Hey gang,
I was also wondering what happened to that inverness coat that Mr. B. was wearing in the PT Angelique room (only to magically disappear once the room reverted to "future" RT).
Wasn't Barnabas wearing that coat when he first "crossed over" into Parallel Time? And, if he wasn't wearing it right after "offing" the great Schuyler Rumsom in RT, do you think that Barnabas had much difficulty in picking up an inverness coat at the men's clothing department at Brewster's Department Store in Parallel Time? (Somehow, I find it hard to believe that even that fine men's clothing store just happened to have an inverness coat exactly in Barnabas' size, a 42 regular, I'd have to say.)
Of course, we might also wonder how Dr. Julia Hoffman just happened to get all of those scientific gizmos and gadgets on such short notice for her medical procedure to revive the winsome Roxanne Drew?
I mean, when Dr. H. and Mr. B. took over the phenomenal Dr. Eric Lang's so-called "life force exchange experiment" to create Adam, they merely had to schlep all of the scientific equipment from Dr. Lang's house over to the basement of the Old House. Yet, in Parallel Time, Julia obviously had to go out and obtain all of that needed scientific equipment.
What the heck did the estimable Julia Hoffman do, make an order over the phone to Boston's "Mad Scientist's Equipment R' Us," operating 24/7 with overnight shipping for the convenience of all budding Dr. Frankenstein's in the greater New England area?
By the way, Julia should have "left" that ugly-#ss green outfit of hers back in Parallel Time, IMHO.
Bob the Bartender, the "Mr. Blackwell" of the Blue Whale.