Author Topic: (*PAGE EXAMPLES - reply #31*) "Dark Shadows" Returns in October (in new comic form)  (Read 48165 times)

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Offline emeraldeyesonly

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I watched 1897 again recently and unless I missed some key point, Barnabas was presented as being cured towards the end of the storyline. He could walk by day, was unafraid of crucifixes, etc. And Angelique may have administered the injections, but it was Julia's formula. Therefore, I think Julia would be well within her rights to say that she did indeed cure Barnabas once.

Offline PennyDreadful

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Hmm, I could see that argument.  It's just that I always figured Julia's "cures" were never permanent.  I suspect, at some point, the injections would have worn off and Barnabas would have started to revert.  Of course, that's merely conjecture on my part, but the nature of his curse is such that it always seems to reestablish itself somehow.
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Offline Gothick

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This is getting very technical but here are my thoughts:

[spoiler](1) We may presume Julia's original 1967 formula would have worked, had Barnabas not forced her to accelerate the treatment.

(2)  Lang's 1968 formula did work for a time, but it seems that the "destructive" cell in Barnabas' blood that kept him a vampire (according to Julia's original 1967 analysis) gradually developed immunity to that formula, hence Barn's fixed looks at Vicki's neck (one of my favorite scenes) and the howling of the dogs again.

(3) In 1897, Barnabas is still under Angelique's original curse.  Julia is able to cure him with a "new, improved" formula (I still find it difficult to imagine how she was able to synthesize it given 1890s medical technology, especially the very low grade that would have been available in Collinsport).  The final injections are administered by Angelique.

(4) In 1970, Barnabas becomes a vampire again, this time because of Jeb's Leviathan curse.  That curse seems to have induced an even more virulent state of vampirism; Julia's attempt to cure Barnabas failed, and her formula actually intensified his cravings for blood.[/spoiler]

Beyond that it gets pretty confusing, but I do feel that Julia was in her rights to claim that she had cured Barnabas.  It's unclear at the end of the 1840/1971 storyline whether Barn would have reverted to being a vampire again.  That was what Sam Hall's notes stated, and I presume that a vampire Barnabas made a more attractive subject for the current comic book project than a cured Barnabas would have done.


Offline michael c

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i could be wrong but i believe that it was doctor lang, and NOT julia, who must be duly credited for barnabas' "cure" along with julia's help and a seven foot tall pile of dead weight storyline named adam.

the scene with barnabas' eyeing vicki's neck lustfully was before adam was extant i recall. it was shortly after barnabas began working with lang. early 68. and for the rest of the 68-69 "present day" episodes barnabas functioned almost as a normal man. even cassandra's "dream curse" didn't put the "bite" so to speak back in him. heck by the time of the quentin storyline, with vicki gone and liz and roger away much of the time, b almost acted as the show's default "moral compass".

b didn't "revert" until he i-chinged himself back into a time where...a.) adam was not extant and b). it was back in the timeline before barnabas' 1967 release so no treatment or cure had taken place.

when he returned from 1897 the "cure" is restored until jeb puts the curse back on him. so in effect it was a permanent cure in "the present" except when some outside force causes it to return. but julia didn't cure him.

actually i think that one of the reasons cassandra was 86'ed and brought back as "vampirelique" and tom jennings showing up was that for a very lengthy period of time what had become known and successful as a "vampire show" actively had no vampire. so the created a few out of the woodwork...and then we got the howling of the dogs going again.
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Offline Nightfall59

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Barnabas bouncing back and forth between vampire and man was all fairly confusing (just try to explain it to, but I would even credit Julia with the Lang cure since she was the one who actually performed the experiment that brought Adam to life. And it didn't go exactly as outlined by Dr. Lang, since only Adam with Barnabas' personality and, I guess, soul was supposed to survive. I suppose it's all in the way you look at it.

The 1897 cure was interesting because Barnabas was the one who insisted that Julia give him the treatments again. Obviously, he must have known that the 1967 cure would have worked if he hadn't thrown a monkey wrench into the proceedings with his impatience. You were the bungler that time, Barnabas.  [hall2_grin]
"Not without you. NEVER without you."
Barnabas to Julia, 1970

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I watched the new DVD of Gargoyles (1972) tonight and couldn't help thinking it was too bad the artist for the comics didn't have access to some screen shots of Grayson in this as a model for Julia in the Fall of 1971.  I thought the curly shag do Grayson had as Mrs. Parks took years off her face, and her figure hugging stylish white top with the silver belt made her look great.

There was an old thread with some screen captures but I guess it is no longer available since a search for "Gargoyles" on the site search engine turned up "no pages."  Check the movie out if you haven't seen it and are a Grayson Hall fan.


Offline Mysterious Benefactor

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The screen capture in this post is definitely still available:


For those of you who might not have the DVD, here's a capture from the closing credits:

If there are others featuring captures from the Gargoyles DVD, I don't honestly remember them. But if you remember some other than that one, I'll do my best to track them down.  [hall2_smiley]  Unfortunately, though, when it comes to older posts there's no guarantee that the original poster still has the captures stored in the Web space they'd originally uploaded them to.  [hall2_sad]  But rarely is anything that's ever been uploaded completely gone. There still may be a way to track it down in some online archive...

But getting back on topic, has anyone received their copy of issue #2? I haven't even received an e-mail to tell me that my copy has been sent out...

Offline Gothick

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Thanks for that link, MB.  I wonder why the post didn't come up when I ran the search?

Heather had posted some captures a few years back, including ones from the scene where Mrs. Parks (Grayson's character) dashes terrified into the sheriff's office and makes a beeline for the drawer with the bottle of whiskey (or scotch or whatever it is)... this movie really illustrates how brilliantly Grayson could have done comedy.  But you're right, the captures may no longer be in that post if the hosting space is no longer available.

I thought issue 2 was supposed to come out last Wed. but I called my local shop and it had not come in.  Since issue 1 was delayed by several weeks I wonder if the same may not happen with issue 2?  I just checked the page for the mag on Dynamite's site and it now shows as "available soon!"  At this rate, no way is issue #4 going to be made available in "January 2012" as stated on the site...


Offline michael c

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apparently new comics come out on wednesdays. you learn something new every day...

but the comic shops in new york don't have it yet either. maybe next wednesday. [hall2_wink]
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Midtown comics had it; that's where I bought mine. They have a couple of locations. If they happen to be out of it, they will track it down for you. They also have a pretty good web site if you would prefer to order online. And they open at 8am on Wednesday on new comic day
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I'm honestly very glad for you, Uncle Roger - but it's certainly interesting that you've already purchased your copy of issue #2 when I still haven't even gotten an e-mail that mine has shipped.  [hall2_undecided]  Though I'm sure the e-mail and the issue will arrive eventually...

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I still haven't even gotten an e-mail that mine has shipped.  [hall2_undecided]

I wouldn't worry about that, MB.  My local comic store just told me that they haven't received any yet, but as you said, it will happen eventually.

Offline Sara Monster

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But on the issue #2, at under my pending preorders, it lists it as arrving December 28th, while #3 comes in December 14!  [confused2] Don't know if that's a typo & they meant November 28th or their shipment is being delayed.. But I guess I'll get it, when I get it.

On the bright side, about a week ago, I received an email saying that because I had preordered issue #1, I had become one of 10 people chosen to win a three-issue set of Dark Shadows #1, that included each different cover! Weird, I never win anything! Nor did I know I was entered into anything.

Offline Mysterious Benefactor

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It would be odd, indeed, if issue #2 comes out two weeks after issue #3. Though who knows? And who knows if issue #3 is even still on schedule for December 14th? But I'm quite pleased with what I've seen so far, so whatever happens, the wait will probably be worth it.

I love the cover for #5. I wonder who the woman and the people from Barnabas' past will turn out to be? Though at the rate issues are coming out, we might not find out until sometime in the summer.  [hall2_wink]

Thanks for all the info, Sara.  [hall2_smiley]