Most welcome character (the one you were happiest to see)?
Quentin, (even though he didn't have much to do in this storyline) and also Willie. I felt they both were good characters on the show but disappoined that they were given such minimal parts to play. I felt they could have done so much more with their characters.
Your favorite character in Leviathans, period.
Paul Stodard. He was the only sane one out of the bunch and they made him look like a lunatic! I felt sorry for the poor guy.
Favorite duo (non-romantic)?
Julia & Chris trying to solve his werewolf curse.
Favorite romantic pairing?
Megan & Philip, the way they were when they first came to Collinwood.
Favorite minor character?
Mr Best!! Because he was so anxious to get rid of Amanda/Olivia.
Most irritating character?
Olivia/Amanda & Bruno!! (this one's a tie for me) Between the two of them, I don't know who was worse!
Scene(s) you can watch over and over and over and...?
Chris as a werewolf finally giving Bruno what he deserved!![thumb]
Angelique running into Barnabas' arms.
Most wasted opportunity?
Quentin coming back and not having much to do but stand around looking clueless.
Best plot twist?
Jeb deciding that he didn't want to be a "lung" after all and wanted to stay human.
Creepiest moment or event?
Jeb bringing those zombies back from the grave.
Which scene had you yelling at your TV screen the loudest?
Quentin telling Olivia/Amanda that he had been searching for her all these years!! (somehow I find that hard to believe)
What moment made you cheer the loudest?
Barnabas realizing that he didn't want to be a leviathan after all and finally telling Julia the whole story.
Moment in which you most wondered, "What were the writers smoking?"
Bringing back Peter Bradford's ghost to haunt Jeb![huhg]
Event or revelation that made you ask, "What were the writers smoking?"
That whole Charles Deleware Tate thing with the head rolling off onto the floor! That had to be the most silliest thing I've seen so far on the show.
Favorite quote?
Angelique saying: "I've given up my powers and I am happily married to a wonderful man!" (if we could believe that one then we could believe anything!)
Favorite special effect?
That silly looking shadow!
Ugliest outfit?
Those "Mike Brady" plaid slacks worn by Philip Todd!
Stupidest continuity error (the most horrendous job of retconning in this storyline)?
When Anglelique puts that love spell on Maggie & Quentin and once again we see the pitch fork appear on their hands. It was dejavu all over again. IMO this just didn't fit into the storyline at all and even though Angelique had regained her powers back I was kind of hoping that she was way past that same old jealousy stuff by now.
What scene had you closest to tears (because it was so touching)?
Well. as much as I couldn't take Jeb I did feel bad for Carolyn who seemed to be so in love with him, then marries him only to have a miserable honeymoon and wind up a widow.
Also, when Carolyn loses her father Paul Stodard after finally getting to know him a bit. Thought this was so sad, she waited 20 years for him and then he's suddenly taken away from her.
What scene had you closest to tears (from laughing)?
That silly smile on Paul Stoddard's corpse!
Moment or event that made your jaw drop the farthest?
Philip confessing to all the murders!
What nagging question were you left with? (Uh, try to narrow it down, please. )
What was Quentin's real purpose there?
They left him little to do except chase Barnabas & Julia around Collinwood to find out what the heck was going on. I think the most exiting parts he had was when he was physically fighting with Jeb!
Also, what was the sole purpose of Angelique putting that love spell on Quentin & Maggie? Where did this lead? They sort of left the whole thing up in the air.
And what happened to Ned Stuart? He was so against his sister being with Chris, yet he drops out of site as soon as she's normal again.
And lastly, why on earth did they have to find the need to bring back Peter Bradford's ghost to haunt Jeb?
Were we suppose to believe that Jeb lived in the past also? They should have left the Peter/Vicky story as it was.
Finally, what was your reaction to the storyline the very first time you watched it?
Never again!!
Thanks Midnite, I love doing these!