Got Number 1 - Unfortunately, I didn't get the right cover.
I guess I will have to order another online.
The art is great. The story is intriguing. The whole feel of the comic takes the reader back to 1971. It's just like watching a new episode. They have really outdone themselves in terms of recreating the feel of the show. I'll be interested in seeing what happens next. I was really hoping that we would get into some of the characters more than we did. I feel that Issue 1 has set up A LOT of plots but doesn't really follow through on any of them except for two. It picks up right about where you'd expect it would with the original series... and should actually make a lot of fans of the '91 series very happy...
I have included some spoilers below with some of my thoughts and questions. (These spoilers discuss elements from the Revival series of the show as well.)
[spoiler]The Angelique plot is interesting. Wasn't really expecting a statue in the woods to encompass the spirit of Angelique nor was I expecting the throwback to the possession of Julia plot from 1991. I'm not really that big of a fan of bringing Angelique into this so soon. I feel they should have waited a few issues, and introduced the reader to the present Collins family before introducing us to this character.
I was not expecting that Barnabas and Carolyn would get back together either. It's good that they are finally finishing that story, though.
Like I said, this is going to make fans of the Revival very happy, as it picks up about where that show left off as well in terms of Carolyn and Julia...
I want to know what is going on with the characters of David and Quentin. They are only mentioned.