Author Topic: #1004/1005: Robservations 07/01/03:  (Read 1382 times)

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#1004/1005: Robservations 07/01/03:
« on: June 30, 2003, 09:11:52 AM »
1004 - Hannah rises, her expression filled with fear.  Are you frightened of me? asks Angelique.. Who wouldn't be? asks Hannah. I don't mind your being frightened, says Ang, because my aunt is going to serve me. Angelique! protests Hannah.  Don't call me that, warns Angelique, even when we're alone--my name is Alexis.  Hannah looks away. Burn or bury the body, orders Angelique--if you don't, you, too, will feel the terrible cold of the grave--your choice. Suppose someone saw me bringing him here? asks Hannah, terrified. Then you'll tell them he has left, says Angelique coldly--he was a loner, a drifter, anyone who knew him will simply think he's gone on his way. Will they? Hannah asks.  If you answer their questions correctly, yes, says Ang impatiently--"I never knew you were such a coward!"  She turns to go. Don't leave me with him, begs Hannah. But I have to go! insists Angelique.
Don't you ever come to me again, commands Hannah; I will do this thing because I must!--but you will need warmth again--I want no part of it. My dear Aunt Hannah, taunts Angelique, picking up a crystal ball, you were always so fascinated with communicating with the dead, through the Tarot, seances, crystal balls--and yet now you have me, and suddenly all your curiosity has turned to terror--have you learned that the dead are not to be trifled with?--I hope so. There is a spirit at Collinwood, says Hannah, that will not let you do what you planned. Dameon Edwards? asks Angelique. He knows you had something to do with his murder, warns Hannah, and will know you've come back--and what will you do if he makes it clear to Quentin who you really are--what will you do then? Nothing, says Angelique, will keep me from having Quentin forever--nothing!--you will see, Aunt, you will see. And she leaves Hannah to the grisly task of disposing of poor, dead Fred.

Cottage - Trask reveals to Bruno, Angelique's body WAS in the tomb--you were wrong, the woman in the house is Alexis. Why didn't her body deteriorate? asks Bruno. It doesn't matter now, says Trask, the body has been burned. Did Quentin take you into his confidence? asks Bruno.  No, says Trask, I overheard Quentin and Dr. Longworth talking, I saw them go out to do it--Bruno, we're in trouble-- Dameon's ghost is in the house, not because of Angelique, but because of US!  The ghost has been quiet for several days now, Bruno reminds him.
Yes, but it's there, Bruno, I can feel his presence everywhere! Protests Trask. Then get out! shouts Bruno. Where can I go? asks Trask--Hannah said he'd follow me wherever I go. Hannah's a fool, will you quit simpering about the ghost? demands Bruno, until you've got a reason?--hm, he muses, she really is Alexis--I never thought I could be fooled so easily.

Collinwood - Angelique returns, slips off her coat and finds a telegram on the foyer table addressed to Quentin. At first, she slips it into the phone dial, then opens it instead. It's a telegram from Jennifer Evans--your wife does miss you very much; if you call Maggie this evening, I'm sure you could talk her into coming back to you and Collinwood--the time is right. Angelique thinks about that. At the top of the stairs, Quentin, watching her, calls, "Alexis!"

Angelique hides the telegram behind her back as Quentin joins her. I was just thinking about you, she says. Pleasant thoughts? he asks. Of course, she says. Good, I need them, he says. Why? she asks anxiously--has something happened, has Dameon...?  No the house is quiet, he assures her, I'm almost afraid to say that anymore--have a brandy with me, I won't let you say no. I had something to do, she says, still hiding the telegram behind her back. Do it later, he says, the perfect guest always agrees with the host. And I am a guest in this house?--I must remember that, she says, and agrees to the brandy. When he walks into the drawing room, she crumples the telegram; while he prepares the drinks, tosses it into the fireplace. I feel at home here now, she says. He's glad, he says. Are you?--that surprises me, she says--Angelique loved this house so much, too. He hands her the drink. Quentin walks away.  Is it still forbidden to mention her? she asks. He drinks. Would you prefer we discuss Maggie? asks Angelique. He doesn't respond. Sorry, she says, but I am curious about her, you know--how could she ever have left this house? Perhaps it was wise that she did, says Quentin, standing at the window. You don't mean that, says Angelique, you do love her, don't you? Why all this talk about Maggie? he asks. I'm just trying to understand it, she says--perhaps I'm really trying to understand you--were you happy together?  You saw us together, he reminds her. Yes, but before you came to Collinwood, she says, weren't you happy then? Maggie's a child, he says, a very innocent child. (Well!) Not at all like Angelique, says the latter. Quentin looks unhappy. Even when we were children, she says, Angelique was always so adult and sophisticated--when I heard that you'd married again, I was quite surprised. Quentin drains his drink and looks at her--were you now? Yes, she says, I knew you could never find anyone like her. No, no, says Quentin, and walks off. She picks up a piece of statuary and asks, what will you do now?  He takes another drink. Will you try to get Maggie to come back to you? she asks. No, says Quentin sharply--I will not call or write her again, until she makes a decision--then she can call or write me. You've placed the statue on the mantle, he notes--how dod you know to put it there?--Angelique bought it just for that place. Realizing she made a faux pas, Angelique answers, it just seemed right, that's all. Quentin looks puzzled.  Do you again think I'm Angelique just because I did that? she asks. She would never let it be put anywhere else, says Quentin.  Smiling, she says, you know who I am. Yes, he says, you're Alexis, and I know that--a week ago your moving that, I'd have had doubts, but no longer. None? she asks. None, he says. A voice in the room says, "Quentin, you know who I am." (We see Mike R. Phone.) Who is that? asks Angelique. Dameon, whispers Quentin. The lights go out; she runs into his arms. "You know who I am, Quentin," repeats Dameon, "do you know? Do you know?" And the ghost laughs.

Appear to me, commands Quentin, turning on a lamp--what do you want from me?  The laughter continues, louder and louder.  Quentin asks again, Dameon, what do you want from us. "SHE knows!" says Dameon. No, I don't, says Angelique, I swear I don't--why are you here, why do you say that?--he has me confused with Angelique, that's it, I know he does.  The way you're saying it, points out Quentin, you're implying he has a reason for hating Angelique. I know nothing about the two of them, she says.  Of course you don't, agrees Quentin--Dameon is gone, he's disappeared-- now what will we do?--there must be a power to get rid of him. Yes, agrees Angelique, there has to be. We've got to find someone, says Quentin--when I think how I ridiculed Angelique for believing in the occult. She would know what to do now, she says, but that doesn't help us, does it? If you want to go, he says, I'll understand it. And leave you here?--oh, no, Quentin, she assures him, touching his chest--I'm in this now, I must. The front door slams, it's Trask--what's wrong? he asks. Dameon is back, says Quentin.  Trask is terrified. Now perhaps you'll tell us what we want to know, says Quentin--why Dameon Edwards cannot rest. Trask gulps--I know nothing, as I told you before--nothing--it's as great a mystery to me as it is to you, insists Trask. Alexis, I'll take you to your room, offers Quentin--Trask, try to remember more--I'll be here if you want to share. Quentin follows Angelique upstairs  Trask looks around nervously, then checks the drawing room, softly calling Dameon--I can feel you here in this room--give me a sign you hear me. Nothing. Dameon, why won't you give me a sign, I didn't kill you Dameon, I swear I didn't--why are you here in this house? It's Bruno you should be after, not me, Bruno--do you hear me, Dameon, are you here? No response.

Someone is prowling Angelique's room, but we only see his feet. Outside the door, Quentin asks Angelique, are you sure you'll be safe in the room?  This room has always been a sanctuary to me, she says. (huh?--giveaway)  When's all this going to end? demands Quentin. Soon, she assures him. You sound so positive, he says, I wish I could be--good night Alexis. Good night, she replies. Angelique enters the room and turns on a light.  Bruno comes up behind her, slides a hand over her mouth--don't be frightened, he whispers. Holding his hand in a most un-Alexis-like way, she asks, what are you doing here? I like how you look, he says--I'm sorry--I always seem to be saying that, proof of how much I miss her. He gazes up at the portrait--she put passion into my music, he adds, but the critics don't realize it's gone--yet. Perhaps they never will, she suggests. Do you believe as she did, he asks, that critics are wretched creatures, deaf but not mute?  Is it so surprising that Angelique and I should share an opinion? she asks, grinning at him, eyes limpid. You share many things, that's why I'm here, he says--I came to apologize--I truly believed when you came into this house that Angelique had returned--I was wrong. I'm glad you finally see that, she grins. Then we can be friends? he asks. Friends? she asks, are you really ever anyone's friend, Bruno? He looks hurt.  I'm sorry, she says--that was unkind--you did take a risk in coming here, and I'm grateful for that.
I'll leave the way I came, says Bruno, the same way I always left after seeing HER--he kisses her hand--she found me charming, you know. "Perhaps, in time, I will, too," she says, smiling. (Oh, she doesn't look anything like Alexis now!)

Down in the drawing room, Trask begs Quentin, don't keep after me, please--if I knew the answer to Dameon Edwards, I'd give it to you. Maybe there is no answer, says Quentin tiredly. I've got to find it, says Trask, and leaves the room. Quentin sits down on the sofa and loosens his tie.

Angelique admires her portrait, fiddles with her hair. She picks up the phone.

We see a creepy chicken's face, a stuffed bird perched on a stand in Hannah's cottage. Hannah answers the phone and assures Angelique, I took care of "it" without problems, but we must be very careful. Angelique interrupts her and says, I don't want to hear about it--you must come to me, I need your help--I was right about Dameon Edwards. Hannah, clearly frazzled, says, I can't do anything about Dameon, his spirit is too powerful. You can do nothing, but I can, Angelique assures her. Then do it, says Hannah. And expose myself? asks Angelique--oh, no--even Bruno accepts me now--I don't plan to take any chances--they will think you exorcised the ghost--I will do it through you. Her aunt shakes her head, near tears--don't make me do anything more tonight, begs Hannah. You must come tonight, demands Angelique, quickly, before Quentin finds out.

Quentin has fallen asleep on the sofa, long legs sprawled in front of him.  He hears Dameon calling his name--you must come to me, says the ghost, you must know!  Where? Quentin asks-- what do you want me to know, where do you want me to go? I am at the door, says Dameon, the last door you will enter. Where? asks Quentin--WHERE?  Do you feel my spirits? asks Dameon--follow it!  Quentin does.  Yes, Dameon says, follow me!  Led by Dameon's voice, Quentin goes upstairs. I am here, Quentin, here, waiting, says Dameon's, my spirit a light--you must see. See what? asks Quentin--why can't I see you?  Would that make you believe? asks Dameon. Yes, says Quentin. Come to the door, bids Dameon.  Quentin finally sees Dameon. "What do you want me to know?" he asks the ghost. I want...I want...says the ghost, for you to know how it will end.  Quentin follows him to a room, where a hanging body swings noisily. Yes, Quentin, says Dameon, it is YOU! Quentin stares at the swinging body and walks into the room. He finds a note that says, "I had to do this to be with the one I love."
He gazes up at the swinging body.  Dameon laughs uproariously, looking somehow like a clown in his blue leisure suit with clashing yellow shirt.

NOTES: Sorry, Dameon bores me. This was a side trip I didn't want or need. Who killed him, who loved him, I just can't bring myself to care. I think Jerry Lacey is being wasted as this version of Trask, too, not fun like his bad ancestors.

Now Hannah knows her niece has, indeed, returned from the dead, and the fact of it terrifies her. I guess she was more interested in occult happenings that were purely theoretical, because she not only seems to fear Angelique, she also wants nothing to do with helping her, whether it's burying a body or helping to exorcise a pesky ghost. This Angelique reminds me of the vampire Angelique in RT after Joe Haskell tried to kill himself and she forced poor Barnabas, under her thrall, to take him to the woods and kill him--the same cold-blooded unconcern for human life. Brrrrr.

Now that someone has assured Bruno there were two women who looked exactly alike, he's willing to accept the blond as Alexis--but she REALLY is Angelique now, and he has no inkling. He almost throttled Alexis to death to prove she was Angelique, but now he hasn't a clue.  That strikes me as amusing.

What's with the hanging Quentin? Why would he do such a thing, and to be with the one he loves? Who, Angelique? Surely Dameon knows what Angelique has done and that she is alive now. Does he come to him in this dream because he thinks Quentin wants to be with Alexis? Maybe I'm being dense, but I don't get it.

I can't remember what happens to Dameon even though I've seen this storyline before, but I can't help but hope that Angelique DOES do away with his ghost--for good.

Drat those ending credits--they are calling Angelique Alexis and they spelled Dameon's name differently. I'll keep it the same I have since the beginning, when I first saw it spelled in the credits. Oh, continuity department, where ARE you, and why hast thou forsaken me?

1005 - Quentin, sleeping on the sofa in the drawing room, awakens from his nightmare, screaming, "No, Dameon, no!"  Realizing it was only a bad dream, he decides to have a drink to forget about it. The note, he remembers, it said something about doing this to be with the one I love. Dameon, he calls, was it only a dream?  Quentin's eyes dart back and forth, trying to find him. Up in the attic? he wonders, and heads upstairs. Dameon stands in the doorway between foyer and drawing room, watching Quentin.

Quentin goes to the attic and looks around. Dameon! he calls--what are you trying to tell me? Are you here? Dameon, what does it mean? He spots the rafter from which he was hanging in his dream.

Drawing room - Hannah tells Angelique, I tried the Tarot cards, they told me nothing, and their silence frightens me more than anything else. You won't need the tarot cards, her niece assures her--I will tell you what to do. Hannah notes that Angelique looks frightened, too. I'm not, nor am I disturbed, retorts Angelique--I'm annoyed with charming Dameon, who irritated me in both life and death--I can sense him in the house, sense his presence--don't you? Yes, he's near, very near, agrees her aunt, but there's nothing I can do about it. Yes there is, insists Angelique.  It's dangerous, warns Hannah.  You must only call me Alexis, Angelique says sharply.  I'm sorry, says Hannah, but this is too dangerous for me. Nonsense, scoffs Angelique--listen carefully. Before she can speak, Quentin joins them--when did you get here, Hannah? he asks--I was just going to phone you; I must talk to you alone--Alexis, please leave us alone. Angelique docilely agrees to leave--Hannah, I'll talk to you later. There isn't any danger, is there? Angelique asks Quentin, sounding quite like Alexis. None that I know of, he says, and leads Hannah away, who looks backward at Angelique before she goes. Yes, Dameon, says Angelique, when she is alone, you are near, I feel it, and I suspect that we shall meet very soon.

Cyrus sits at the desk in his lab. He's just taken another shipment of the compound from Gladstone--bring another tomorrow, requests Cyrus. Another? asks Gladstone--so soon? Can you do it? asks Cyrus. Of course, says Gladstone--your experiment must be moving along very nicely, especially considering the quantity of the compound you're using. Cyrus doesn't answer at first, then says only, the experiment is continuing. Successfully? asks Gladstone eagerly. The delivery can be accepted tomorrow by Sabrina, says Cyrus, I won't be here. You still won't discuss this project, will you? asks Gladstone, sounding just a bit nuts. Apparently, that's the case, isn't it? says Cyrus.  One thing, says Gladstone--the concern the purity of the compound--are you still experiencing amnesia? Cyrus, writing in a notebook, assures him, the compound is working quite successfully. Were you always so adverse to giving direct answers? questions Gladstone. I have always been adverse to unnecessary interruptions, retorts Cyrus--excuse me! If you wish, says Gladstone--I see the delightful painting is gone from the wall--I rather liked it--I hope it wasn't stolen.
Do you always imagine a crime in the most simple acts? asks Cyrus --I moved the painting to another room.  Gladstone laughs. Can I rely on you tomorrow? asks Cyrus. You can always rely on me, Gladstone assures him. Cyrus leads him out the basement door and locks it behind him. Cyrus opens his new box of compound with alacrity, checking the test tubes and taking the one he wants. He adds it to a glass beaker, then pours in the red fluid that makes it bubble. Ah, time to drink.

In the attic, Quentin relates his nightmare to Hannah--though I know it was only a dream, it had a reality beyond dreams.  Dameon brought you here, to this room? she asks. Yes, says Quentin, and then I saw myself, hanging from that beam. What do you want me to do? she asks. Summon Dameon's ghost, he says. I can't, she protests.  Yes you can, he says, and you know it. I don't have that power, she insists. Yes you do, says Quentin. There are some things better left alone, she says. How can you can say that? he asks--I have to find out what Dameon is trying to tell me. If there was something he wanted you to hear, says Hannah, he'd find a way to tell you without me. He has predicted my death, hanging by suicide, and I've got to find out, insists Quentin. I can't help you, she says. You can summon Dameon's spirit! he cries. I can't, she says. Summon him! demands Quentin, grabbing her arm. I don't have the power to summon him, says Hannah, but I don't need it. There is a sound of something falling, then the light above their heads begins to shake. HE'S HERE! screams Hannah. There's a grinding sound; things begin to topple of their own volition. Quentin looks around...

Hannah and Quentin, terrified, watch the light shake, and flash off and on. Everything finally stops.  Let's go upstairs, suggests Hannah--it isn't safe here! They spot Dameon's ghost.  Is it a true prophecy? Asks Quentin--Dameon, what are you trying to tell me? Dameon raises his hand and shakes his head. What are you trying to say? begs Quentin, can't you speak?--is there any way I can understand you? Tell him to go away and leave us alone, implores Hannah.
I want my questions answered first, insists Quentin--please, is the prophecy about my death true?--I have to know. Dameon disappears. No, don't go! begs Quentin.

Drawing room - I won't be gone for long, Cyrus tells Angelique, I just wanted to make sure everything was all right. All right? she asks. Since we did what we decided to do with Angelique's body, he adds hesitantly. I don't think anything is wrong, she says--I'm sure we all did the right thing. He agrees, but... But what? she asks. I just wanted to make sure everything was all right, repeats Cyrus. Are you sure? she asks, and are you? Yes, I am, he says. Hannah and Quentin come downstairs; he orders her not to say a word about any of this to Alexis--she's frightened--swear to it. Hannah does. Cyrus and Angelique join them.  Cyrus is going away for a few days, reveals Angelique, and came to say goodbye. Can you stay just a few moments? asks Quentin--I want to talk to you. Hannah suggests the ladies continue their chat upstairs in Angelique's room. Quentin leads Cyrus into the drawing room and asks, is it possible for you to postpone your trip? Cyrus says no, I can't, it's much too urgent. Things haven't been going well, explains Quentin, Dameon's spirit is back in the house, trying to warn me of something, but I can't figure it out. I hate to go away when I'm needed, says Cyrus, but this trip does have to do with work. You're leaving tonight? asks Quentin. Yes, says Cyrus. All right, then, I won't hold you up, says Quentin--call me when you get back. Are you sure, there's no danger? asks Cyrus. No danger, just a lot of confusion, says Quentin--I'll have to just fight my way out of it.  He shakes Cyrus' hand.  There's something puzzling me, says Quentin--the other evening when you had to leave so abruptly? Yes, sorry about that, did you get my note? asks Cyrus. Yes, says Quentin, and I also's not worth mentioning. Tell me, says Cyrus. Apparently, says Quentin, you started a first note which you threw away, and Amy found it--the's all ridiculous now. I want to know, insists Cyrus. The handwriting on both notes was different, says Quentin, but it was yours, similar, but distinctly different. I was in such a hurry that night, says Cyrus, I found myself scribbling illegibly. It wasn't so much illegible, says Quentin're right, it's all very stupid of me--you scribbled it and so it was different--have a good trip.  He again shakes Cyrus' hand. Thank you, says Cyrus, and goes. Quentin, his hair a mess, is perplexed. He opens the desk drawer, takes out the two notes, and compares them.

Angelique's room - So that's what Dameon is trying to tell Quentin--the truth, says Angelique after Hannah has told her the whole story--well, he won't be able to. How will we stop him? asks Hannah. Go home and immediately bring back the Candles of the Seventh Secret, commands Angelique. NO! cries Hannah--if we use those candles and fail, I will be destroyed! Bring them here immediately, orders Angelique--or have you already forgotten our little bargain? PLEASE! begs Hannah. Do as you're told, orders Angelique.  I can feel Dameon's presence, says Hannah.  As can I, says Angelique--soon it will be more than just a feeling--we shall meet, you and I, face to face, at your grave!
Hannah looks at her niece, terrified.

We see Cyrus' nose and glasses reflected in the magnifying mirror in his lab. I've tried to resist, he tells himself, holding the pink potion in his hand, but I can't anymore!--I've got to be John Yaeger, tonight!  What about his friends who need me? he frets--Quentin, Alexis, Sabrina, and the work I should be doing, my experiment to bring out all that is good in man--what became of that?--why don't I just drop this beaker and smash it? Why don't I? He seems ready to do just that, but tells himself, because I don't want to.  He drinks it down, eyes wide, and is instantly beset by the pain.

Angelique and Hannah come downstairs, the latter holding a candelabra with seven candles in it. Angelique says, we're getting nearer and nearer to where they buried the body, I can feel it. So can I, says Hannah, and follows Angelique.

John Yaeger, dressed in more conservative threads this time, is just about to leave when Gladstone returns--I was just about to knock, he says--will you tell Dr. Longworth Horace Gladstone is here? The doctor isn't here, and you shouldn't be, either, says Yaeger rudely. He was expecting a very important delivery, says Gladstone. Tomorrow, not tonight, says Yaeger. I want to know how you know that, insists Gladstone. The good doctor told me, says Yaeger, introducing himself to Gladstone--if that's any of your business. What is your relationship is with Dr. Longworth? asks Gladstone. I'm assisting in his new experiment, says Yaeger. He never mentioned an assistant, says Gladstone, as a matter of fact, he always stressed the fact that he worked alone. "Perhaps he was trying to tell you to mind your own business," suggests Yaeger, "now why don't you just give me this." He reaches for the package, but Gladstone pulls it out of his reach--it's only for Dr. Longworth or Miss Stuart, he says--can you call her? She's not here, says Yaeger, but I can assure you I'm authorized to accept it. I must have that assurance from Dr. Longworth, insists Gladstone. Maybe I should just take it from you, threatens Yeager.  I wouldn't do that if I were you, advises Gladstone--I don't think Dr. Longworth would approve. What if I don't give a...hoot about Dr. Longworth's approval? asks Yaeger, (and one senses hoot wasn't the word he wanted to use). If you're really Dr. Longworth's assistant, says Gladstone, you surely must be aware of how important my compound is to his experiment, and if I'm threatened in any way, my cooperation will cease immediately--do I make myself clear?
Very, says Yaeger, barely controlling his anger. Then I'll bid you good night, says Gladstone, taking the compound with him. Yaeger, furious, frees the deadly blade from the tip of his cane.

Angelique stands before a shelf--I remember, Hannah, there's a panel... Please, you don't need me here, says Hannah, you can exorcise his spirit without me--no one will know you're the one who did it. I think you would welcome the chance to prove all that you've learned, says Angelique, who finds the release for the shelf, which swings open. Inside is a hanging skeleton, presumably the bones of Dameon Edwards. Bring the candles! orders Angelique. No! says Hannah. Then give them to me, her niece demands. She takes the candelabra, but some force blows out most of the candles. Hannah runs off, announcing, "I can't stay here, it's too dangerous for me!" Left alone, Angelique says, I will do it myself. She begins to re-light the candles and says, watch closely, Dameon, as I light the candles, and when the seventh one is lit, you will appear to me--we shall be here together, face to face, you and I--watch now--watch closely. When all the candles are alight, the skeleton becomes the ghostly Dameon Edwards.

NOTES: OK, so Angelique has made Dameon appear--she must have some pretty good powers of her own. Hannah's fear is almost comical, given her own participation in occult events.

Angelique has announced her intention to turn Quentin into the kind of creature she is, whatever that may be. Does he have to commit suicide to attain that state? I guess I'm confused about why he would commit suicide and what role Angelique will play in that act--and how it will turn him into what she is. Oh, well, all questions will be answered, but this is DS, so perhaps not. I just know that Dameon bores me.

John Yaeger meets Cyrus' "supplier", Horace Gladstone. I wonder if the latter had any idea he was talking to the alter ego of Dr. Longworth? It seems not. Now Cyrus is fighting with himself about drinking the potion; his experiment isn't exactly going as planned, is it?  Unleashing John Yaeger on the world does nothing to foster the good in man, and Cyrus knows it only too well, but craves becoming that other person, who is his opposite. When Yaeger told Gladstone he didn't give a hoot, I laughed--a real curse would have been more Yaeger, but he couldn't do that, could he, not in 1970!

I long for the return of the missing DS actors! Poor David Selby is looking the worse for wear, carrying the show almost every day the way he is. He rarely messed up his lines, but he's having some trouble now, and I bet he, too, wished his co-workers would return to share the burden. Lara Parker, too, has been doing almost daily duty. Bravo to both of them!

Love, Robin