I'm completely confused. Let me say that louder, because I sense that not everyone is totally surprised that I would be completely confused. In fact, that is a very surprising thing, since I have a big brain weighing a few pounds maybe that lesser mammals such as sheep and plankton and lampreys and breakfast cereals envy like nobody's business. I AM COMPLETELY CONFUSED.
And if by some chance I happen in fact to have a real point of any kind to make, in all probability it is this: in the entire time I've been posting here, probably from, I don't know, vague guess, 2004 on, have the cures been awful things and have the curses been really good things? 'Cause.... I'm getting cursed, and good. But I remember that most of that is from one stupid day when a "floatie" appeared, and I didn't know I was risking cosmological doom by clicking my mouse onto it. I missed... several times... and got the "good" bad karma? So.... nothing succeeds like failure? You see, this is sort of why I said I was totally confused, seeing as how that is exactly what I in fact am.
My good and bad karma seem to rise equally, so why the f am I concerned?