I kept hoping this comic series would improve, but it never went anywhere. While I appreciate that it wasn't in the vein of Depp Shadows, the Dynamite series was seriously flawed. The storyline seemed interminable and the series failed to capture the otherworldly gothic feel of the TV show. Instead, Raicht and the Dynamite editors opted for something much more visceral in nature (the writer cites 'Salem's Lot' as an influence). I wish they had just handed the writing duties over to a hardcore fan. It would have been nice if someone like, say, S. Mark Rainey, had a shot at it. Alas, the final issue has come and gone. I bought it and read it all the way to the end and kept hoping they'd change gears, but it was not meant to be. Here's hoping that someone else picks up the comic rights. It'd be great if someone gave classic DS the great comic book series it deserves.