Author Topic: #0992/0993: Robservations 06/23/03: Has Angelique Returned?  (Read 1485 times)

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Are you going to answer his question? Quentin asks Alexis.  Quentin, your son had a nightmare, says Alexis.  Resigned, Daniel says, "You aren't going to answer my question."  You know I'm not your mother, she says, and if you weren't half asleep, you wouldn't ask me that question. I'm not half asleep, protests Daniel--I'm awake. Then I'm your Aunt Alexis, and I love you very much, she says, and I want to help you as much as I can--and I think the best way to do that is to straighten these covers and get you back to sleep ASAP.  Quentin agrees.  Alexis begins to hum "Mockingbird," which makes both Quentin and Daniel look stricken. Do I fluff your pillow the way you like it? she asks.  It's exactly know, he says. She crosses her arms and looks down at him--finishing, exactly the way your mother used to do it--the way to fluff a pillow is fairly universal knowledge. That little singing, he said. She hums it again and explains, my sister and I learned that from your grandmother, who inadvertently sang it when making a bed--we both imitated her song and all, without realizing it. I understand, says Daniel. Quentin seems to be having trouble breathing as Alexis explains to her nephew, you must accept life the way it is. I know, says Daniel. Get some sleep, she encourages--you'll feel better in the morning. Both Quentin and Alexis wish him good night.  Quentin seems to have much on his mind as he closes his son's door.

Stokes' cottage - Hannah Stokes does Bruno's horoscope, which reveals, the stars are in opposition, the heavens are in turmoil--beware! she advises. Of what? he asks. Some alien forces at work against you, she says. Could this alien force be of the spirit world? he asks. I can only conjecture, she says, but my answer is yes. Can you anticipate my next question? asks Bruno. You want to know if it's the spirit of my niece, Angelique, she guesses. Well? he asks. You know as well as I do that the charts convey nothing of such a thing, says Hannah. This woman at Collinwood, posing as Alexis is Angelique, says Bruno, and I must have proof to end this uncertainty that's driving me out of my mind--that's why I brought you here tonight. She stands, rolling up the paper, and says, I can't help you now, but tomorrow, I'll be back with another tale to tell--Angelique and Alexis are my nieces, don't you think I can tell them apart? No, says Bruno, I don't think anyone can tell if that woman at Collinwood is Angelique!  Remember, I have ways not confined to the eye, says Hannah--tomorrow, I will come again, and by then, you'll know which of my nieces is at Collinwood, Angelique or Alexis.

Collinwood drawing room - Alexis trims flowers and speaks to  Quentin--it breaks my heart the way David--Daniel is so insistent I'm his mother. Perhaps I shouldn't have been so impatient with him, says Quentin. (ya think?)  It will take time for him to get to know me as I really am, she says, until then, he's bound to be confused--do you agree?  Quentin has been closely watching her trim the flowers.  What's wrong? asks Alexis.  Quentin doesn't reply. Ah, I know exactly what you're thinking, she says--I'm sitting here pruning this plant, exactly as you saw Angelique do a thousand times, am I right? Yes, says Quentin, it was just one of her habits. Our mother's influence again, remarks Alexis--it was she who taught us to care for plants and shrubbery, and flowers--consequently, every time we got near a plant, we began to prune and trim it--habits of childhood always stay with us. He excuses himself.  Before he leaves, she asks, what would Angelique have done with the dead leaves?--I don't want to leave them for Hoffman to clean up. I don't recall, answers Quentin, but I don't think it matters. Then I'll throw them into the fireplace, she says. Oh, yes, that's exactly what she did, says Quentin unhappily. Alexis watches him go, her expression bordering on smug.

Are you going to tell me what you'll do? Bruno asks Hannah. I already told you--I'll discover whether Alexis is Alexis. HOW? demands Bruno. Let that question keep you company through the long, long night, she suggests, and leaves, laughing. He shakes his head and begins to play Angelique's theme on the piano. The sheet music of that song sitting on top of the piano.

Daniel lies in his bed. Quentin enters his room and finds him still awake. I can't sleep, says Daniel, I keep going over and over it in my mind, and I feel if she hadn't seen you come into the room, it would all be different now--when I asked her if she was my mother, she was about to answer--and I know the answer would have been yes. Quentin looked perturbed to hear his son's assessment.

Daytime - Collinwood's foyer - Why don't you ever come to see your great-aunt anymore? Hannah asks Daniel.  I don't know, he says.  I do, says Hannah--it's because your father doesn't want you to--never mind, it's all right--it's good to see you again. You really came to see HER again, didn't you? he asks. My niece, Alexis? she asks--is there any reason why I shouldn't have? No, I guess not, he says. When she pulls her Tarot cards from her pocket (she always brings them), he asks, can you read them for me the way you used to?  She doesn't answer. Alexis, heading downstairs, sternly, angrily, tells Daniel, put them back where they belong. Hannah greets her--it's too long, she says, you look lovely, why haven't you come to see me--you know how fond I am of you?  How are you? asks Alexis.  Splendid, responds Hannah, now that I see you again--aren't you going to ask me in? Yes, of course, says Alexis--Daniel, hang up Hannah's coat.  Daniel does so, but first removes the cards from the pocket again, fanning them out in his hands. He stealthily goes upstairs.

Drawing room - It pleases me to see you looking so well, Alexis, says Hannah, especially after what you've been through. Her death came as quite a shock, admits Alexis. Death--is that all you call it? asks Hannah. I don't understand, says Alexis. My friend Bruno mentioned something about a seance, says Hannah, in which you participated, where the word murder was spoken. Alexis, who has been tearing the hell out of a handkerchief, says, I don't wish to discuss it
--I'm sure you've been given the information from your dear friend, Bruno. Hannah sneaks the handkerchief off the table and into her sleeve. Only the vaguest outlines, says Hannah, I was sure I'd get the details from you. I'm afraid not, says Alexis coldly. But my dear child...protests Hannah.  I don't want to seem rude, says Alexis, but I have never been your dear child, anymore than I was my father's--I'm sorry, but I do have other things to do today. I've upset you--forgive me--I can come another time, says Hannah soothingly. She runs into Quentin as she's leaving, and chirpily says, don't ask me to stay; I've upset Alexis terribly and must leave at once--no no no, don't try to see me out, I know the way. To Alexis, she says, I'll see you again--I promise we will discuss nothing troublesome--now take good care, my dear Alexis, goodbye--she closes the double doors. Sourly, Quentin asks Alexis, what was that all about? Bruno sent her, says Alexis, annoyed. Why? asks Quentin. I wish I knew, says Alexis--just harassment, I suppose--she knows I don't particularly like her, and never has, and the moment she walked in here, she immediately began to talk about Angelique, and the possibility she had been murdered--it sometimes gets to be too much. I promise to do what I can to clear things up, as soon as possible, says Quentin.

Daniel sets up the Tarot cards on his desk in his room.  You don't know what they mean, says Amy--admit it. I do, he says, but it takes time and concentration to figure it out. Hannah enters--I knew I'd find my cards here, she says. Amy accusingly says, he claims to know how to read them, but he doesn't. Perhaps sometime I may teach...she begins, then stops as she gazes in consternation down at the cards on the desk. She quickly gathers them up.  Did one of the cards told you something scared you? asks Daniel. No, she says, I barely looked at them, and next time you want to borrow them, young man, you might ask me first. She leaves. See? says Amy, even she said you didn't have any of the cards. I know how to read them well enough, says Daniel. And what does that mean? she asks. He points to a spot where a card had been, inverted, that scared Hannah--the Tower of Destruction.

Bruno's cottage - The pianist asks Hannah, who's sprinkling some herbs onto the handkerchief she pilfered, "She's Angelique, isn't she?" You shall know very shortly, she promises--the handkerchief belongs to the woman who calls herself Alexis, a few dried herbs...a sprinkling of bone dust...and we shall see! She lights a candle. If this cloth belongs to the one you claim is one of the living dead, and Angelique must be that, the cloth will turn blood red at the sound of my incantation--will that be enough answer for you?  I should think so, he says. Hannah raises her hands over her spell and says, "Come spirit of death and all things dead, touch here with your blood-red hand all that belongs to you--if this small cloth burns to death, mark it with your sign, the sign of blood! The cloth has begun to burn, fiery flames licking at it. Bruno and Hannah watch, stunned.

Bruno gazes at the pile of ashes in front of Hannah--what does it mean? he asks. Some spirit is opposed to us, says Hannah, and the truths we want to know. Who, Angelique? he wonders. Soon I might be able to tell you, she says--the cards have often come to my aid in times past-- perhaps now, but I must have complete silence. She arranges the cards on the piano--I ask to be rejoined with the spirits here so I might see with eyes more powerful than my own, and read the truth revealed before me--looks, eyes--and see what no man sees.  Quentin quietly enters the cottage. Hannah gasps, "Angelique! Angelique is here--she's here at Collinwood!"
Quentin hastily retreats before they see him, but he has overheard this last. I was right, exults Bruno-- she's here at Collinwood, all along I was right!  All I have seen is that Angelique is here, what form she has taken, I don't know. In one form, posing as Alexis, insists Bruno.  No, says Hannah, the cards don't specifically say that, remember, the dead can return in many ways, some visible, some not, all they know is that Angelique is here, more than that, I cannot say.

Quentin stands before the front door of Collinwood, thinking to himself, Alexis is, it's not possible, he argues, I don't believe Hannah and her madness--what I saw Alexis do, she explained it all--she can't be Angelique--she's dead! And yet, what I just saw--and heard--I wonder. Upon entering Collinwood, he overhears Amy on the phone, plaintively telling someone, I don't want to stay here--"I want to go and stay with you--I'm scared here!"  What's wrong? asks Quentin.  I'm talking to my brother, she says. Quentin takes the phone from her.  Amy is very upset, says Chris. I know that, says Quentin, but I have a feeling everything will be cleared up shortly--let me talk to her first, no sense her going away without a reason.
There IS a reason! protests Amy. After hanging up, Quentin kneels--first of all, he says, I want you to tell me what's bothering you so much. Alexis, says Amy. What troubles you about her? he asks.  I don't know, says Amy, it's just that since she came here, she caused trouble--Maggie left because of her... Do me a favor, Amy, asks Quentin--wait for a while, I have something important to do, and if you   allow me to do this one thing, we can decide if you should live with your brother or not--all right? She agrees. Good girl, he says, grinning, and kisses her forehead. He heads upstairs.

Outside the door of Angelique's room, Quentin listens to what he assumes is Alexis playing the piano. Hearing a scream, he bursts into the room. Alexis stands there, hands over her mouth, screaming. "Angelique! she's here!" she cries--"Her spirit is here--look!" Unseen hands are playing the piano. Quentin gazes at this sight, sickened and scared.

NOTES: Hannah is a wacky character with her deep voice, lots of jewelry and beehive hairdo. I enjoyed the way she chastised Daniel for taking her cards, but so gently and sweetly. Paula Laurence does a nice job, part maiden aunt, part supernatural "seer" and just a nice addition all around.

Has Angelique returned to play her song on the piano? What caused the handkerchief to burn? Why couldn't Hannah just tell this was her niece Alexis by talking to her? She claims she could always tell them apart, what happened?

Nice scene with Amy and Quentin. He sometimes reminds me of the old Quentin, and is a lot more fun.

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The piano plays on.  Alexis, terrified, insists, it must be Angelique, I know it is!  I don't believe it, says Quentin--it can't happen. Alexis agrees--but it's true!  Are you sure it's Angelique? asks Quentin.  There was a fragrance in the room when I came in, reveals Alexis--Angelique's favorite perfume--I though it my imagination, but when I started writing to some friends in Florence, slowly, as I was writing, I began to feel something, I can't describe it, a presence--so I kept trying to write, but the feeling grew and grew, until...she stops upon finding a bracelet.  Was it hers? she asks.  He takes it from Alexis--I gave it to her, he says--Angelique used to take it off before playing. It must be her, says Alexis, staring at the bracelet in his hand-- now I know why her spirit isn't at rest--Sabrina kept saying during the seance, murder!--how can a murdered spirit be at rest until the murderer has been found?--I know you're reluctant to believe in spirits, but some things can't be ignored, like the seance and the music!  I didn't do more about Angelique's death because I didn't know what more could be done, says Quentin, should I call in the authorities? No, cries Alexis, they'd laugh at us, think we were being hysterical.--no, we must find out for ourselves!  How and what? Quentin asks. Suppose Angelique or somebody else... It can't be someone else, protests Alexis--I'm sure it's  Angelique--the only confusing thing is that she lacks the power to tell us more. I suppose you're right, says Quentin, but there's so very much we don't know.

Cyrus' lab - Hello, pretty bunny! Sabrina putters around in the lab, mixing and measuring things. Mr. Gladstone stops by, surprising Sabrina, with a package for the absent Cyrus--one he was most anxious to have delivered tonight. He walks past her; she closes and locks the basement door. He didn't mention you'd be coming, says Sabrina.  I guess Cyrus doesn't mention either me or the experiment very often, says Gladstone. The doctor doesn't waste time in discussions, she says--just give me the package. He immediately notices her missing engagement ring.  Sabrina angrily demands the package--I'll sign for it. I trust there is no difficulty between you two, says Gladstone.  Impatiently, she says, I'm very busy, give me the package. As uncommunicative as the doctor, eh? asks Gladstone, well, it's none of my business, I suppose... May I have a receipt to sign? She asks.  Surely, he says, you know my policy by now--only the doctor can sign for it. And you have been repeatedly told that I have the authority to sign, she reminds him. Gladstone counters--I have told you and the doctor repeatedly that only HE can sign! IF you are doing this just to question Dr. Longworth, I suggest you save yourself the time and trouble, she advises--he will discuss it with no one!  I'll wait, says Gladstone, you don't have to worry about me--I'll just wait. He sits on a stool. She gives him a dirty look and goes back to her work, staring at him with distrust.

Quentin, says Alexis, it would probably be silly, but you do understand, don't you? We have many rooms at Collinwood, he says, and there's no reason for you to stay in this one if it disturbs you. Just for tonight, says Alexis--I'd prefer to sleep elsewhere. I'll show you one of the rooms, he says.  I'm sorry for the trouble, she says.  You didn't cause any of it, he assures her, I'm so sorry you had to bear so much. As long as you're here to share it with me, I really don't mind, she says. (hmmmm)   I'll show you another room, he volunteers--I hope you'll be comfortable there. I hope so, too, she agrees. He leads her out of the room.  She hugs herself--it's nothing, she says.  It clearly is, says Quentin. Alexis gasps.  What's wrong? demands Quentin.  Don't you feel it? she asks, someone is following us!  She covers her mouth with her hand. Everything will be all right, says Quentin, and opens a door to another room--perhaps you would prefer to stay downstairs for a while? No, she says, I'm determined not to let this upset me. You'll be all right, he says.  She enters the room. He stands there, looking around nervously, then quickly turns as though expecting to catch someone--but no one is there.

Lab - Did I keep you waiting long? Cyrus asks Gladstone.  No, says Gladstone, Miss Stuart was most diverting. I appreciate your full cooperation, says Cyrus.  I doubt that, says Gladstone, but I'm not doing it for your appreciation. Yes, of course, says Cyrus, eagerly accepting the box from him. Now, about the difficulty, begins Gladstone.  Cyrus abruptly asks Sabrina, get us some coffee; I'm working late. She's surprised--you didn't say you'd be working late.  She leaves to get the coffee. You aren't to discuss this in front of anybody, warns Cyrus. Not even Miss Stuart? questions Gladstone. Including anyone and everyone, says Cyrus--what abut the difficulty? Gladstone says, I checked the compound and found a minor impurity, but I can't believe it could cause anything as extreme as amnesia--I know so little of your work, perhaps you could tell me MORE (and he sounds suddenly fanatic). You DID find an impurity! Says Cyrus--even something infinitesimal could be enough!--the chemical balance is extremely delicate. If only I could know how you're using this synthesis, says Gladstone, looking loony again.
I don't discuss my work with anybody, insists Cyrus. On whom--or what--were you performing the experiment? asks Gladstone--how did you measure its effects?  I can't discuss this with anybody, repeats Cyrus--please leave immediately. He opens the door and adds, take safeguards against impurity in the synthesis--you must--I indicated how important and delicate this chemical is! Yes, says Gladstone, beaten, you indicated that much--good night, I'll see you very soon; meanwhile, you have the best of my good wishes. Cyrus locks the door after him. Cyrus eagerly takes the box from the cabinet in which he put it, but returns it hastily when Sabrina comes down with the coffee. Thank you, darling, he says.  Are you really going to work late? she asks. Yes, he says, there's so much to do. How can you work when you're walking in your sleep half the time? she asks, concerned--you never gets any sleep. I neither need nor want sleep, he says. I heard Mr. Gladstone say there was a difficulty in the experiment, she notes. Nothing to worry about, he says, guarded. I don't know what the problem might be, she says, but it could be a general lack of rest--Cyrus, I have seen your hands shake more than once lately--when I speak of sleep and rest, I'm really talking about your work.  She takes his hands in hers. He chuckles and asks, will you wake me in half an hour if I go upstairs to rest?  No, she says impishly--you must stay there one hour, that will give me time to clean up and re-heat your coffee. I forgot about my coffee, he says.  Coffee break is now in exactly one hour, she says sternly. He agrees, kisses her, and heads upstairs. She feeds the rabbit something. No sooner has Cyrus exited than Alexis comes to the door, apologizing for the lateness of the hour--but I must see Cyrus.  What do you want? asks Sabrina.  I have questions about the seance, says Alexis--there are things I must find out--when you were crying out MURDER, what else did you see?--what did you mean? It's difficult to think about, says Sabrina--what do you know about the first seance?  I know a man spoke through you, says Alexis--he said things about Angelique that enraged Quentin. That's right, says Sabrina. Something about Bruno, continues Alexis, and then Quentin began strangling Angelique, and the lights went out; when they came back on, Angelique was dead--is that right? Yes, says Sabrina. But there was more, continues Alexis, something else happened while it was dark?--and that's what you saw in the second seance? I began to see it all over again, says Sabrina--Quentin and Angelique in the dark, the noise and shouting, and there was someone else near Angelique. Who? demands Alexis. I don't know, says Sabrina--it was all so dark and confusing. You've GOT to remember, insists Alexis, who did you see near Angelique? I don't know! insists Sabrina.  Alexis apologizes--I didn't mean to sound so harsh. That's all right, says Sabrina, I wish I had seen the person, but I didn't. Whoever you saw near Angelique must have murdered her, says Alexis--why haven't you said anything about this before?
It was all so confusing, says Sabrina evasively, and...please, no more questions. Alexis apologizes--I only want to know for Angelique's sake.

Collinwood drawing room - "A disturbed spirit, here? And you believe that--YOU?" asks a skeptical Hannah of Quentin--"I could hardly believe my ears when I got your call."  I really don't believe in the occult, says Quentin, but there does seem to be a restless spirit here in this house. Angelique? she suggests. Do you believe that? asks Quentin.  Don't you? she asks slyly. Not looking at her, he says, I concede the possibility. What, exactly, do you want me to do? she asks To rid this house of whoever or whatever is in it, says Quentin.  That isn't always easy, warns Hannah. Will you try? he demands. The lights go out.  The room is filled with wind; the windows blow open. Hannah begins to shriek--someone is strangling me! she cries.

Quentin races to Hannah's side. What happened? he asks. "My throat!" she cries. "Light the lights, quick!" He does as she asks.  Whatever is throttling Hannah lets go. She gasps out to Quentin, a hand was choking me!. Sounding as if he doesn't believe her, he insists, tell me what happened. She flatly informs him, I can't do anything to help you, because the spirit that roams these rooms won't be driven out--it wants to stay--and it's powerful--believe me, most powerful! There must be something that can be done, protests Quentin.  Look! says Hannah, pointing to the desk drawer, which is opening by itself. What does it mean? asks Quentin. Look inside and see! blares Hannah. Quentin opens the drawer and takes out Bruno's sheet music, which has blood on it.
There's a note, says Quentin--"It must be tonight."  In whose hand? she asks. I can't make that out, he says--it's printed; it's all got to mean something--Bruno, the music, the message. All I know is, says the terrified Hannah, I must leave this house! You mean you can't explain anymore of this? asks Quentin angrily. I'm too frightened to try, she admits. Promise me, he says, don't mention any of this to Bruno. Do you think he's implicated in some way? she asks. PROMISE ME! he shouts. She agrees--if I can, but please, I must go. He grabs her arm and orders, tell me if you find out anything more about this. She nods, pulling away, but cautions, expect nothing at all from me.  Sounding as if she's going to cry, she runs off. The clock shows 10:10.

11:15 - Speaking to Alexis, Quentin reports, I've never seen Hannah Stokes so frightened.  He describes how they found Bruno's music in the drawer. When will we find out the answers to all these questions? asks Alexis. The phone rings. Quentin answers. It's Hannah, who says, I've she's read the cards, and there is danger at Collinwood--the cards do not lie--danger for all of you! Quentin hangs up and says, the cards predict danger, but exactly what, Hannah couldn't say--what if the spirit isn't Angelique, but another spirit who could cause great harm?  Don't say that! says Alexis. Maybe all of us should leave, suggests Quentin. No, insists Alexis, I can't leave--I must find out what's happening--go and take the others with you, but I will stay here. She goes upstairs. Left alone, Quentin ponders--if it isn't Angelique, who could it be? And the music--the picture of Bruno, the blood--what does it all mean? He finds the desk drawer closed, but doesn't recall closing it. He opens the drawer and finds the sheet music gone. He backs away and the windows fly open by themselves.  He hears Angelique's music. Someone's coming, he says--Angelique, is it you? Appear to me, will you, appear to me! He runs into the foyer, up a few stairs, then returns to the drawing room, where what he sees makes his eyes fly open. "No!" he says in a hushed whisper.

NOTES: So, what made Quentin get that twisted-face expression on his face at the end there? Is the spirit Angelique or someone else?

Why is Gladstone so obsessed with Cyrus' experiment? What does he hope to gain by finding out? And what is it about his experiment that is making Cyrus keep it a secret from the one he supposedly loves, Sabrina? Doesn't trust come with love?  Or does he feel she wouldn't approve?

Hannah is so over the top, her diction perfect, she's a hoot to watch.  Normally, such a character would irritate me, but since no one else seems to have a sense of humor in this storyline and everything is so deadly serious, I'm enjoying her. Her BEWARE! is just too much, you know?

Love, Robin