Well first there was the long-fingered Barnabas and now we have a... (Purported movie spoiler ahead: )
[spoiler]Flying Angelique![/spoiler]
Having now finished this comic, though, I must say it is going in an interesting direction.
The art of Parker changes throughout the book. After the first few pages, the artist adopts a new look for her, and it's strangely modern, as in 2000s modern. It seems out of place for the 1970s. The art reminds me of Michelle Pfeiffer in a couple of the panels. Too much 2012 invading my mind!
The art of Hall, Frid, and everyone else, though, is very strong.
Now for my thoughts on the story...
It is written better than the second installment. The plot isn't groundbreaking. Didn't Angelique do this (Comic and PT spolier: )[spoiler]sucking life out of people[/spoiler] thing in PT? All in all, I had no issues with this issue. (Punny!) I would have liked to have seen the story go in another direction, but it is what it is. There are lots of elements taken from the OS, and that is good.
[spoiler]I am frankly tired of the main family being seen as a collective, though. They are not a singular unit. They are what make up the whole of Dark Shadows. I hope they get their own stories as this series continues.
It is nice to see Carolyn get a big piece of the action. It's refreshing to see her in a large capacity. In fact, she is the only character I really care about at this point. I am intrigued by Angelique, but Barnabas just isn't doing it for me nor is anyone else. So, as long as the story focuses on Carolyn and Angelique, I think we'll be in good hands. Maybe I will start to care about the other characters when they have more plot.
I am upset that Jack was killed off. Even though, in this issue he looked like Craig Slocum more than Don Briscoe or Roger Davis, I still got attached to him as a character. It seems that a lot of throw-away characters are being introduced. It would be nice to see some familiar faces, like Kate Jackson or KLS or Alexandra Moltke, make a return, so we aren't just getting people who come and go with each issue. [/spoiler]
In the end, I am still dedicated to this series. I think it's a great effort. I am glad it is going well... I just don't want the rise in popularity to thwart the OS-feeling that was really captured in the first issue.