905 - Barnabas asks Carolyn, is this the man you met today?
(IT LOOKS LIKE QUENTIN!) Yes, she says, terribly distressed. It was an accident, he assures her. I understand, she says, but we must do something! Barn takes the man's pulse--he's still alive, at least, he says. Carolyn goes into the store to call an ambulance. We see the unconscious man's face, and it certainly appears to be, if not Quentin, his exact twin.
Collinwood - Julia gives Chris the samples of Amanda and Olivia's handwriting. Chris asks if it isn't late to be calling on Stokes, but Julia assures him Stokes is fascinated by this stuff--he's expecting you, and will need to return it tomorrow--he's very thorough. (a Stokes of all trades). I'll see you tomorrow, says Chris. Julia sits down with her pocketbook, but the phone rings and she rises again. It's Carolyn--come to Collinsport Hospital, she says--there's been an accident. Who was hurt? is Julia's first question. It isn't someone you know, says Carolyn--we will discuss it when you get here--hurry, adds Carolyn, near tears. Julia races out, grabbing her coat on the way.
The man who looks like Quentin lies in a hospital bed, his head bandaged. Carolyn sits beside him. When she stands to look at him, there is no response, and she leaves the room. Barnabas, waiting in the hall, asks, has he regained consciousness--if he doesn't, I'll never forgive myself. You can't blame yourself, says Carolyn. Julia joins them. It was a car accident, explains Carolyn--it happened right outside the antique shop--the man was coming to meet me--Dr. Briggs says the man, whose name is Grant Douglas, has a concussion--come to look at him, Julia. Julia gives Barnabas a long, rather accusatory, look before going in. Seeing the patient, Julia's face registers astonishment. Do you know him? asks Carolyn. For a moment he looked familiar, hedges Julia. Taking his pulse, she asks, how long have you known him, Carolyn? Just since this afternoon, answers Carolyn--he came into the shop--I thought him quiet charming, so I said yes when he asked to see me after work--is he going to be all right? I must check the chart, says Julia--did anyone witness the accident? I heard it from inside the shop, says Carolyn, but no one saw it. I thought Barnabas had witnessed it, says Julia--I couldn't imagine why else he was here. Barnabas was driving the car, explains Carolyn. This stuns Julia. He's very upset about it, says Carolyn. Julia, upset herself, says, I'm sure he would be--I'll go find the patient's chart, stay here until I come back.
Out in the hallway, a furious Julia demands of Barnabas, "Why didn't you call me and tell me?" What? he asks. "You saw that man, you know who he is!" He bears a strong resemblance to Quentin, admits Barnabas.
Resemblance? repeats Julia--Barnabas, he IS Quentin! I don't care whether he is or not, says Barnabas, the man is dying, and I'm responsible--that's the only thing I care about now, surely you understand that. I do, says Julia, but I don't understand anything else, unless it's some bizarre coincidence, and I don't believe it is--there is more than coincidence going on here, much more! She walks off. Barnabas follows.
Antique shop - Megan returns to find the store locked; she lets herself in with her key. She calls Carolyn, but gets no response. She hears the sound of the wind; the lights in the shop begin to blink off, one by one. Megan is left in darkness, the wind the only sound. "I am coming to you, Megan," says Barnabas' voice, "I am coming to you...
Megan's eyes are closed. Her face blurs, as if she's going into dream mode. She opens her eyes again. The shop door opens; Barnabas comes in. I told you I would come to you when it was necessary, he says, you have cared for the child with the caution and devotion that was demanded of her. "We have come to love him very much," says Megan. Hear me, says Barnabas--the time has come to enter a new phase.

We shall do whatever you ask of us, replies Megan. "The room will undergo a change," instructs Barnabas. "You will know only when it happens. There shall be new rules and explanations for those who do not believe. You will tell them that Philip's brother is responsible." Philip's brother, repeats Megan. We get a close-up of Barnabas' mouth as continues--you and Philip will adjust accordingly, keep your love intact. I understand, says Megan. In the book there is much wisdom to guide and comfort you, says Barnabas--go well Megan, you will awake now, and as before, not remember I gave you the instructions. He leaves the shop, and Megan's mind, too, one would assume, since this isn't a sleeping dream, but seemingly a standing dream. Megan comes out of her trance. She opens the desk and takes out the package from Brewster's that David brought her. From it, she lifts a striped shirt and pants (these are FINE garments?)
It's 10:20 AM, according to the clock on the hospital desk (no desk nurse, however--too expensive to pay an extra). Julia checks the time. Chris comes in. Where did you go when you left Stokes? she asks, I was calling the cottage all night. I was there but had the phone off the hook, says Chris, what's going on? I know why Jenny appeared to you, says Julia--come inside--we've found Quentin Collins, as Jenny said. Looking down at Grant Douglas, Chris says, Impossible--if this were Quentin, he'd be very old--this is a young man. Julia says there's no time to give you explanations, you'll have to take my word--there is a logical reason Quentin looks young. Chris asks, does this man's ID says he's Quentin Collins. Julia must admit no--his ID states he's Grant Douglas, from Portland--he didn't tell me that himself, he's been in a coma since he came in. Shouldn't we check out the name and address? Asks Chris. I wanted to do it last night when I got here, she says, but it was too late to reach the Portland authorities, I'll do it right now.

She leaves the room. Chris stares down at the man who could be his great-grandfather.
Back at the shop, Carolyn dusts things, telling Megan--in a way, I felt sorrier for Barnabas, he felt so guilty, even though it was an accident. Will Mr. Douglas be all right? asks Megan. He's still in critical condition, says Carolyn, but Julia feels certain he'll recover--I'm calling her so she can tell me when it's OK to visit--you can spare me a few hours, right? Of course, says Megan, sounding distant. Are you upset about something? asks Carolyn. No, I'm fine, Megan. She walks off, leaving Carolyn dusting. Carolyn finds a silver rattle--we shouldn't sell it, she says--it's perfect for the baby. Megan, upset, takes it. Carolyn asks, did something happen to the baby? The baby is all right, says Megan angrily, twirling the rattle in her fingers.
Chris waits in Grant's room. Julia enters. There IS a Grant Douglas, she says--he does live in Portland. So everything checks out, says Chris--he isn't Quentin. Not as simple as that, says Julia, this Mr. Douglas is very mysterious--no immediate family and no known previous address. Doesn't mean a thing, insists Chris. Julia has more--no fingerprints on file anywhere, records of military service, no indication he ever had any job anywhere! You certainly were through, says Chris. Barnabas entering the room, agrees, in his creepy new Leviathan way, "Very thorough indeed."
The door was open, says Barnabas, I couldn't help hearing the full report--how is the patient this morning? Julia says he's still unconscious, but resting comfortably. What are his chances? asks Barn. Petulantly, Julia says, HE WILL SURVIVE, but we won't know more until he comes out of the coma. This is a relief, says Barnabas, but I won't feel myself (?) until he's fully recovered--I take it you're responsible for bringing Chris here? Yes, admits Julia. I know, Chris, says Barnabas, that Julia is trying to help you, but you shouldn't allow her to raise your hopes too high. "I don't think that I'm doing that," says Julia, annoyed. Obviously, you've spent a lot of time identifying the man, says Barnabas, but he is not Quentin! I believe he is, retorts Julia. You believe only what you want to believe, accuses Barnabas, getting right into her face, that's not like you at all, and I don't think you should be spending so much energy on a quest that will only bring you disappointment. Your sudden changes of mood have made me skeptical, says Julia. "I don't know what you mean," responds Barn. "You were not in the least interested in Chris' problem before, she says coldly, and now all of a sudden last night you had a moment of remorse." How do you expect me to react to a tragedy like this? he demands. Now you're very concerned about Chris and me, says Julia nastily. "I'm sorry you feel this way," says Barn, "but I don't like to see people delude themselves like you people have done--now, Chris, I would like to tell you that this man in this bed is going to bring hope to you, but he will not--this cannot possibly be Quentin Collins." And he leaves the room. "He gets more cheerful every day," quips Chris quietly. Barnabas is the one deluding himself, insists Julia--Quentin exists, it's the Barnabas that I once knew who doesn't. She sounds close to tears. I'll be in the cottage if you need me, says Chris, and leaves the room, clearly distressed. Julia leans against a dresser. The man in the bed begins to moan and twist his head. Julia goes over to him, checks his pulse. He opens his eyes and looks at her. "Quentin? Quentin, it is you, isn't it?" she asks. He doesn't answer, but merely looks at her.
Antique shop - Megan goes through receipts while Carolyn watches. What's wrong? asks Megan. I wondered what made you so sad before, answers Carolyn. I'm over that now, Megan assures her, but life is so strange sometimes--all Philip and I ever wanted was to be happy here. And aren't you? asks Carolyn. Yes, she says, but we've achieved so much more than happiness. This puzzles Carolyn. Megan says, there's something that exists beyond what we call happiness, and someday, I hope you discover it, too. Carolyn, in wonder, says I never heard you talk like this before. You haven't known me that long, says Megan. As they begin going through a box, they hear a bouncing sound upstairs. Carolyn asks what it is. I don't know, says Megan--we have to finish unpacking. Can't you hear it? demands Carolyn. Megan, annoyed, says, I can. Carolyn continues to listen to the bouncing ball. Megan hands her a brass something. The sound stops, but starts up again. The ball comes bouncing down the stairs. Carolyn picks it up and says, it WAS a ball being bounced--who does it belong to--not the baby? A little blond boy, bangs way too long, dressed in the duds David bought, comes to the bottom step, crossing his arms like a little emperor. "There he is!" exults Megan--"There's my darling now!" She grins. Carolyn gazes at the odd child, shocked. The kid's cheek twitches.
NOTES: At least Blanket Baby is gone! But now we have a new child, and many people despise him. But as always, I suggest you make up your own mind.
We now have "Starring Jonathan Frid" on the credits, something that should have happened long ago, IMHO.
Another weird dream for Megan, and she was standing up, not asleep in bed. She was so sorry to lose the baby, but time marches on for all of us, especially Leviathan kids, LOL.
Who is this man? Grant Douglas, Quentin Collins? Now that Barnabas hit him with the car, will he even remember? Poor Chris, Barnabas really blasted his hopes so cruelly, and did a number on Julia, too. She held her own, and with strength and loveliness, too. Great scene amongst the three of them, Julia and Barnabas playing a nasty game of tennis and Chris an unhappy spectator, caught between them.
Great shows. Selby is back, ladies, let the dueling (and drolling) begin!
906 - Megan introduces Alex Todd to Carolyn.

He greets her like a little man-child, his voice deep and strange. Carolyn, still stunned, says, you knew all the time it was Alex bouncing the ball, Megan! Yes, Alex and I wanted to surprise you, smiles Megan, didn't we?--explaining that Alex is Philip's nephew--Philip took the baby back to my sister earlier today, then went to his brother's to pick up Alex, who has always wanted to visit us--"Haven't, you, Alex?" He nods in a creepy way, staring worshipfully at Carolyn. Megan kneels and slips her arms around him, remarking, he certainly seems fascinated by you, Carolyn. Welcome to Collinsport, Alex! greets Carolyn--Megan, why didn't you tell me the baby was gone? My sister returned yesterday from her vacation, says Megan, and when she called, I told her I'd become very attached to the baby, but--in perfect deadpan--"She made me give him back anyway." Megan grins--Alex is such a darling little boy, I can't be sad with him around (God, I am)! I'll be done unpacking in a few minutes, Alex--you go upstairs and wait for me there. Petulantly, Alex says, I want to help you work. Wonderful idea, says Megan, but you must be very careful unpacking things. I promise not to break anything. You should have kids of your own; comments Carolyn--you'd be such a wonderful mother. Alex finds a disturbing African death mask and proceeds to chase Carolyn around the shop with it. She feigns fear, laughing--"You're so frightening!"--and goes along with his game. (An antique shop is perfect for this kind of horseplay; just play catch with the valuables!) When the phone rings, Carolyn immediately goes to answer--it could be Dr. Hoffman, she says. Alex drops the mask from his face, pissed off at the interruption. It is Julia (unheard), letting Carolyn know--you can visit Grant for no longer than 15 minutes. Alex begs her not to go. Carolyn assures him, I'm visiting a sick friend and will be back soon. I don't want you to! insists Alex. I think he's jealous, says Megan. I couldn't be more flattered, laughs Carolyn, and kisses Alex's cheek. We'll be seeing quite a lot of each other, she promises. After Carolyn leaves, Alex grins, an icky smile filled with missing teeth, and says, "I like her very much." "We knew you would," replies Megan--I must go upstairs to do something--are you old enough to watch the shop a few moments? Sure, I'll work on my drawings, says Alex. She heads upstairs. He takes a sketch pad and begins to draw. Paul enters the shop. Can I help you? asks Alex. Paul asks, are you the only one here? Megan (not Aunt Megan) is upstairs, reports Alex. I'm looking for Carolyn, says Paul. "She isn't here," says the child nastily. Do you know when she will be back? asks Paul. "Soon," says Alex abruptly. In that case, I'll wait, if it's all right, says Paul, who begins walking around the shop. Alex gazes at him in an openly hostile manner. Paul, uncomfortable, says, I haven't seen you here before--I knew about the baby the Todds have, but not about you. You're Carolyn's father, states Alex. What's your name? Paul asks. Alexander! the kid replies in a loud voice. Do you know where Carolyn went? asks Paul. Alex doesn't reply. What are you drawing? Queries Paul. The boy deliberately covers it with his hand and closes the sketchpad. Megan comes down and greets Paul--Carolyn went to visit someone at the hospital--she won't be too long, make yourself comfortable, she offers. Paul again looks around the store. Alex suddenly pulls a leaf from the calendar, revealing January 1969; he circles the 15th. "Why did you do that?" demands Paul. It's my birthday, says Alex, do you want to come to my party?--Carolyn's going to be there. Seeing an odd look on his face, Megan asks Paul if something's wrong. Nothing, says Paul, but to himself, he says, this woman and boy are in on this with Barnabas, they're helping him--and what's the meaning of that date? He turns to go. I thought of something I forgot to do, he says--I'll be at the hotel. As Paul pulls open the door, he finds himself face to face with Barnabas, who smiles and warmly and says it's good to see you again

--I called you earlier to tell you it won't be long now, not long at all--everything's going splendidly! Paul eyes him coldly, then walks past him. Barnabas takes a few steps from the shop and grins after him, as Alex, unsmiling, watches through the window after the fleeing Paul.
Who is this handsome young man? Barnabas asks Megan. She introduces Philip's nephew, Alex--isn't he a fine, healthy looking boy? Yes, agrees Barn--where is the baby? "Philip took him back to my sister," explains Megan. I imagine you're sorry to see him go, says Barnabas. Megan, speaking like an automaton, says, I'm sure Alex will make me forget all about the baby. She introduces Alex to Barnabas. the two shake hands. Barn agrees--Alex will make you forget. Alex, show Barnabas the first toy you found in the shop. The boy eagerly finds the death mask and claps it over his face. Megan smiles with motherly pride. Barnabas returns a look of fatherly pride, grinning hideously, looking like a death's head himself.
Hotel room - Paul enters, taking off his coat and sitting in the desk chair. He finds January 15 circled on his calendar. Someone was in this room, he says, I didn't do that. He hears Alex chanting, "That's when my birthday is--Carolyn's going to be there." Someone knocks--Carolyn. Thank God you're here, he says. She asks, what's wrong--Megan said you were terribly upset when you left the shop. Please, he begs, listen carefully because there isn't much time--there must be some way to get out of here. There is a way, she says, and holds up a check--it can take us anywhere we want to go.

Seeing it's for five grand, Paul remarks, they must be very anxious to get rid of me. Oh, yes, she agrees. So typical of the Collinses, he says--want just a little extra for their money, to prove I came back for that money and nothing else. Carolyn gazes at him hopefully. Again, Paul hears Alex chanting his birthday song in his mind, over and over. Paul is nervous. The check could make all the difference, he admits, but if I take it, it will ruin you and me, and I don't want that. He tears up the check. Carolyn falls into his embrace. I carried that check three days, she cries, afraid to show it to you, to find out Uncle Roger was right, but now I know he's wrong, and I'm so happy! I want you to stay that way, he says--we'll do fine, the two of us, if we can just get out of Collinsport.
Collinwood - Barnabas tells Liz, the man I struck is still on the critical list, but Julia seems convinced he'll recover. Liz asks, had you ever seen the man before the accident? No, never before, answers Barnabas. But Carolyn knew him? asks Liz. He met her yesterday afternoon, explains Barn--he came into the antique shop. Ah, she never mentioned him, says Liz. I'm sure she intends to do so, says Barn. It must have been a shattering experience for you, she remarks. Yes, he agrees. Were you subject to endless questioning by the police? asks Liz. Yes, but I've been cleared of negligence or wrongdoing (HOW, did you slip the cop a C-note??) Carolyn returns home and quietly walks toward the drawing room, unseen. Our job, says Barn, is to take every possibility into consideration--do our job. Carolyn walks through the drawing room and listens as Liz says, I haven't seen Carolyn since early this morning--do you know where she is? She must have gone to see Mr. Douglas at the hospital, theorizes Barn. I must talk to her about Mr. Douglas when she gets back, says Liz. Carolyn, obviously not intending to have that conversation, slips off her shoes and heads quietly upstairs.
Paul packs, dropping a new, unopened shirt into his suitcase. His phone rings; reluctantly, he answers it. Yes, he tells the caller--the 10:05 for Boston, does anyone know? Are you sure? No, I'm all right, don't worry--I'll be finished packing soon and will come directly to the station--stay out of sight, don't let anyone see you--see you soon. He returns to packing.
Megan notes the time in the shop. Alex, you have to go to bed now, she says. I don't wanna go! He whines. You must get your rest, insists Megan. I'm afraid, he says. Of what? she asks, scared. I'm beginning to feel so alone! Says Alex. Tell me what's wrong, begs Megan, sounding irrational as she touches and paws him--what's bothering you, I must know so I can know what to do for you! (there's a healthy mama)
Paul rips off the January calendar page and throws it away. He picks up his suitcase and is about to leave when Liz enters, demanding, where's Carolyn? I haven't seen her, says Paul. You're a liar, she accuses. No time for quarrels, says Paul, I'm leaving. And planning to take her with you, says Liz. I told you I haven't seen her, repeats Paul. I checked Carolyn's room and she was gone, says Liz--with all her clothes!--I won't let this happen, you cannot take her away from me. Listen to me, says Paul--she is in danger here, we are ALL in danger, some kind of conspiracy, an organization--they're evil, terribly evil, and they have frightening powers, use them to torture people, control their minds, they've been after me, ever since I arrived. What do they want from you? asks Liz. I'd tell you, if I knew, says Paul--it's why I've been so terrified. What makes you think we are all in danger? asks Liz. Because their leader is living right in our midst, says Paul--it's Barnabas Collins! "Barnabas?" asks Liz, stunned. Yes, and I know how powerful and evil he is, says Paul--he's a threat to all of us!--you haven't believed a word I've told you. I might not have, says Liz, if you hadn't mentioned Barnabas--I must admit now, I've been terribly distressed about the change in him since he came back; I kept believing it was some sort of strain he'd been under--now that you have told me all this... And it's the truth, I swear to God, Paul assures her--you can do something about it, because you have more power in this town than ANYONE. She turns to look at Paul--I want you to come back to Collinwood, she says. He stares at her, shocked. If you know something about this danger, says Liz, then you're the one to help us fight it.

You said you would never let me set foot in that house again, Paul reminds her. I have the right to be wrong, says Liz. Paul gets in close and says, I suppose you do. I don't know how things will work out for us, says Liz, but I'm convinced you love Carolyn, and that's all that matters to me--tell me where she is. Waiting for me at the station, admits Paul. Go get Carolyn and bring her here, says Liz, I will call Collinwood and tell them to expect us. (Liz sounds pretty automaton-like here herself.) Paul leaves. Liz picks up the phone and dials. "Get me Collinsport 6817," she says. The phone rings at the antique shop. Alex picks it up and hands it to Barnabas. Yes? he asks. "Everything is going to be all right now," says Liz, smiling triumphantly. "He's returning to Collinwood with me."
Love, Robin