the transition time was disasterous as we've discussed but this is a good look .. i'm not sure she doesn't have some help though. . there is a photo floating around (a friend got it at the DS fest) where she's obviously very tired, has on tons of makeup and is wearing a wig. . .i don't know if it was leading up to PT, one of the few Julia-Hoffman RT/PT scenes are now. . cuz when i watch these eps it does really look like her hair. . and babes. .i can spot a wig or rug from a mile away. . . .Actually this photo I'm referring to might be from the HODS where we KNOW she wore a wig. . .
Her costume for that photos appears to be the blue dress, with a dual conjoined ringed gold broach with a centered stone in the conjoined rings on her collar. . .if you see her in that check out the hair and let me know. . .I'll finally have SCIFI again starting Sept 1st. . .yeah!