Author Topic: #1028/1029: Robservations 07/21/03: Kidnapped!  (Read 1460 times)

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#1028/1029: Robservations 07/21/03: Kidnapped!
« on: July 20, 2003, 01:19:36 PM »
1028 - Eying the sleeping Maggie with salacious intent, Yaeger urges himself--go for it now. . .I'll take her from this house--but where? I must find a place!  He's about to pounce when the phone rungs.  Yaeger hides in the drapery.  Maggie awakens and answers the phone.  It's Quentin, at the lab with the upset Sabrina. Stay with her, says Maggie--find out everything you can. Yaeger listens carefully to Maggie's side of the conversation. Maggie asks Quentin, do you want me to come to the lab?  He apparently says no.  I understand, says Maggie--good night. She falls back onto her pillow.  Yaeger is again about to strike, but a knock at the door sends him scurrying back to his hiding place (he so reminds me of an old-time villain in these scenes). It's Daniel. As Maggie reaches to turn on the light, the stagehands beat her to the punch--it goes on before she touches it. Where's my father? Asks Daniel.  At Cyrus' lab, she explains. I'll go to Cousin Roger, says Daniel.  Maggie stops him--I'd like to help if I possibly can, she offers. I was looking out my window, says the boy--I saw a man coming toward the house
--he got onto the terrace and started going toward the French windows. Perhaps it was the night watchman (they have one?),  suggests Maggie. No, says Daniel, he was bigger than Riggs, much bigger, I could tell. Are you sure it isn't your imagination? she asks.  (after all she's been through) Daniel looks hurt. I'm sorry for doubting you, she says. Then why are you? he asks. I can't imagine why anyone would try to sneak into the house, says Maggie. There are quite a few valuable things in this house, you know, he says petulantly. I know, says Maggie, I'm sorry--come along, we will go find Roger; if anyone did sneak into the house, he'll find them. She and Daniel leave.  Yaeger, angry at being foiled, steals Maggie's brush, comb and mirror and stuffs them in his pocket. He leaves through the window.

Sabrina is at the lab, looking for records of the experiment--if I had known when he was working on it, I might have been able to stop him! (How?) She flips through books, searching fruitlessly. Yaeger interrupts her. So, looking for the records? he asks. She gazes at him, scared, but forces herself to walk toward him. Why are you looking at me like that? she asks. Cyrus...she begins. Don't call me that! he commands, that's not my name!  He advances toward her--where is Quentin? he asks. I made him leave, she says. I bet you did, says Yaeger--where did he go, the police? No, she says, I swear, he knows nothing. I don't believe you, says Yaeger. I'd never betray you, she says softly. You are a fool! he cries--no wonder he was bored by you! He wasn't, she insists, but not like she believes it. You don't even know, do you? sneers Yaeger, you have no idea how he went to the Eagle every single night to see Buffie Harrington. Sabrina covers her ears and shouts, "I don't believe you!" She walks away from him. Yaeger laughs, "Whenever HE got there, he was too afraid to do anything!"  Sabrina points to herself and says, Cyrus loves me. You're going to have to find somebody else, he says. I won't, she insists. You're never going to see Cyrus Longworth again, he says. Don't you say that! she insists. I've murdered him, Sabrina, Yaeger taunts. NOOOO! She screams, again covering her ears (ridiculous!). Yes, he continues, you have been witness to a murder, you have, you saw his face turn into mine, saw his hands turn into these, strong hands that just TAKE whatever they want--hands that punish--do they frighten you, Sabrina? No, she responds, because I know Cyrus is still there. He snorts. You have not destroyed him, she says. That's my triumph, Sabrina, I have, he says--don't you have any idea how he hated being himself, so much that he just became me!  NO! Sabrina protests. And those detestable traits of his, continues Yaeger, they don't even exist anymore!  They will, again, insists Sabrina--you've left before, but you became Cyrus!  And I hated it every single time! he says  Why didn't you stay Yaeger? she asks. I used his body, to escape, says Yaeger. From what? she demands.  She gasps as the deadly sword leaps from the tip of his cane. See the sword? He asks, how easily it enters a body?--with just one little flick of my wrist and a scream in the night. Sabrina remembers: "Gladstone!" Yes, boasts Yaeger, he was my first victim, Sabrina, and ever since then, this sword hungers for another--are you going to be its next victim, Sabrina --are you? He brings the sword close to the terrified woman's face...

Do I frighten you? asks Yaeger--oh, good, because Cyrus Longworth never did. He attempts to retract the sword, but the whole damn thing falls out of the cane, another classic blooper. Yaeger, trying to recover it, asks, what's wrong with you?--you think too much, he accuses, you're just like Cyrus. He picks up cane and blade and holds them together in one hand. Why did you kill Gladstone? asks Sabrina. Because he dared to try to blackmail me! answers Yaeger, and you know what?--it was the perfect murder, just perfect. I don't believe you, says Sabrina--there must be some way for you to turn back to Cyrus, there must!  He chuckles cruelly. What a fool I was, she moans, working with you all this time, never suspecting your secret--there must be some way--you must be Cyrus again! He laughs derisively. You must, she insists--the police must be after you--I want to help, I'll do anything you ask, only please be Cyrus again. She clings to his arm. I can't, insists Yaeger--I have too much to do that Cyrus is afraid to do. You were working on a formula, she reminds him, is there something that you take? You'll just have to be satisfied to know what you do, he says.  I'll never be satisfied, says Sabrina. Then I'll kill you, he threatens.
You will need me, she says with dignity--I'll be here, waiting, I will do anything to help you. You love him that much, marvels Yaeger--all right, you will be right here, every single night, and maybe sometime I'll come visit you, and maybe I'll need you, and I'll always enter through that door (he gestures to the back basement door) and you'll always be right here, alone...well, until tomorrow. Don't go, she begs. I'm sorry, I have a lot to do, he says. Where are you going? she asks. I'm going to take care of something, he says--I'm going to take something that Cyrus is too timid to take (he licks his lips)--remember, not one word, Sabrina, or you're going to end up like our friend, the late Horace Gladstone. He leaves. Sabrina is completely rocked.

Daniel enters Maggie's room. Have you seen Hoffman today? She asks. No, he says. I wonder if she took my comb, brush and mirror, muses Maggie. Is anything else gone? he asks. Not that I've noticed, says Maggie--do you still think someone sneaked into the house last night?  No, you and Cousin Roger showed me I was wrong, replies Daniel. Did you have any trouble getting back to sleep last night? she asks. No, he says. Good, she answers, smiling. I have something for you, he says, I don't know if you'll like it or not, and it may be kind of childish, but...he smiles. He hands her a large, lovely shell. It's beautiful! she exclaims. I found it this morning, he says. I really appreciate your giving it to me, says Maggie.  It's a thank you for last night, he says--would you like to go where I found it sometime? Yes, she says eagerly. We'll go together, he promises, I'll see you later. Maggie smiles, delighted--I'm winning him over!  (And when did this change take place? The last time we saw Daniel, he wanted his stepmother OUT!)

Yaeger has found himself some creepy new basement digs.  The landlord promises to make him a good deal on it. Most people want to be near a town, says the prospective landlord. Yaeger nods--I prefer living alone, he says. You'll sure be away from things out here, the young man promises--nobody has lived here since my grandfather died last year. Yaeger admires one of the large basement rooms, which the young man says was used for storage--my grandmother canned a lot. Yaeger turns on the light and looks around--very interesting, he remarks--I think I'd like a new door--I'll buy it if you install it. Save your money, the young man advises Yaeger--this door will last you a long time yet. No, says Yaeger, you don't understand, I'm a scientist engaged in a rather unusual scientific practice, and this place would be just perfect for my lab--it would suit my requirements just fine--is that the only door? Yes, answers the young man. This room would be quite soundproofed, says Yaeger. Sure, agrees the landlord. My work has to do with sound, explains Yaeger, I measure the velocity of high speed notes, if you know what I mean, and this would be just perfect--shall we discuss the terms?  When would you be wanting it? the young man asks. Immediately, says Yaeger--I think I'll go home, pick up a few small things and take up residence tonight. That's awfully quick, comments the landlord. Do you want to rent it or not? asks Yaeger. Sure I do, the landlord assures him.  Yaeger points to a wall--I'd like a cot there, he says, since I work very late and get very tired, and a rocking chair conducive to meditation, and a mirror--I'm not a vain man, but it helps me in my work--and anything else I think would be comfortable.  Do you do this work alone? asks the landlord. Yes, says Yaeger, and this room would be perfect to be alone in--just perfect! They leave the basement.

Maggie sits reading in her room. Daniel enters--I saw Hoffman, he says--she doesn't know what happened to your brush and other things--when I told her they were missing, she looked awfully surprised. He leans on the back of her chair. There must be some explanation, she insists.  You've been here long enough to know that strange things happen here, he reminds her. Maggie says, "Now, Daniel..."  They do, he says, and sometimes before they happen, I get a feeling, like I had last night, like I'm having now--it's true, Maggie, I know it, something terrible is going to happen tonight.  Maggie looks understandably disturbed at this pronouncement.

The basement room Yaeger rented, complete with fireplace, cot, rocking chair, a table and other homey accouterments, pleases him very much. There's even a nice lampshade on the formerly bare lightbulb.  Yaeger pulls Maggie's brush, comb and mirror out of his pockets and places them on the vanity. He rubs his face against the brush in a most kinky manner, as if it were Maggie herself. The young landlord comes in.  Yaeger quickly puts down the brush he was making love to. Everything OK? asks the landlord. Perfect! says Yaeger. This door was some job, the man says. You did a good job, praises Yaeger. I've got everything packed and will be on my way, says the young man--as soon as I settle with you. Leaving town tonight? asks Yaeger--said all your good-byes? (Who else got a sinking feeling about this point?) Yes, answers the young man, but I didn't have many good-byes to say...this place sure doesn't look like what I imagined a lab would look like. Oh? asks Yaeger, taking out his cane.  I don't see anyplace to work, comments the landlord. Don't you? asks Yaeger. What kind of experiment did you say you were working on? queries the landlord. I don't believe I did, says Yaeger. Something with sound, you said, remembers the landlord.  Did I? questions Yaeger. You work with animals, guesses the landlord. What makes you say that? asks Yaeger. It's the door with the bolt on it, says the landlord. You certainly are a curious fellow, remarks Yaeger. It is my property, says the landlord--exactly what are you going to use this place for?  "What would you think if I told you a prison?" asks Yaeger, grinning--a dungeon. Aw come on, says the landlord. I'm quite serious, Yaeger assures him. Next you'll be telling me you're going to bring some fairy princess in here and lock her up! kids the landlord. I hadn't planned on telling you that, says Yaeger, but you're quite right, Mr. Wicks. Wait a minute, says the landlord. No, you wait a minute, says Yaeger, holding his cane-sword threateningly at the young man. You're serious, his landlord says. Very, says Yaeger.
Now I don't want any trouble here, insists Mr. Wicks. You can't stop the trouble, says Yaeger--you said all your goodbyes to all your friends--I guess they won't miss you much, will they? Holding his hands out in supplication, Wicks again says, "I don't want any trouble here." Yaeger says, "No, Wicks, no"--and stabs him to death. The handsome young landlord screams in pain.

Maggie bids Daniel good night--it's been a lovely day, she says--and see, nothing bad has happened. At least not yet, he says. When I was growing up, she relates, I used to have those feelings, too, that something would go bad. You did? he asks. And you know what, it never did, it never came true, she says. Well, mine do come true, he says worriedly, honest, they do. They wish each other good night.  I'm very happy about last night, she says, and today, too--I have a feeling we're going to become good friends. Yeah, he says. She sees him out of the room, then answers the phone. It's Yaeger, in a phone booth, posing as Cyrus--I must see you, he says, but I can't tell you over the phone what it's all about--will you meet me? Of course--at the lab? she asks. No, Sabrina's there, he says, I'd rather she didn't know--as a matter of fact, I'd rather no one knew, not even Quentin. Why? she asks. Maggie, he says, if you come, you must agree to my conditions, you'll understand after I see you.
Does this have anything to do with John Yaeger? she asks--has he gotten you into some kind of trouble?  Will you come or not? he demands. Of course, she says, where?  Widows' Hill, he says, closing his eyes--I know it sounds strange, but I can't think of anywhere else we won't be seen--it's vital I see you, can you meet me there at 11? I don't understand, admits Maggie, but yet. . ..  Don't tell anyone, he says. That will be very difficult, she says. I'll be in danger if you do, he warns--do you want that? No, she assures him.  He grins. "I'll see you then, he says.

NOTES: Aldon Wicks? With a name like that, perhaps he's better off dead, but he sure was a cutie, and he died so horribly. As soon as Yaeger started asking all those questions about him leaving town, saying goodbye to friends, etc., I realized he could have no witnesses to his murderous scheme, especially after telling him all about it. I wonder what Yaeger did with the body? Brrr.

Once again, Maggie is Clueless in Collinsport. I would think she'd be more careful of Cyrus' urgent desire to see her in such a desolate place, given Daniel's premonition, but then again, her own never came true, so why should she believe him? For all she knew, someone could have been holding a gun on Cyrus, forcing him to say those words to her. Her decision to go immediately was very unwise, but typical, I guess. And when did Daniel decide to be so chummy with Maggie? It would have been more effective to have a scene or two in which he was starting to thaw towards her. This was too sudden.

Yaeger is like a dog in heat when it comes to Maggie. Sabrina is all set to "help" him. Wonder what she'd say if she knew he was planning to kidnap another woman, hold her hostage, rape her, and kill an innocent man in the bargain? Rather than being so blind to what's happened, why  doesn't she work to find a way to return Cyrus to his own body?

This is so melodramatic, you've got to love every second of it. I know I am, as I did decades ago. Actually, I think we're heading for the final third of this storyline. And it's pretty good from now on!

1029 - John Yaeger reminds me of Snidely Whiplash!

Quentin enters his and Maggie's bedroom, where she is lost in thought.  Who were you talking to on the phone? He asks.  It was nothing, answers Maggie, just Sabrina, who didn't say what was wrong with her last night. She just called to chat? asks Quentin in disbelief.  What's with the inquisition? she asks. Nothing, he says, I'm just very concerned about Sabrina--did she say where Cyrus is? No, says Maggie, her eyes darting guiltily back and forth in her head.
If I didn't know any better, remarks Quentin, I'd think they were having a fight, but then, they never fight--I have a feeling they need our help. Perhaps we can help them, very soon, she says vaguely. You're not telling me all you know, he accuses. I'm sorry, she says, my mind was on something else--the weirdest thing has happened--my silver mirror and brush are gone. I'm sure you just misplaced it, he suggests. No, she says, Daniel and Julia haven't seen them either. You'll find them, he says. No, insists Maggie, I've looked everywhere, I just don't understand it. "Maggie," complains Quentin, I hate that phrase, everyone who mentions it immediately begins to start talking about the supernatural, so you surely don't mean the resident ghost has taken them." Of course not, she says--you make me sound so silly (duh).  I promised to help my son with his homework, says Quentin--I'm glad you and Daniel have made up a bit. She grins--it's the only good thing that's happened lately, she says. I'm not so glad you're able to say that, says Quentin, and leaves. She looks uncertain.

Angelique enters the drawing room, where Barnabas waits. She gaily asks, have you come to see me?  He turns to face her.  No, he says, I've come to see Quentin. Do you plan to tell him I'm Angelique returned from the dead? she asks.  You've already pointed out the danger in that, he reminds her. I just wondered how carefully you listened, she says. "I always listen to an enemy," he says. (Go, Barn!)
The smile leaves her face--oh, she says, you are frank, aren't you?--I can learn a lot from you--I've been doing a lot of reading on a very fascinating subject--parallel time--does that phrase mean anything to you? Should it? he asks. Perhaps, she says--the theory is that there are other bands of time besides our own, and we live in them also--and there are even places where people can move from one band of time to the other. It hardly seems possible, says Barnabas. Even to YOU? she asks--the East Wing seems to be one of those places where one can move back and forth--I wonder what would happen if one of us happened to be standing in that room when it changed? There's only one way to find out, says Barnabas--by staying in that room. "Is that what happened to you when you came from your time, Mr. Collins?" she asks sharply. He looks at her and says, I wish I could confess to what you're implying, but I am not a visitor from another time. Quentin joins them--"Barnabas" he says--"how pleasant--am I interrupting something here?"  She and Barnabas exchange challenging glances, but she says, no, Quentin no, I still have letters to write and will catch up on them now--it was nice talking to you again, Mr. Collins--"I seem to get to know you better each time we're together--I like that." "As I do," he smiles.  She leaves the room, closing the doors behind her. Barnabas refuses Quentin's offer of a brandy.  They agree they are both very concerned about what's happening here. If you were as concerned as I think you should be, advises Barnabas, you would take Maggie away from here. That's being a little bit melodramatic, don't you think? asks Quentin. I think not, insists Barnabas--what happened here the other night is not to be discounted--Maggie did hear Angelique's voice--I know you doubt the picture spoke to her... Quentin pointedly asks Barnabas, how did YOU know that?  Maggie told me, answers Barn, she was very upset--there is a spirit here that means to harm your wife. Yes, chuckles Quentin, a spirit, a vengeful spirit. You doubt it? asks Barn. I have a feeling that Maggie herself is responsible for what's happening here. "Quentin!" says Barnabas reproachfully. I haven't told that to anyone, and probably shouldn't tell you, says Quentin, but I'd be lying if I didn't admit it--none of these occurrences took place until Maggie got here. You don't believe that! says Barnabas. I don't know what I believe, admits Quentin. You must decide, says Barnabas, and you're wasting your time doubting your wife--your present wife, at least--look around you, that's all I ask, decide who is good and who is evil. (Outside the doors, Angelique listens carefully.)  Are you trying to warn me about someone specifically? asks Quentin. I cannot without having proof, says Barnabas, nor should you accuse Maggie without proof, either. Angelique makes a face at this comment. I must go upstairs and speak to Elizabeth, says Barnabas. Angelique hurriedly leaves her eavesdropping post, knowing he is soon to exit. He does, heading upstairs.  Angelique exits her hiding place in the kitchen area, enters the drawing room and immediately tells Quentin, I heard you talking to Barnabas, and I'm sure he means ME--he's been against me ever since he came here--he has, I don't know why, I've tried to accept him, like we all have, someone we know nothing about, but he seems to think I'm causing all this trouble--"All I want is for the two of you to be happy," she insists, going into his arms. He hugs her, reassuring her, rubbing her back-- everything will be all right, he promises, as if she's a little kid--we all want he best for each of us, he says soothingly.

 In Yaeger's creepy new digs, he's prepared for Maggie's arrival, smoothing out the bed covers. It's 10 o'clock, he tells himself, in an hour, Maggie will COME to me. (Emphasis is correct.) Will she like this room? he wonders--I must make it more comfortable--there must be everything here she wants! He takes his cane and heads out.

Yaeger, who can apparently enter Collinwood without any difficulty at all, enters Maggie's room again. He takes her suitcase, puts it on the bed and begins to fill it with her clothes (but first he rubs them against his face, the pervert).

I won't have Barnabas upsetting you, Alexis, Quentin assures her--if he gives you anymore trouble, you must let me know. Oh, Quentin, she croons, you are kind, such a kind man. He rubs her arm and assures her, it's all right. Maggie enters.  I was just coming out to look for you, says Quentin--"Alexis," please excuse us.  The blond leaves. I have an errand in town, begins Maggie.  Not before we have a little talk, my dear, insists Quentin--why did you tell Barnabas you heard Angelique's voice? Because he was here, she says (and far more sympathetic than you.). That is no reason, he insists. I thought it was, she says defensively, Elizabeth found me in the room and I was very upset. But Elizabeth did not hear the voice, he reminds her. Elizabeth believed me, says Maggie, she brought me down here--Quentin, you still don't think anything happened; you still think it was my imagination! (Angelique listens again outside the door.) I just don't think you should confide something to a total stranger! says Quentin angrily. I wouldn't call Barnabas that! says Maggie. And even if it did happen, continues Quentin, I don't want everybody to know about it. I think you'd prefer that no one did, accuses Maggie.  Angelique goes upstairs. Perhaps, agrees Quentin. Perhaps you would wish I hadn't even told you, she says. Maggie, he says, I don't want to fight about this again. Our fights just go on and on because not one of them is resolved, she says. And who's at fault? he demands--you keep believing that you find...and you keep doubting every word that I say, she shoots back. With reason! he says, and stamps out of the room. She follows him, calling his name, but we hear yet another door slam.

Entering Maggie and Quentin's room, Angelique discovers Yaeger there.  Who are you? she demands, then says, no, you don't have to tell me, I already know--you're John Yaeger!  She locks the door behind her--I've been wanting to talk to you, she says--"Does the second Mrs. Collins know that you're here--is it possible she has a secret life?" She giggles--"Oh, what fun!" How do you know who I am? he asks, his voice dangerously low. I collection information, she replies, I know about you and Mrs. Collins, she confides in me. That isn't very wise, opines Yaeger.  No, no, says Ang--you and I can be friends, John Yaeger.  Oh? he asks, eyeing her hungrily, you make up your mind even quicker than I do. I have the ability to recognize evil, she says. And deal with it? he asks. I'm not afraid of it, she assures him--now either Mrs. Collins knows that you're here or you have a plan, and I want to know what it is. Do you value you life? he asks warningly. I'm not afraid of dying, she says. His face is very close to hers. Tell me your plan, she commands, and tell it to me now, before someone else comes in here. She grins.

Drawing room - A despairing Maggie tells Barnabas, it's no good, I can't reach him, and can't even confide in him anymore--I'm not supposed to be talking to you, Quentin doesn't like that. I'm sorry Quentin should feel that way, says Barnabas. I need help! cries Maggie. I know that, says Barnabas, and there is one person in this house that you must not trust. Who? asks Maggie. I know what you're going to say before I even tell you her name, he says. Hoffman? she asks--I don't trust her. No, not Hoffman, he says, although she's somehow involved--"Maggie, ALEXIS is your enemy." Barnabas! she protests. I know it, he says. You're wrong, she insists. No I'm not, he tells her. But she's been so nice to me, says Maggie. That's part of her plan, he says gently. She couldn't be responsible for what's been happening, says Maggie, she's as frightened of it as I am.  No, she's just pretending, he explains. Barnabas, says earnestly, I like you, and respect you very much, but you can't expect me to believe that without some sort of evidence--you don't have any, do you? None that you'd believe, he answers reluctantly.

In Maggie's room, Angelique watches as Yaeger picks up a silver beaded necklace belonging to Maggie. "This is hers," he says, fondling the necklace in his fingers, "everything she's touched I must have! Oh I just want her so much!" And you will have her, promises Angelique, holding his arm, all you need is for me to help you to make your plan work perfectly--I can arrange it so Maggie Collins leaves this house hating Quentin--and I can also arrange it so Quentin will not follow and look for her. "You want him," says Yaeger. Yes, she says eagerly, now we understand each other
--your plan is a good one, very good, all it needs is for me to give it the finishing touches. And here, Miss Stokes, Yaeger says, all I thought of you was that you're a very pretty woman. Oh, I'm more, she brags, much, much more--now, I'll see that you get out of here safely. One question, he says--why is it that you came in this room tonight?  I had to borrow something of Maggie's, she says, something I needed for both of our purposes--she pulls a handkerchief out of the dresser--this will do. She unlocks the door, checks the hallway, and gestures for Yaeger, carrying Maggie's suitcase, to follow.

11 PM - Maggie enters her bedroom and looks at the clock. She hears Angelique's taunting voice: "Quentin doesn't believe you, Maggie!"  Maggie looks around nervously.

Angelique, down in the drawing room, sits beside the fire, holding Maggie's "M" monogrammed handkerchief in her hands. "He doesn't care enough to believe you," she adds.

Where are you? cries Maggie, searching frantically around the room.  Watching you, says Angelique's voice, I am always watching you--waiting for the time when you decide to leave. I won't leave! wails Maggie, I won't! Yes you will! says Angelique. STOP IT! screams Maggie. Quentin enters--who are you talking to? he asks--what's going on here?  "He hates you, Maggie!" says Angelique's voice. Did you hear that? Maggie demands of her husband, who looks at her blankly.

Quentin gazes quizzically at his wife--what am I supposed to hear? he asks. Angelique bursts into giggles. Her laughter, says Maggie, holding up her hand--surely you hear that. Whose laughter? he asks. Angelique's giggles fade away.  Quentin, Angelique was in this room, says Maggie. Now Maggie... he begins placatingly. Why won't you believe me? she begs. Because it isn't true--there's no one here, he insists. Are you in some sort of conspiracy against me, trying to drive me mad? she asks. How dare you say that? he asks, furious. "Because sometimes I think you are!" she yells, and races from the room.

Yaeger hangs up Maggie's clothing in the dungeon room, then takes her long beaded necklace and runs it over his face. "Widows' Hill, how perfect!" he exults, putting down the necklace and leaving the room.

Midnight - Maggie, wearing her coat, runs downstairs. Barnabas meets her, startling her. What's happened? he asks. Nothing, she says, heading for the door. Where are you going? he asks.   "Please, Barnabas," she says in a tear-filled voice. "Let me help you," he calls, but she's already gone. He calls her name again, then goes back into the house.

Fog-shrouded Widows' Hill - Yaeger, waiting for Maggie, checks his watch, crouching low. Maggie appears--Cyrus! she calls, looking around for him. Over here, Maggie, says Yaeger, still hiding. Where are you? she asks. Yaeger appears behind her, grinning, laughing--"I'm here, Maggie."
Seeing who it really is, she screams shrilly to the lightning while Yaeger triumphantly laughs his ass off.

Her scream carries over into the foyer (I think that's a blooper), where Barnabas is telling Quentin, I tried to stop her, but she wouldn't listen. I know you did, Quentin assures him. We must find her, Barnabas insists. No, says Quentin angrily--she'll come back. Barnabas doesn't look as if he agrees with his cousin at all.

Yaeger drags Maggie into his specially prepared dungeon. You'll find everything you want here, he assures her. Maggie sobs, "Cyrus, where is Cyrus?"  Yaeger grabs her into his arms--Cyrus isn't going to come to you, he says. Let me go! she shrieks, covering her face, beginning to sob. "I thought I'd never mind seeing a woman cry," says Yaeger, then backs away, hand on the doorknob--you will learn to like this place, he assures her. No! she pleads, no!  He closes the metal door and locks her in. "LET ME OUT!" she pleads, banging at the door.  Cyrus ignores her and goes upstairs, leaving her alone in the dungeon he created especially for her.

NOTES: Angelique and Yaeger, partners in crime. It gives one shivers to contemplate the damage these two can cause together, because one is a human monster the other inhuman. That she actually got in cahoots with this insane, kinky-minded man shows you how very much she wants to rid herself of Maggie and claim Quentin for herself. Too bad Angelique was right about the way Quentin would react to Maggie--once again, despite the fact that he's seen dozens of weird things happening in the house, he still refuses to believe his own wife when she claims to have heard Angelique's voice speaking to her. Angelique seems to know these two better than they know each other--or themselves. Too bad!

Yaeger continues his kinky ways with Maggie's belongings. Odd that he didn't drag her into the basement prison and rape her immediately, considering the way he's been salivating over it all this time. Sick man, and impatient; you wouldn't have expected him to wait to enjoy the fruits of his labors. Why lick a brush or rub your face on a necklace once the real thing is in your grasp? I thought Yaeger was a macho guy who TAKES what he wants!

Quentin, clueless as usual, is more upset that Maggie confided in Barnabas than the fact that she heard Angelique's voice, which Barnabas supports his belief in. It would be nice to see Quentin get a clue, realize his wife is telling the truth, and be the supportive mate he should be. Barnabas is treating her better than her own husband is, rendering this Quentin a stupid, chauvinistic bully. For shame!

Loved the exchange between Barnabas and Angelique ("I always listen to an enemy"), their sparring, whether in RT or PT, is always fun to watch. When Quentin asked if he was interrupting something, he probably meant a romantic interlude--if he only knew the truth, what would he say?

Barnabas finally warns Maggie who her enemy is, but Maggie stubbornly refuses to believe it. She trusts Barnabas implicitly, it seems, so why not believe him, at least for now, and be more circumspect about Alexis--especially given what we saw happen between Yaeger and Angelique upstairs? Of course, we are privy to all this and Maggie isn't, but Barnabas has been her friend, so why not take what he says at least half-seriously? Thank God that, while Quentin won't search for Maggie, Barnabas will, and hopefully will be her savior.

Now Yaeger has Maggie where he wants her, along with many of her own belongings. Will he take what he wants, rape her kill her--what? What are his long-term plans for Maggie, who should have known better than to meet who she thought was Cyrus on Widows' Hill?

Love, Robin

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Re:#1028/1029: Robservations 07/21/03: Kidnapped!
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2003, 11:53:14 PM »
Daniel enters Maggie's room. Have you seen Hoffman today? She asks. No, he says. I wonder if she took my comb, brush and mirror, muses Maggie. Is anything else gone? he asks. Not that I've noticed, says Maggie--do you still think someone sneaked into the house last night?  No, you and Cousin Roger showed me I was wrong, replies Daniel. Did you have any trouble getting back to sleep last night? she asks. No, he says. Good, she answers, smiling. I have something for you, he says, I don't know if you'll like it or not, and it may be kind of childish, but¢â‚¬¦he smiles. He hands her a large, lovely shell. It's beautiful! she exclaims. I found it this morning, he says. I really appreciate your giving it to me, says Maggie.  It's a thank you for last night, he says--would you like to go where I found it sometime? Yes, she says eagerly. We'll go together, he promises, I'll see you later. Maggie smiles, delighted--I'm winning him over!  (And when did this change take place? The last time we saw Daniel, he wanted his stepmother OUT!)

Doesn't that scene make you feel like you missed some episodes?  Or that Daniel must've gotten into Cyrus' stash and took some nips of his potion? ::)