himself, but when he opens the curtains, he finds the head gone.

It's gone, says Desmond, how could it be?  Samantha enters and asks if he's talking to himself.  She turns on the lamp and notices he's carrying a hatchet.  Desmond! she cries, puzzles.  He tells her he just finished splitting some firewood.  You don't seem surprised to see me, she says, did you get word I was back?  No, he says, and she asks what is wrong with him.  Nothing, he says.  Is it Gerard? she asks anxiously--is he all right?  I guess he is, says Desmond, but he doesn't know where he is--he's been out.  She asks Desmond to check Gerard's room, she needs to speak with him.  Yes, says Desmond, you stay right here--and he leaves, closing the double doors behind him.  Gerard joins him, and Desmond tells him someone is here to see him--Samantha.  This takes Gerard off-guard.  She's in the parlor, says Desmond.  Gerard nods and goes in.  Samantha looks at him with love, and as he hugs her, calls him "My darling."  She murmurs something against his shoulder about missing him, begging him to hold her, and he asks if she's made a decision.  She moves from his arms and shakes her head, saying she knows it's cruel of her, to Quentin, and to herself and Gerard.  Have you seen Quentin? asks Gerard.  She shakes her head.  Will you run into his arms as you did mine? he asks.  She dips her head, looking ashamed, and he apologizes, saying he thought the waiting would be over with.  There's so much to decide, she says--Tad.  Did he speak of me? asks Gerard.  He said how kind you were to him on the ship, and how much he liked you, says Sam.  And that doesn't make any difference to you? he asks.  She says Tad loves his father, she doesn't think she's slept since she left here, she just keeps watching Tad sleeping and imagining what their life would be like--then she thinks of Collinwood--she always saw herself as a decisive person, and it's shattering to discover how weak she is.  He assures her she isn't weak--she didn't create this situation--he did--he was the one that forced her into marrying him.  Forced me to come alive again, she corrects him--Gerard, whatever happens, whatever I decide, there's something I want you to know--I love you very much.  They kiss.

Leticia prepares to go to bed.  Desmond knocks on her door and she pats her hair and squeezes red into her cheeks, prettying herself up.  He anxiously asks her if she took something from the drawing room.  What are you talking about, Ducks? she asks.  He reminds her she told him to get rid of the head.  It's gone? she asks.  Yes, he says, and if you didn't take it...  If I didn't take it, what? she asks.  He swears that he won't blame her, he knows she did it because it frightened her, and he appreciates that, but she must tell him if she has it--please don't lie to me!
Leticia assures him she'd tell him if she had it--he'd make her tell him the truth--she could never lie to a man as nice as he is.  He's very upset, and she tells him it's for the best that it's gone--it was changing him, it was evil--don't try to find it, don't ever try, she begs.

Desmond goes to Collinwood and demands Gabriel tell him where Quentin is.  It's everyone's turn to hunt Quentin tonight, mocks Gabriel.  I've got to find him, insists Desmond, about to march from the room.  Gabriel stops him--remember that riddle he helped him solve?--tell me what you found on Gallows Hill.  Nothing at all, says Desmond.  Why don't I believe you? asks Gabriel.  You've got to, says Desmond.  No I don't, insists Gabriel--I think you found something you don't want to share with me--something you want to share with Quentin--and that's why you're hunting him, isn't it?  He grabs Desmond's arms and pulls them painfully behind his back.  You're hurting me! gasps Desmond.  Gabriel promises to hurt him a great deal more until he tells him what's he's found.  Desmond struggles in Gabriel's agonizing trip.

You can't fight back! says Gabriel, you can't fight a cripple!--what did you find on Gallows Hill?  Quentin enters, angrily calling Gabriel's name, asking what he's doing.  Just a little family quarrel, says Gabriel.  Let him go, now, demands Quentin.  Gabriel does, but warns Desmond he'll tell him what he wants to know--later--won't you, Desmond?  I told you before, says Desmond, massaging his aching arms, I know nothing.  We'll see, says Gabriel, we'll see--and as he wheels himself out, he informs his "dear brother" that Samantha and Tad are back--Tad's in his room, Samantha went out--I'll leave it up to you to guess where.  And he goes.  Quentin tells Desmond he's going to see Tad, but Desmond won't let him go; he grabs his arm and says he can't go now--he must talk to him--he needs help, and right now--do you remember when you first got back and I told you I had something for you--except when we went to Rose Cottage, I didn't give it to you.  What was it? asks Quentin.  It was the head of Judah Zachary, reveals Desmond.
Quentin looks at him in disbelief.

Gerard and Samantha are still smooching it up.  She tells him she must get back to Collinwood.  He takes hold of her coat lapels and says he'll take her there.  No, darling, she says.  Are you afraid Quentin will see me? he asks--doesn't he know you've chosen him already?  How can he know? she asks--I don't even know myself.  You'd be a fool not to leave, he says, but how can you spend your life with a penniless, homeless wanderer?   You're none of those things, she insists.  Take a good look at me, he suggests.  I know you better than you know yourself, she says--what you were in the past has nothing to do with it--it's what you are, and what you will be in the future.  They kiss lustily.  Excuse me, says Leticia from the doorway, you're lucky it was me, ducks--so, you're back!  Yes, says Samantha, please excuse me--and she goes.
Lips compressed, Leticia bids him congratulations.  For what? he asks, annoyed.  When does the honeymoon start? she asks jealously.  She was merely kissing me goodbye, he says.  She chuckles and asks who'd believe that?  I do, he says sadly.  She reminds him he didn't used to lie to her, but things change, people change, even her--you do love her, don't you?  He just looks at her.  I can tell, she says, I can see it in your eyes--don't worry about me, luv, I got a brand-new interest--and I'm going to keep it, she giggles.

Pacing, Desmond tells Quentin, "Poor Tim Braithwaite--his body was ripped from his head" (he means the other way around, I'm sure)--I know what happened and what caused it--Quentin, the body has somehow found the head.  Quentin nods--Judah Zachary, he says.  He's alive again, says Desmond.  Quentin shakes his head, saying it's impossible--a severed head can't live--and a body buried 200 years ago must decompose.  I came to you because you have an interest in these things, says Desmond desperately, you accept the fact of unexplainable happenings--you must believe me--you do, don't you?  Yes, says Quentin.  What do we do? asks Desmond.  We've got to find Judah Zachary, says Quentin.  If we do, says Desmond, we won't be able to kill him.  There must be a way, insists Quentin, and races to get a gun from an armoire.  That won't help, says Desmond.  We don't know until we try, will we? asks Quentin, caressing the long barrel.  Quentin, you don't know the evil! protests Desmond.  Quentin tells him they won't stop him by talking about it, they must find him--come on.  The men hurriedly leave the house.

Samantha returns to Collinwood.  Gabriel wheels himself into the foyer and asks, "Back so soon?"  She bids him a curt good night, and he tells her she just missed her husband--I told him you were back.  What did he say? she asks.  Absolutely nothing, says Gabriel, basking in his cruelty--it didn't seem to stop him from going out--by the way, how's Mr. Stiles?  She doesn't reply, she just heads upstairs.  If Quentin comes back, he calls after her, shall I tell him to wake you?  That's up to him, isn't it? she retorts.  He sits back in the wheelchair, grinning.

Rose Cottage - There's one thing I don't understand, says Quentin, if the head was here, how did the body get inside the house to get it.  I don't know, says Desmond.  Are you positive you told no one? asks Quentin.  Yes, I'm positive, says Desmond.  Quentin is sure head and body aren't together--he knows it.  I hope not, for all our sakes, says Desmond.  Quentin advises him to go to bed, but Desmond says he can't sleep.  There's no point in looking for him--perhaps he'll go back to his vault--what did you do with Braithwaite's body?  I got rid of it! says Desmond hoarsely, what else could I do?  Quentin says that's good, because with Tim's reputation, he doesn't think anyone will miss him--he tells Desmond to get some rest.  I caused this to happen, says Desmond, that's what I can't forget--as a kind of joke, I brought that head for you.  Don't worry about it, says Quentin, we'll find a way out of it, believe me.  Desmond asks how.

9:30 - Gerard sits before a tea tray.  A jealous Leticia enters and presents him with a note for him, from Collinwood.  Samantha, he says, and quickly opens it.  Who else there would write you? she asks him.  He reads the note and smiles, then leaves.  Has she made up her mind, pet? Leticia calls after him, but he's gone.  She laughs.

Collinwood - Gabriel finds Quentin sitting in a chair, head bowed on both hands.  You were up late last night, weren't you? chides Gabriel--tell me, what is the matter with Desmond?  Nothing, says Quentin.  I think something is, something has happened, says Gabriel, and it's something about Gallows Hill, isn't it?  We hear the front door open.  It's Gerard, who bids them good morning.  Gabriel tells Quentin he has a note from Samantha--he's seen her, of course?  No, says Quentin, she was asleep when I came home.  And of course, you didn't wake her? says Gabriel.  No, says Quentin.  Samantha enters and faces the three men.  Ah, the all-important moment is here! announces Gabriel.  She asks him to excuse them, and he wishes the men good luck before wheeling himself out.  Samantha closes the double doors, then turns and looks at Quentin and Gerard.  She tells Quentin he looks tired.  Kind of you to notice, he says.  I notice everything about you, she says.  He rises and says, "Well--have you made up your mind."
Yes, she says, I know with whom I must spend the rest of my life.  The camera pans from Quentin's face to Gerard's.

NOTES:  Who is the Chosen One?  Hard to say.  Samantha seems to feel an obligation to stay with Quentin for Tad's sake, perhaps for the comfort and money a life at Collinwood provides.  On the other hand, there's Gabriel; if I were her, I'd want away from him ASAP.  He's such a prick.  I believe her heart, passion and love lie with Gerard.  The question is, which has won out in her heart?  Staying with Quentin seems more a decision of the mind, with Gerard, the heart and loins.

We have a rampaging body that has apparently found its head.  Once united, what havoc will a "together" Judah Zachary wreak on Collinwood?  At least Desmond seems out from under the spell of the head, back to himself--and Leticia seems to have moved her romantic sights from Gerard to Desmond, even if jealous keeps popping up every time Samantha is mentioned.  Des and Leticia would make a cute couple.

Gabriel continues to be the most interesting person in 1840 so far, at least IMHO.  Being stuck in a wheelchair must be boring, and he seems to go out of his way to stir up as much trouble as he can, just for the fun of it--and takes us along for the ride.  Of course, Samantha's decision will affect him, too, and his hatred of her is strong enough to make him wish her gone with Gerard for good.  He wants money desperately, and hopes that his helping Desmond will result in his becoming rich.  He has no idea of the danger that has been unleashed as a result of his help.  Note how strong Gabriel is; he was able to subdue Desmond with one hand, wheelchair-bound or not.  All that ball-squeezing is paying off!

1128 - Samantha says she though she had herself so well-prepared for this, but now...  Now what? he asks her.  She explains that she finds she can't face the two of them together.  Speak to each of us separately, Quentin suggests.  Samantha thanks him, and says she'll speak to Gerard alone for a minute.  Quentin says he understands; he will be waiting in their bedroom upstairs.  He leaves, closing the door behind him.  Sam tells Gerard this has been the most painful and difficult decision she's ever had to make.  I'm quite aware of that fact, he says, I don't envy the choice you have to make.  She says she believes he knew from the beginning, didn't he?  Yes, he says reluctantly.  She says he knew, as she did--it was only a matter of facing up to the realities of the situation.
Well it's done and you mustn't regret what you've done, he says, assuming he is not the Chosen One--we've actually know each other for such a little time.  I feel as if I've known you all my life, she says passionately.  Nevertheless, he says, I feel strongly that a woman must stay true to her first love.  Sam believes that, too--"That's why I've chosen you, Gerard!"  You've chosen me? he asks, genuinely surprised.  You thought I'd decided on Quentin, she realizes.  Yes, he admits, I did.  And you were ready to bow gracefully out of my life? she asks.  Yes, I was expecting the worst, he says.  Oh, darling, she says, hugging him, I could never have sent you away, you are my own love and my first love.  He looks sick.  You're not unhappy about this, are you? she asks.  No, he says, what gave you that idea?  She says she expected a more demonstrative reaction from him,  He's only thinking of her, he says, her family--has she made the right choice?  She caresses his shoulder, assuring him she's never been more certain about anything in her life.  She rests her head on his shoulder, saying if she'd decided the other way, she would have still gone on loving him, even if she'd been miserable for it for the rest of her life.  He takes her hand in his and kisses it, holding it pressed against his chest.  She says she'll go speak to Quentin.  He's going to Rose Cottage and wait to hear from her.  Until I see you again, she says girlishly, I'll miss you very much.  She runs back to him and hugs him, promising to make him so happy.  He hugs her back, saying he knows she will.  She gives him a longing look--but no kiss--and leaves the drawing room.  Gerard looks very upset.  Gabriel enters, finds him holding onto the mantle in despairing posture, and bursts into laughter, asking if he isn't glad he didn't make that little wager--I told you what her decision would be, and I was right--you needn't answer, Gerard, the answer is right there on your face.
If you are here to gloat over me, says Gerard, you are wasting your time.  I'm just a little curious as to what you're going to do, says Gabriel, you're going to worm your way out of this--but how, Gerard?--that's the fascinating question, because Samantha is just as clever and devious as you are.  I will tell you once, warns Gerard, like I've already told you, that Samantha and I are very much in love.  I'm very deeply touched, mocks Gabriel, if that's true, why were you the picture of doom when I came in?  Gerard says it's his brother, Quentin, they're are of the best of friends--he's at a loss to imagine the suffering he must be going through.  What suffering, what loss? Asks Gabriel, as far as I'm concerned, my brother is the winner--you're the loser, my friend--and that's the beauty of it all--you and Samantha together for the rest of your lives!--it's marvelous!  And he laughs.  Gerard orders him to get out of here.  Are you forgetting where you are, Mr. Stiles, you don't live here, Gabriel reminds him--you don't own this house and never will--you're going to leave!  With pleasure, says Gerard, starting to stamp out.  Gabriel reminds him he still has that arsenic he got for him--just in case he's planning to give Samantha some wedding present.  Gerard goes.  Gabriel laughs, twirling around in his wheelchair in glee.

Samantha joins Quentin in their bedroom.  He tells her he saw Gerard leaving, looking very grim.  He's very concerned about you, she says.  About me? he asks--what is it you want to say to me?  I want my freedom, she says--I've chosen Gerard.

Quentin nods, makes a little grunt.  Please says something, begs Samantha.  He tells her he's having a little difficulty with what he's heard.  She told him as plainly and honestly as she could, she says.  He sits on the bed and says he knows--he just wasn't quite prepared for it.  Yes you were, she says, you've always taken me for granted.  I was convinced there was only one choice open to you, he says.  Then why did you leave the decision to me? she asks.  I just through it was the proper thing to do under the circumstances, he says.  She sits on the bed with him and says they both know their life hasn't been right for years.  He says he's tried to be good to her.  It isn't enough, she says.  He points out that she has everything she could ever want in this house.  Except love and happiness, she says.  He asks how many people she knows have that?  This is my chance to get it, she says, I must take it!  Have you forgotten, he says, that four years ago, I also had the chance for happiness, and you denied me that opportunity.  I haven't lost sight of what happened four years ago, she says, even though I didn't give you freedom to go with another woman, I was grateful for your honesty--I told you that then!--I don't think I understood what you were going through then, but I do now, believe me I do.  Do you love Gerard? he asks her.  Very much, she says.  Does he love you? asks Quentin.  Yes, she replies, please try to understand, don't hate me.  I don't hate you, he assures her with a small smile, I know I haven't made your life very happy--but I thought that somehow, you'd want to go on, as I do--for Tad's sake.  She rises from the bed and insists she must be with the man she loves.  All right, suppose I give you your freedom, he says, and then sometime in the future, you discover you were wrong--then what?  She assures him she knows she's right in her mind and heart.  Then there's no point in discussing it any further, is there? he asks.  No, she says, there isn't--please give me your answer.  Are you in such a hurry? he asks sarcastically.  She looks wounded.  He agrees to talk to his attorneys tomorrow.  She thanks him and says she's sorry--there's nothing more to say.  He agrees with that, and she says she'll go speak to Tad--she'll have Hortense get him ready--she's taking him with her.  You're not going to do any such thing, my dear, says Quentin, immediately incensed.  What are you saying? she demands, Tad belongs with me.  He belongs here, insists Quentin angrily, in this house, with me--he belongs at Collinwood!  She says she wouldn't leave this house without her son.  Then I guess you're not going to leave this house! he says vehemently.  Quentin! she cries, please, be reasonable!  You want to take the one person who means more to me than anyone else in this world, he says, and you're asking me to be reasonable!  What is that supposed to mean? she asks, that I don't love him--Tad has been my whole life--my whole reason for living--you try to keep him away from me by taking him away for months on end!  He's always gone away with me by choice! says Quentin.  I demand you give me my son! says Samantha--it's my right as his mother!  He's my son just as he is yours! Blares Quentin.  That's not true, says Samantha.  This shocks Quentin, who grabs her and demands to know what she means.
I meant what I said, she says in clipped tones, you're not Tad's real father.  Quentin stares at her, shocked.

Quentin asks just what she's talking about.  I never meant for you to know that, she says, but you gave me no choice just now--Tad is not a Collins, he's not your son.  I never quite thought you'd stoop this low! He says.  You mean you don't believe me? she asks.  That's right, he says, furious, I don't believe it--you're so used to having everything your own way, you'd resort to anything!  You think I'd make something like this up just to have my own way? she demands--it's true, he's not your son!  If I'm not his father, who is? Quentin asks.  I have no intention of telling you, she spits.  He grabs her and throws her on the bed, then takes hold of her arm and threatens, "You're going to tell me who it is!"  No, she cries, you'll never know!  You're lying, he shouts, putting his hands on her shoulders and shaking her, he's mine!  He's not, he's not! she retorts--there was someone else you don't know about--and HE'S Tad's real father! Quentin releases her, then walks away and says all right, as far as he's concerned she can go anywhere she pleases, anytime--but Tad, for the last time is staying in this house with him--he loves Tad and Tad loves him--and I'll do anything in my power to make sure he stays here with me--and if you dare say one word of what you have just now told me, so help me God, I'll kill you.  She jumps off the bed and storms out.  Quentin sits down, looking as if all the stuffing as been let out of him, and closes his eyes in misery.

Gabriel, in the drawing room, squeezes his ball, and hears Samantha come down and mocks her--my my my, Quentin's left you in a terrible temper, hasn't he?--don't tell me the reason, Samantha, I think I know--I think you went upstairs expecting Quentin to be destroyed by your decision--but he wasn't--he reacted quite calmly, and so you are absolutely furious.  As usual, she says, you're wrong--I just told Quentin what I decided--he refused to grant what I decided--he's refused me!  Refused? Asks Gabriel, quite shocked.  Yes, he's refused to give me my freedom, she says, does that surprise you so much?  Liar! accuses Gabriel.  A woman emerges from the kitchen area with a tea tray.  What a pity, says Samantha, I've undone all your pre-conceived notions--she tells Hortense she wants to see her immediately in the drawing room, then says to Gabriel that they finally have something in common, don't they?--they're both destined to rot in this house!  She goes into the drawing room and closes the double doors, then asks Hortense where Tad is.  Upstairs in his room, reveals Hortense.  Samantha tells her she's going to be leaving Collinwood.  This shocks Hortense, who reminds her she just told Mr. Gabriel...  I told Mr. Gabriel what I wanted him to hear, says Samantha--I'm going and taking Tad with me--I want you to go and pack his clothes--do it secretly, do you understand?  You mean you're taking the boy without Mr. Quentin knowing about it? asks Hortense.  That's exactly what I mean, says Samantha, tonight, at seven o'clock, I want you to go to Tad and tell him I'll be at Rose Cottage, and I will go there sooner and wait for you to bring him to me.  Hortense objects--suppose she gets caught?  Samantha assures her she has always been very kind to her.  No one has been as good to me as you, agrees Hortense.  Then please stop worrying, says Samantha, and do as I say.  Gabriel is listening closely outside the doors as Samantha orders Hortense to bring her to her as soon as it gets dark.

Gabriel wheels himself into Quentin's bedroom, where Quentin still sits looking morose.  (How does Gabriel get upstairs, anyway?)  Gabriel tells him he's here to do him a very big favor--there is intrigue in the palace, old boy--someone is planning to abduct the crown prince.  Not in the mood for games, Quentin asks him to speak plain English.  Samantha is going to take your son away from you, says Gabriel, stealing him, at seven o'clock tonight--I overheard them talking--Hortense is getting his things--they're leaving just after dark!  Quentin rushes from the room.  Gabriel grins with pleasure.

7 PM - Hortense has placed Tad's suitcases in the foyer, and is about to go upstairs, but finds Quentin standing at the top.  She gasps and bids Quentin good evening.  He asks where she's going.  Upstairs, she says.  To do what? asks Quentin.  To look over some of Tad's school things, says Hortense--he's had so much catching up to do, you know.  Quentin comes downstairs, saying yes, he knows.  She's about to walk past him, upstairs, when he grabs her arm and slams her against the wall--I also know you're a lying little sneak! He accuses her.  She begs him to let her go, but he says she's going to tell him what he was going to do with Todd (Selby's son's name).  Hortense squeaks that she doesn't know what he's talking about.  He shakes he and says she's lying, he knows she and Samantha were planning to do something and he knows  what it is.  You're hurting my arm! She cries.  You're lucky I'm not breaking your neck! He tells her--you tell Samantha, wherever she is, that Tad is staying in this house with ME, and you tell her I'm going to do everything I can to make sure she never sets eyes on him again!  He releases her, and she cries out and leaves.  And while you're at it, says Quentin, you can pack your bags and get out of here--you're through!  He goes into the drawing room and pours a drink.

Woods - Hortense heads for Rose Cottage, but it startled to find a leaf covered, headless body in the woods.
She screams when it comes to life and grabs her by the throat.

NOTES:  Looks like Hortense isn't going to be needing a job.  She's going to be headless as well as jobless.

What a soap-packed episode!  Samantha made her choice, pissing off both men and delighting Gabriel.  Did you think she'd pick Gerard?  Looks like he isn't any too happy, either--when he was marrying a rich gal, he was happy, but now, how will he support her, especially in the style to which she's become accustomed?

Is Tad really Quentin's son or not?  How did you like the violence he applied to both Samantha and Hortense?  This is more like the 1897 Quentin, with a true violent streak.  I found the scene with Samantha rather shocking, his throwing her on the bed and all.  Do we have another mystery here--who is Tad's real father, if not Quentin?

Poor Gabriel, I guess being stuck in a wheelchair, squeezing his ever-present ball, must get boring.  Watching these little dramas unfold must be his only entertainment.  At least when he realized Quentin was in danger of losing Tad, he jumped in and helped, but one wonders if it was for Quentin's sake or just to stir up the pot some more and make big trouble for Samantha, whom he hates.

Well, Desmond indirectly caused Tim Brathwaite's death at the hands of the headless creature, and Samantha did the same to poor Hortense.  How many innocents must die before the Collinses stop dragging in these hapless toadies as bullseyes?

Love, Robin