I'd have to agree that out of all the Collins siblings on the show, that the 1897 bunch were the best! They had the coolest character interactions and best one line or more quips, acid sharp tongues, and the brains to back it all up! (Except for maybe Carl, but the ol' boy could come through sometimes.)
In fact, if I had to rate the siblings on the show, from memory, I'd do it like this:
1. 1897--Judith, Edward, Quentin, Carl
2. 1840--Gabriel & Quentin
3. 1966--Liz & Roger
4. 1795--Barnabas & Sarah
5. 1897--Jamison & Nora
I don't think there were any other Collins siblings on the show. That last one makes me wonder--did anyone mention Nora in later years like 1960s? I don't ever remember her being mentioned before.