1099 - Tad opens the door. Daphne, hair blowing in the wind, stands there. Tad invites Daphne in. Thank goodness! exclaims Carrie. Why aren't you looking at us? asks Tad. She doesn't recognize us, says Carrie. We're Tad and Carrie, he assures her.

Daphne stares at them a moment, then takes them in her arms. I'm so glad it's you! says Carrie. We missed you, Tad says. Everything is going to be all right now, says Carrie. Daphne backs away from them, looking around, scared. Don't be frightened, says Tad. No one, says Daphne, nearly fainting. What are you trying to say? asks Tad. I've got to sit down, insists Daphne. The two children help her into the drawing room, where she sits in a chair--I'm all right, she assures them. She sees Quentin's photo on a table and looks at it, shaking her head. No one must know, she says. But they'll know, says Carrie. You're here, points out Tad. You can't disappear again, says Carrie. No one must know, says Daphne again, setting Quentin's picture back on the table. The children promise to hide her, bring her food. In the playroom, says Tad. Daphne shakes her head. Why? asks Carrie. No one will find you there, promises Tad. Gerard, says Daphne. Gerard is coming? asks Carrie fearfully. We must bring him here, says Daphne, rising from the chair. They hear the front door open. The children hide her behind the draperies. She can't stand! cries Carrie. Please try, begs Tad. Daphne covers her face with her hand. The kids face Willie Loomis. What are you up to? he demands. Playing a game, Mr. Loomis, replies Tad. Surprised to be called Mr. Loomis, Willie puts in a snooty voice and calls Tad "Master David--what's wrong with you?" he asks. Nothing, says Carrie. I have a nose for trouble, says Willie, and smell something going on around here

--there's enough weird stuff going on without you two spooking around--spooking, yeah, he adds, you recognize that word, I saw you two looking at each other--you're not going to fool old Willie Loomis--what's happening around here, David? We heard something, says Tad. What? asks Willie, as Daphne listens--you'd better tell me--a week ago, Barnabas told me to keep an eye on you and I'm not just here sitting for Maggie--I'm waiting, David! Go on, tell him, says Carrie. We heard someone, says Tad. Willie looks around, puzzled. Yeah? he asks. We were in the hall, says Carrie. Where you shouldn't have been, points out Willie, walking toward the draperies. We thought someone was at the door, says Carrie. So we came down, says Tad. But no one was there at all, says Carrie. Willie looks suspicious. You two are lying to me, he accuses--I'm going to sit in this chair here, and you're going to sit in that chair there--go on!--you'll both sit until you guys tell the truth. Tad grins, Carrie looks unnerved. Daphne, trapped behind the drapes, is worried, too.
Study - A fire burns in the fireplace as Carolyn complains to Quentin, everyone in the family wants to know one thing--when did I get my second sight--why? --everyone else is allowed to change, I'm the one who's supposed to stay the same. I don't feel that way, says Q, I'm perfectly willing to accept your second sight. Are you? she asks, even if I were to tell... Come on, try me, he says. Even if I were to tell you, she says, that there is someone in this house tonight who should never be here. Who? he asks. Don't you feel it? she asks, rising from the chair. No, he says--Carolyn, who? Don't you feel the stranger? she asks. You must tell me who it is you think is here! he says. I don't know who it is, but...
You feel a presence? he asks. Not a presence, no, she says, not a spirit, I can feel the breathing, irregular, strange. She closes her eyes. That's all, she says. No, that's not all, says Q, if there's a stranger in this house, then we have got to find him.
Are you going to keep us here all night? Tad asks Willie. If you won't believe the truth, Mr. Loomis...says Carrie. You just cut the Mr. Loomis stuff, says Willie. Carrie yawns. Can we go up to sleep--Willie? asks Tad. All right then, says Willie, you can bet your bottom dollar I'll tell Barnabas about this--I'll take you up to your rooms, too. Daphne breathes a sigh of relief. It's all right with us, says Tad, isn't it, Hallie? I've kept a few secrets in my time, says Willie, I know enough about all these secrets, but I'll find yours out, you can bet your lives on us--he leads them away, warning, don't come down again, no matter what you think you hear. Tad goes to Daphne for a moment, assuring her, we will come back and bring you clothes. She nods. Come on, I'm waiting! says Willie. He's just turning off the lights! says Carrie. Don't bother about that, orders Willie. Tad closes the doors behind him--you shouldn't have left Maggie alone, he says. Mrs. Johnson's with her, says Willie, walking them upstairs. Why does someone always have to stay with Maggie Evans? asks Carrie. Because she's sick, that's why, says Willie, and I don't want either of you kids asking a million questions--you're better at that than giving out answers. (This was a joy! Willie's the best!)
Daphne, still weak, exits her hiding place. Quentin and Carolyn approach the drawing room. Can you tell me where this stranger is? asks Quentin. He opens the doors, but they don't see Daphne. Why are you doing this? asks Carolyn--because you really believe there's a stranger in the house, or so that later, you can pretend you took me seriously? I'm being very honest with you, he says, I really believe there could be strangers in this house tonight. Daphne has resumed hiding behind the drapes. You know a good deal more about than you're willing to say, don't you? asks Carolyn I think we ought to start in the drawing room, he says, heading to search behind the draperies. No one would hide there, says Carolyn, it's much too obvious (

?--everyone hides there!) Where else should we look? asks Quentin. He notices a weird look on Carolyn's face--do you feel a person here now? he asks. A person has been here, she says. But isn't here now? he asks. I don't know, she says. He looks behind one drape, but not the other, where Daphne hides. Not here, he says. Then I was wrong, says Carolyn. It's not clear, he says, you're troubled. She nods unhappily. Why isn't it clear? he asks, why?--the lilacs, he says to himself, can't you smell them?--am I the only one who can? There's nobody here, he says, leading her away, why don't we go check the rest of the house? She goes along with him. One final time, Quentin glances at the drapes behind which Daphne is hiding.
Daphne comes out, looking around--Gerard!--I must be with them to bring you back, she says--give me time, Gerard--tonight--it will be tonight, she promises.
It will be tonight, swears Daphne--you will be here with me, alive. Hearing a door opening and closing, she is forced again to hide. Quentin enters the drawing room--Daphne? He calls--are you the stranger?--you can't be--Carolyn told me you're alive, not a spirit--oh, how I wish that were true--how I wish we could meet, touch, love. Daphne, hidden behind the open drawing room door, listens. And the children, says Quentin, you wouldn't bother them--you'd only think about me, they'd be safe--I'd be all yours. Daphne sobs. Hearing the sound, Quentin asks, who is it?

Daphne comes out and softly speaks his name. He draws her into his arms. "You're alive!" he exults, hugging her. Please let me go, she says. No, he says. You must, she insists. Never, he vows. She pulls away from him--yes, she says. I must be dreaming, he says, I never walked into this room, felt your warmth. He touches her shoulder. Don't touch me, she insists--I want you to, but you can't. Why? he asks--after finally finding you, why, tell me! Sadly, she says, I can't--so many things I can't do now that I could before. You cannot love me now? he asks--why? You must not ask me these questions, she says, this is why I shouldn't have given in--I should never have appeared--I have no answers for you. Then I won't ask any questions, he says--but why can't I hold you? (That's a question.) She stares at him longingly. He smiles, ardently kisses her, long and hard. They hold each other. Yes, this is as it should be, he says--if words get in the way, then there will be no more words. You make is so simple, she says. And I'll keep it that way, he promises. You cannot, she says. Why? he asks--why did you come back here, if not for me--is it for the children?--is that why?--did you come back for them--you're going to help them, release them, they will be David and Hallie again! Oh, Quentin, she says, going into his arms. Quentin! calls Willie. Q hastily exits the drawing room, closing the doors behind him. Willie comes downstairs--who were you talking to in there? demands Willie--something strange is going on in this house--who you talking to in that room--who is in that room?
I wasn't talking to anyone, says Quentin. I heard someone, says Willie, the children heard someone in there before. Tell me, says Quentin, has Barnabas put you in charge of this place? You know he hasn't, says Willie. Then I wish you would stop acting as if he had, says Quentin--I think you'd better get back to the Old House. Willie goes--but I'm gonna tell Barnabas about the mighty strange goings-on here tonight! Grumbling, he leaves. Quentin returns to Daphne--I'll get you some new clothes, he says. You mustn't think about me, says Daphne. That's all I think about, he says. I must go to the children now, she says. To end their possession? he asks. She sighs--I can't do that, she says. You must, he says. I have no power, she says. Who has, why did you come here? he asks. She doesn't respond. They cannot remain as they are, he insists. Why do you ask this of me? she asks, you say it's enough for me to be here and yet you demand things of me. I'll take you to the children, he offers. I must go alone, says Daphne. Why? he asks. I must see them, she says, because I love them.
David's room - I've been afraid to go downstairs, I think they're still up, Carrie, says Tad. She holds up some clothing and explains, they once belonged to a governess who lived here--her name was Victoria or something--Maggie and Hallie were looking at them once, she left them here--I don't know why. (poor Vicki!) Daphne joins them. Did anyone see you? asks Tad. Quickly, she warns, we have no time. She opens the window--the stars are still in the sky, she notes. What are we going to do? asks Tad. Gerard? asks Carrie, must we?--we could be so happy... Take the scarf, instructs Daphne.
Drawing room - Terrible things are happening in this house tonight, warns Carolyn. Don't say that, says Quentin. We found no stranger because we were blind, she says. Stop it! he says. You know! she says. I don't know anything, he says, and stalks out. She grins, then giggles. Yes, she says, Gerard, you are very near.
Kneeling in the pentagram, Carrie asks, why must we bring Gerard back? Because, says Daphne, it will be worse for us if we don't--light the candles. They do so. It's all going to start again when Gerard comes back, laments Carrie. You mustn't say or think that, insists Daphne, it will be different. I don't want to, says Carrie. The three of us must, Daphne says. I still have Gerard's ship, says Tad, and places it in the pentagram. The three of them stand inside the pentagram, Daphne's arms around the children. "Feel the earth turning through eternal space, intones Daphne. "Let it turn itself now toward the stars that guide the destinies of us all, says Tad. Let the light of the star...begins Carrie. She looks piteously at Daphne, who finishes, "Let the star that guides the destiny of Gerard Stiles touch this flame we have lighted in his name--the light of the star must touch the light of the candle--then his spirit that waits to live again, then and only then will it happen--so that Gerard may breathe again. The sci fi sound fills the room and the kids cling to Daphne. We see the foil ball once more. He is coming! proclaims Tad. He is coming!
NOTES: The return of Karlen as Willie was a joy. He's always been great comic relief, and he was wonderful here, and most welcome. I gather he doesn't know the kids are possessed yet. And another first--Kate Jackson's first lines on DS. She has a trace of a pretty, soft southern accent.
The last thing we need is for Gerard to be alive. Let's hope something happens to stop it.
Nice smooching between Quentin and Daphne there, but he still thinks she's there to do good, and she simply isn't. She has no intention of bringing back David and Hallie.
Carolyn's become quite the creepy seer. She's so good at those scenes! I love when she does her psychic thing. Nancy Barrett's acting range is amazing.
1100 - Where is Gerard? asks Tad--we should go down and meet him. He'll be angry if we don't, predicts Carrie. We must concentrate, says Daphne--it isn't yet finished--we must help him cross that barrier that is higher than any mountain and wider than any ocean--the way is not as easy for him as it was for me--my path was paved with love. She looks at the children and adds, your love--concentrate. They obey. There's a knock at the door. It's Gerard! cries Carrie. What if it isn't him? asks Tad--who is it? Open the door! commands Willie. The kids hastily hide Daphne, blow out the candles, erase the pentagram from the floor. I'm sleeping, lies Tad. You weren't sleeping, says Willie, still knocking, I heard ya!--open this door or I'm going to call your Aunt Elizabeth--do you want the whole house here or just me--take your pick! The kids, finished erasing the evidence, stand. Tad opens the door--I can't let you in right now, he says. Willie surveys the debris of the ceremony--what is all this? A game, answers Tad. Sure it is, says Willie, and I know what kind. You can't, says Tad, because I made it up. It's a star, says Willie, I've seen them before like that--you've got the devil in you, that's for sure--Quentin told me all about you--Tad. Tad grins. You tell me all about this black magic stuff, you hear? demands Willie. The man is quite mad, wouldn't you say so, Carrie? asks Tad. Quite, she says, grinning, he doesn't know the type of games we like to play. From her hiding place behind a wall (what wall?) Daphne listens. What an interesting name you gave it though, remarks Tad--black magic--I like that--don't you? Very much, she says. You cut this stuff and level with me, says Willie through gritted teeth. What curious expressions he uses, says Carrie--honestly, Tad, could you "level" with anyone? I don't believe I'd know how, jokes Tad. I'd believe that, says Willie--you won't tell me, I know who you will tell. Where are you going to take us? asks Tad. To Barnabas, says Willie. And what if we don't decide to go with you? ask Tad. You got no choice, says Willie, he'll know what to do with you, now come on. Arms crossed over his chest, Tad asks, what makes you think you have the right? The fact that I'm bigger than you, replies Willie, who physically pushes them out of the room--now you come on--you too! he barks at Carrie.
Left alone, Daphne stands looking at the remains of the pentagram, wondering where Gerard is now.
Willie, trying to figure out what to do, paces back and forth in front of Tad and Carrie, who sit on the sofa in the drawing room. Why don't you go look for your friend, Barnabas? asks Tad. Shut up, orders Willie, just sit there and be quiet. Are we going to wait here until he arrives? asks Tad. Must we sit here all night? asks Carrie plaintively. Willie rubs his hands together, thinking. Can't we go to bed at all? asks Carrie. Hearing dogs howling, Willie listens carefully. I don't want to stay down here anymore, bleats Carrie. I'm not taking you back upstairs until I find out what's going on--and why, insists Willie. The dogs howl again, upsetting him. He decides to go get Quentin, who will know how to deal with this. He spots Maggie climbing downstairs and locks the kids in the drawing room. Maggie, hearing the dogs, says, don't stop me--they're calling to me

--I have to go! The children listen on the other side of the door. Maggie's neck is bandaged. You have to go right back upstairs, orders Willie. He leads her there, Maggie protesting all the way. What's wrong with Maggie? asks Carrie--who's calling her? Hearing the howling, she asks, what kind of animal is that?--like a dog, but different? I've heard that before, in our own time, says Tad. I don't remember it, she says. When Mr. Loomis comes back, begins Tad. No one will make me tell about Gerard, swears Carrie--no one. We've got to get away from him, says Tad--do you suppose Daphne's still in my room? Where else could she be? asks Carrie. We've got to get to her, says Tad. If we don't, she says, Gerard can't come back (she seems glad about it). Don't say that! protests Tad--can't you feel his presence in this very room? They hear the carousel music. Gerard? calls Carrie. It wasn't our fault, says Tad, we performed the ceremony, tried to bring you to life--it wasn't our fault we failed! Gerard appears to them, standing by the fireplace, glaring angrily.
Gerard, says Carrie, it wasn't our fault, honestly, we did everything Daphne told us to do! It was Mr. Loomis, says Tad--you should be angry at him. We'll try again, promises Carrie. Gerard comes toward them. This time, Tad hastily assures him, Carrie won't say anything about not trying--will you, Carrie? He tugs her arm. Terrified, she promises. He's about to attack when Daphne enters the room. The kids run to her. What were you going to do, Gerard? asks Daphne. He want us to perform the ceremony again, says Tad--tonight. Daphne hugs the children--we can't, she says--the stars are out of position now

--Gerard knows that--perhaps when he's alive again, he'll forget how important punishing has become to him--I hope so--we'll try again tomorrow night, and won't fail then. Then we can't use my room, says Tad--they'll be watching us much too carefully. We'll find the place and the time, she assures them, we'll manage. Gerard disappears. Daphne, you must leave now, says Tad--Mr. Loomis will be coming back. Where will you go? asks Carrie. Please don't ask me, says Daphne. You must tell us if we're to come to you, says Tad. She walks over and picks up the photo of Quentin. It's Quentin, says Tad. You've seen him? asks Carrie. I don't want Quentin to know, says Daphne. He wouldn't ask where you were, says Tad. Yes he would, Daphne says, he knows everything except about Gerard and my hiding place--you must not tell him. Carrie promises. I'll be in Rose Cottage, says Daphne, still clutching Quentin's photo--come to me when night falls. But your clothes, protests Carrie, you can't go through the woods like that--someone will see you. We have clothes for you in my room, says Tad. We must be careful, warns Carrie. Tad opens the double doors--Daphne, he asks, must you go alone? She nods, taking the photo with her. Lock the doors so they won't know any difference, says Tad. Till tomorrow, she says, kissing them goodbye. Be careful, says Carrie. Please, adds Tad. Daphne locks them in.
Maggie stands in her room, listening raptly to the howling dogs. Please lie down, try not to hear it, pleads Willie. I can hear nothing else, she insists. I know, Willie assures her. Where is Mrs. Johnson? asks Willie--how did you get out of the room?--she was supposed to be watching you--I've got other things to do. Leave--just go, Willie, says Maggie, intent on the howling dogs. No, I can't, says Willie. Why are you trying to stop me? she asks. Because I know what will happen to you out there, he says. No, you don't, you can't know, says Maggie, sounding like she's in a trance. Willie puts a hand on her shoulder--it will soon be dawn, he says--you'll be able to rest, for a little while, anyway--just hold on until the dawn, try to get through it. Maggie sits slowly on the bed. Who is it? asks Willie--who's out there, calling you?--tell me, please. Maggie doesn't reply.
Next day - birds are singing! Maggie's room - She is awake, but not looking too well. Tad and Carrie, dressed in new 70's duds, come in and sit on her bed--Maggie, you've got to help us--you're the only one who can, beg the kids. They want to send us away, says Tad. Unless you can stop them, says Carrie. I don't understand what you're talking about, says Maggie. That Dr. Hoffman, says Carrie. And Quentin, adds Tad. Why do they want to send you away? asks Maggie--you must have misunderstood. No, says Tad, we didn't. Perhaps they planned a trip for you, suggests Maggie. We can't go away now, protests Tad. Not today, says Carrie. Especially today! says Tad. Carolyn tried talking to them, but they wouldn't listen! wails Carrie. Where do they want you to go? asks Maggie (who calls him David). Someplace called Windcliff, says Tad. Why do they want you to go there? asks Maggie, upset. Is it a terrible place? asks Carrie. It must be, says Tad, if that's where they want us to go. You've been to Windcliff, Maggie reminds "David"--Julia drove you there more than a year ago--I remember, don't you? Exchanging panicked glances with Carrie, Tad covers, saying, yes, I remember, and I didn't like it then and don't like it now. Why do they want to send you? asks Maggie--you're both feeling all right, aren't you? Yes, says Tad. Of course we are, adds Carrie. It makes no sense that they want to send you there, says Maggie. She slips on her robe--I'll go talk to them, she promises. Willie enters the room--why are you bothering Maggie? he asks the kids. We aren't, they assure him. Julia and Quentin want to see you in the drawing room, reports Willie. Maggie, says Tad a note of desperation in his tone. They're waiting for you right now--go on, orders Willie. Go ahead, says Maggie, I'll be down in just a moment--I promise. The kids leave. Willie closes the door. What's going on in this house? asks Maggie. I wish I knew, sighs Willie, but I don't--you shouldn't be up and out of bed. I've got to be, she insists, they need me! Who needs you? he asks. David and Hallie, she says. You don't know, realizes Willie--I guess they didn't want to tell you because of the way you feel --"Maggie, those two children--they're possessed." Maggie is flabbergasted.
Tad and Carrie enter David's bedroom to find the latter's suitcase on the bed. It's already packed, notes Tad. I'm sure Hallie's suitcase is packed in my room, too, says Carrie. We can't go, says Tad. We have to meet Daphne tonight! agrees Carrie. What if we can't? asks Tad, placing his hands on her shoulders for emphasis--do you have any idea what Gerard will do?
Willie finishes explaining the situation to Maggie--it's all I know and it's all true--David is Tad and the girl is Carrie--and I'm sorry I had to be the one to tell you. It's all my fault, laments Maggie. No, he objects. If I'd been well, she says... Could you really have stopped it? he asks--could anyone? She shakes her head.
Tad and Carrie, wearing jackets, walk hand in hand downstairs and sneak from the house.
Daphne, now wearing a red dress of Vicki's, paces at Rose Cottage. She's placed Quentin's picture on the table and picks it up, exulting in the forgotten feeling of being alive--of having hope, of love--oh, Quentin, can there be any hope for this love of ours?--or must we be forever apart?--oh, Quentin, Quentin! (she's taken the bows from her hair, too.) Gerard drops his hand to her shoulder. She turns--you mustn't be angry, she says--we tried to bring you back to life--you would be alive today if Willie Loomis hadn't walked into the room--that isn't my fault, she says. He picks up Quentin's photograph. It isn't because of him! cries Daphne. Gerard smashes the picture frame against the edge of the table, shattering glass. He's been kind to me, that's all! insists Daphne--he could have told them everything! He grabs her throat--I loved you when we first met, remember? she reminds him--and you loved me--you loved me. He removes his hands from her throat, walks away, and disappears. Gerard, are you here? she calls. He's gone, she says to herself--he will destroy Quentin!--he will destroy everyone--I must not allow him to be let loose in the world again--I must not help bring him back to life. Tad and Carrie come in, expressing fear over being taken to Windcliff. It's a hospital or something, says Carrie.

Before night! says Tad. Don't you understand? says Carrie--if they catch us, we won't be able to bring Gerard back! You must go, insists Daphne. We can't--Gerard! says Tad, holding her hands. He'll understand, says Daphne. He will NOT understand, you know he won't! says Tad. He never understands, adds Carrie. Gerard will understand, insists Daphne, you must do whatever he tells you to do. She puts placating hands on their shoulders, and, even as Tad cries no, pushes them out the door and orders, return to Collinsport (I'm assuming Collinwood). Run! Daphne says, closing the door after them. Gerard, I sent them away because without them, we'll be free of Barnabas and Julia--it won't interfere with our plans--we don't need the children to be together again, believe me--trust me, Gerard!
Playroom - Gerard lights a candle. He goes around to the back of the dollhouse and sets it on fire.
In the real Rose Cottage, Daphne finds the room filling with flames--and the door locked.
Gerard knocks the dolls out of the way and holds a finger against the door in the dollhouse, effectively sealing the real door in the real Rose Cottage. Daphne tries the doorknob but it won't turn--she turns to find the flames creeping closer and closer.
Gerard smiles triumphantly.
NOTES: We always knew Willie had a soft spot for Maggie, but whatever became of his fiancee, Roxanne? Did she leave because there would have been a second woman with the same name as her? I always loved the way Willie protected and cared for Maggie. It was really sweet. Also, where, we wonder, has Willie been all this time? It seems like he just popped up, but I assume we are to presume that he's been there all along, and we just haven't seen him. I guess he kept house at the Old House while Barnabas was in PT.
OK, now Gerard is pissed, probably because he knows Daphne's promise to bring him back to life is a lie and she has replaced him with Quentin. He is going to kill her, take away her newly-resurrected life because he's such an SOB. She says she loved him once, and he loved her, but while I can understand him loving her, why would she love him? She seems softer now, no longer a villain, and appears to have gained knowledge about Gerard and how dangerous he is. Will she pay for her betrayal? And will Gerard "get" the children anyway?
Lots going on, and it appears this will be the destruction of Rose Cottage, the second to last clue. Who is going to be murdered, Daphne? Perhaps these two clues happen simultaneously?
Love, Robin