Author Topic: Robservations 10/22/02 - #698/699 - Sabrina Remembers; Barnabas Discovers Quenti  (Read 1461 times)

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698 - (Grayson Hall) - Night over the turreted house of Collinwood, a night made ominous by the eerie glow of a full moon, its rays lighting the deserted great house as well as the old mausoleum where, in a secret room, the animal who walks like a man hides from the moon's changing light. He hides, too, from two people from his past, one of whom knows his secret and cannot speak. The other is determined to force the secret out. And in their hotel room, Barnabas Collins makes a last effort to stop their curiosity, an effort which will, ironically, only increase the threat to the man he has sworn to protect.

There werewolf, imprisoned in the tomb, chomps his lower lip.

Barnabas demands his cane back, insisting Ned is needlessly upsetting his sister. Ned asks Sabrina why the cane frightens her--speak to me, he begs--does it have to do with the cane, is it the wolf's head? Barnabas wonders why he would ask that. Sabrina begins to moan and thrash. Barnabas warns Ned that what he's doing might cause a completely breakdown.

Sabrina's mind returns to the carefree day when she went to Chris' apartment at 5:30 to prepare for his birthday party. Chris is nervously pacing, staring at his face in the mirror. Sabrina, a pretty brunette, if you like weird mouths on people, is surprised to see him--you weren't supposed to be here--why didn't you go skiing? He stares at her, upset. You're angry, she says--Ned gave me the key, he had it from when he stayed last summer. She puts a silly party hat on her head and Explains, I was going to give you a real surprise party. She notes that nothing she does changes his dour expression, even making a fool of herself. She puts her hands on his shoulders and asks, why didn't you go away for the weekend as planned? He pulls away from her--I was going away, he says, but I got sick, and still feel sick--flu or something. Why didn't you call me? she asks. I didn't feel it important, replies Chris--I was going to call, but. . .the first pain hits him. Sabrina is surprised at this symptom of the flu. He screams, "Get out!", then apologizes, but insists, "You must leave."
She wants to stay, and asks to call a doctor, but he pushes her away and says she'll leave the party stuff here, even though it won't be the surprise she planned. Why won't you let me help you? she cries, and leaves. He grabs his chain. Sabrina decides not to leave after all. She turns back and finds the werewolf chained to the desk. She opens her mouth to scream--and we're back to the present, where the gray-haired, gray-faced Sabrina is screaming. She passes out as Ned grabs her and Barnabas looks on, concerned.

Ned assures his sister everything is OK, Barnabas left to get a doctor. She opens her eyes. I'm grateful you're all right, he says. He hugs her, caressing her shoulders and hair, and asks her to try to tell him what happened. Julia and Barnabas come in. Ned tells her Sabrina just regained consciousness--she looked directly into my eyes, something she hasn't done before. Julia asks both men to leave--I want to examine Sabrina--I promise to let you know if Sabrina talks. Alone with her patient, Julia tells Sabrina, I realize you've been through this many times before. She listens to her heart with a stethoscope and takes her pulse at the same time. What about Barnabas' cane frightened you?
Sabrina looks at her. Julia realizes she understands, and advises her not to talk--I believe you can talk now--talk to me, I'll do everything I can to help. Ned bursts in, demanding to know who was talking--was it my sister? Julia takes out a blood pressure gauge. Ned wants to know what was said. Julia asks Sabrina if she was talking, but there is no response. Ned asks, too, disappointed. Julia tells him Sabrina's heartbeat and pulse are normal, her blood pressure low, but not low enough to have caused her blackout. Julia advises him to move her to her hospital for more definitive tests. Ned flatly refuses, but Julia assures him Windcliff has an excellent staff of psychiatrists. SHE STAYS WITH ME! insists Ned. Barnabas enters. "All right," says Julia. She prepares a sedative, but Ned says no to that. Sabrina needs proper rest, says Julia. Ned, however, wants her awake--she might remember now and start to talk. Julia and Barnabas exchange glances. Ned yells, "No sedatives, doctor!" Julia tells him to find other medical advice. Barnabas asks if she shouldn't stay with Sabrina. Ned says it's not necessary--my sister will be all right. He opens the door to throw them out, but Barnabas looks at Julia and says significantly, "I'm sure Dr. Hoffman doesn't mean to cut herself off completely from a most interesting case. . ."  Julia says she's sorry and gives Ned sleeping pills for Sabrina. He curtly takes them. Barnabas tells Sabrina, I hope you'll be feeling better. Ned starts to hand Julia cash, but she haughtily says, "I'll send you a bill." She kneels and bids Sabrina and Ned good night, then Julia and Barnabas leave. Ned asks Sabrina what she remembered. He pleads with her to tell him, holding her hand against his face. He knows it had to do with Chris, that night, and almost takes her wig off with his violent caressing her face, begging her over and over.

At the Old House, Julia tells Barnabas Sabrina KNOWS. Why didn't she tell? he asks. She will, predicts Julia. Barnabas points out that she had every opportunity to tell--and now Ned, who stays at her elbow every second, is always there--we should have stayed with her. They agree it's tragic, Ned spending every cent he has to hunt Chris down. . .taking care of Sabrina himself--and the girl, she hasn't looked in a mirror since that terrible day. And Chris, poor Chris, having all this on his conscience. Julia asks what they can do--we are involved, if she talks, then Ned will go to the police--we've been shielding a werewolf. Are you afraid? he asks. We haven't been able to help Chris, she says. You were more patient when helping me, he says (love has everything to do with that). I will see Chris through this, vows Barnabas, as promised--I will end the curse, with or without your help, he says adamantly. She nods, gazing at him with love. Now they must find a way to stop Sabrina from telling her brother. . .

Ned demands that Sabrina tell him what happened--am I ever going to know? He hugs her, stands, says, I'll take you to your room--will you be able to sleep?--I can give you one of the pills--I'll get some water! She turns her head, rises from the sofa, stands, stumbles to the door. She looks at her reflection in the mirror and screams in horror and disgust. Ned comes out, holds her, kisses her--I know you remember everything that happened to you--tell me!--tell me about Jennings or I'll go out and find him, drag him here, make him face you--I swear. He shows her her reflection again--that's what Chris did to you!--LOOK! He forces her to stand there. TAKE A GOOD LOOK. She pulls away, sobbing. He accuses her of protecting Chris--you aren't still in love with him, are you? He grabs her, shakes her, demanding, stop looking at the moon and answer me!--you can't protect him, he's going to be punished, do you understand? She sits back in the wheelchair, her face as white as her hair. Ned tells her, I'm not going to give up!

6:20 - Julia tells Barnabas it's nearly dawn, time to go to the mausoleum--without a solution, laments Julia--how far-fetched all our scheming is!--there's no solution for Chris. Barnabas denies it.
Julia says we'll let him out and hope he'll get through another day before being found out. Barnabas says every time we talk, I feel there's more of a connection between Collinwood and Chris. Julia doesn't know what's happening there, either, why did the ghosts want the children?--why did they get everyone out of the house?--I saw Stokes and Roger--they had a seance there and tried to contact the ghost, but all they heard was his laughter. Barnabas says, we must tell Chris about Sabrina and the cane. He'll have to spend his days waiting for the phone to ring, a knock at the door. . .no one can live with that kind of tension, protests Julia. People do, Barnabas assures her, and more than you realize. I think I should tell Chris, says Julia. Barnabas suggests perhaps Chris himself will have an idea about how to handle this.

Barnabas and Julia go to the mausoleum. She listens, but he says Chris is probably unconscious--when he changes, he blacks out. He pulls the ring to open the secret panel. This their horror, the werewolf is in there--he hasn't changed back into Chris.
Julia and Barnabas exchange shocked, disbelieving glances.

NOTES: Once again, Ned and Sabrina do NOT interest me. She looks a lot better with pretty brunette hair, but that mouth! I never could stand it! As for Ned, I thought we'd seen the last of an obnoxious character being played by Roger Davis, but here we are, and this guy is unbelievable--it's hard to tell whether he's being brotherly or trying to commit incest with Sabrina! What a toad!

What a shocker, that dawn has come and Chris is still in werewolf mode, as if he didn't have enough problems! I do love Barnabas' compassion for Chris, it's so generous and kind--and empathetic. When he tells Julia that people live with the fear of discovery every day, you know he's speaking of himself, and surely, so does she. Hard to believe Barnabas didn't get the fact that Julia was more patient with him because she loves him.

699 - (KLS) - For the first time since it was built, the great house is all but deserted. Only young David Collins remains, the prisoner of a supernatural force. In grave danger of being killed off one by one, the family has been forced to move into the Old House. Now, another dawn has come, and while the family fears for David's safety, Barnabas Collins and Julia Hoffman must attend to another crisis, one the rest of the family knows nothing about.

Barnabas and Julia's crisis is larger than they imagined--Chris has not reverted back to human form!

Julia races away as Barnabas closes the door on Chris. He has to hit the werewolf with his cane to force him back into the secret room, but he does, leaving the animal nursing a hurt. Julia tells Barnabas that Chris should have reverted almost two hours ago, and both wonder IF he will. They are both very shaken. Barn says we should have expected something like this, after the time Chris changed when there was no full moon. Julia suspects it will get worse--perhaps he will even suffer being a werewolf all the time--the only answer is to. . .
Kill him, finishes Barnabas. We aren't closer to finding a solution says Julia. We're closer than when we started, insists Barn. He's more unpredictable now, says Julia, more dangerous now than ever. We'll keep him in the room, says Barn. Julia reminds him that others know of the room. I will have Willie find a way to lock the outer door, says Barnabas.

Maggie starts when someone knocks at her door (she's in Josette's room, no surprise). It's Amy, who protests, I'm not always supposed to stay in my room--Carolyn stayed with me--I  don't like being watched all the time. Maggie says they don't want anything to happen to her. Maggie hasn't been to bed yet--I couldn't sleep, I kept thinking about David--do you know where David is? The little girl replies no, I don't. Maggie kneels and takes her hands--how can we ever reach you when you're as fearful as David was? Amy wants to retreat to her room, but Maggie won't let her  She believes the little girl can help them save David. Not so, insists Amy.
Maggie remembers the night she pursued Amy through the woods to Collinwood, and realizes now, you wanted me to follow you--you lured her there because someone told you to. Amy says no. Maggie demands to know--did Quentin want me to come to Collinwood?--do you know who Quentin is? Amy says no. Maggie tells her, I know that wherever Quentin is, David is. Amy, covering her face with her hands, begs to go back to her room. Maggie forces Amy to look at her--Quentin is bad, he might possibly even kill David. Amy assures her David will be all right. Take us to David to see that he's safe, pleads Maggie. I can't, insists Amy. What will happen if you keep quiet, and something happens to David? Asks Maggie. I don't want anything to happen to David, says Amy, and, as Julia walks in, cries, "I'd like to help him but, if I say anymore, he'll do something terrible to Chris!" Julia's ears perk up at this, asking what Quentin has to do with Chris--did Quentin actually threaten to hurt Chris? Amy, afraid, can't say more. Julia volunteers to take Amy downstairs so Maggie can get some rest. Maggie climbs into bed, promising Amy that Julia won't ask her more questions--go along with her. Amy protests, I'm afraid--but allows Julia to lead her away. Maggie closes her eyes, and feels someone shaking her bed. She begins to grimace in her sleep as a dream comes upon her--she sees Quentin's face coming toward her, closer and closer.

Maggie's head twists back and forth on her pillow as the dream continues. She's in the storage room in the West Wing, walking around. She reaches out to touch a tendril of cobweb, sees Mr. Jughans, finds the secret panel and climbs through it into Quentin's room, where the gramophone is playing his music. She hears a sound, and turns. Quentin is there, smiling at her, holding the blue gown. She knows who he is--Quentin, and asks what he wants of her.
He presents her with the dress, which she recognizes--it's not mine, she protests, I don't want it. He advances on her. She begs him to stay where he is. He pulls her close and kisses her, a real nice kiss, then grins at her. (so cute!) He laughs, shoulders shaking, then his face blurs. Maggie sits up suddenly, then races from the room, calling to Julia. The latter joins Maggie in her room. Where's Barnabas? Asks Maggie--I just had a dream and saw Quentin's face again--I saw the room where he took me the night before last, but can't remember where it was--it seemed he wasn't with me, I was drawn somewhere--I remember something else--the minute I woke up, I saw two images in my mind--first, a dark, long old staircase; the second was Mrs. Stoddard's room--I need to put the images into some sequence. Julia agrees she should try--remember the night before last. I followed Amy to Collinwood, begins Maggie, to the drawing room--I was staring at something behind me, and I turned around--Quentin was there--he didn't hurt me, he just kept smiling at me--he took me somewhere, up the old staircase, after that, I was in Liz' room, alone--I felt as if Liz' room was mine--I didn't leave the room, I was pulled someplace else. Where? asks Julia. Maggie recalls walking down a long corridor in the West Wing, standing in front of a door, still alone--but I knew someone waited for me beyond the door--I went inside, but I can't see that room clearly in my mind--when I first walked into it, I thought I saw the figure of a man, and I thought, he's caught us--I remember it wasn't a man at all, but a tailor's dummy with a face painted on it--Mr. Jughans!--I remember the room I was in--a storage room in the West Wing, and there's another room next to it, where I'm sure I'll find Quentin, and David!
Julia wants to leave to find Barnabas, but Maggie says there's no time--David is in danger. Julia refuses to let her go alone and leaves to find Barnabas. Amy has been listening at the door!

Cemetery - Barnabas enters the mausoleum and listens at the door to the growling werewolf inside. The animal leaps all over the place. Julia races in and tells Barnabas Maggie remembered what happened and thinks she knows where David is. They hustle right out of there. Barnabas locks the outer gate.

West Wing, Collinwood - Amy enters, uses a crowbar to open the panel, then climbs through.

Julia knocks at Maggie's door, but she's gone. Barnabas hopes she didn't go to Collinwood alone. She promised to wait, says Julia. As they're leaving, then run into Maggie, who tells them Amy has disappeared. Barnabas tells Julia to search the third floor--Maggie and I will go to Collinwood--Willie and I searched the West Wing storage room, and found nothing. I'm positive that's the room, insists Maggie--there's a small opening in the base of the wall--someone must have covered it up, and I'm sure that's how David disappeared the first night I went to look for him. Barnabas rushes her out of there.

Amy has a little trouble with the panel, but finally enters Quentin's room and calls to David--I have something important to tell you--answer me, please. Quentin appears, touching her shoulder. I came to warn you that Maggie and Barnabas are on the way--they know about this room, they think David's here and are coming to get him--I know you're angry with me, but I did come to tell you, didn't I? Quentin looks thoughtful.

Barnabas and Maggie enter Collinwood and head upstairs.

A frightened Amy assures an advancing Quentin she didn't tell them about the room; Maggie saw it in a dream!--I heard her telling Dr. Hoffman. He touches Amy's shoulder, silencing her, her mouth still open.

Barnabas and Maggie enter the storage room and find the panel into Quentin's room. Barnabas says it was sealed up when he was there before, and whoever unsealed it used the crowbar. I intend to rip out the rest of the panels, says Barnabas--and find out what's in that room! Maggie looks scared as hell at the prospect.

NOTES: We have a very tense situation here--Amy and Quentin are just on the other side of that wall, and if Barnabas makes good his threat. . .will they find themselves face to face with Quentin's ghost, or will he just disappear, leaving poor Amy alone to face the adults?

Where is David? We haven't yet seen him. Where is Quentin keeping him?

Barnabas is determined to help Chris no matter what Julia says or thinks, and she, of course, will go along not just because she mostly agrees with him, but because she loves Barnabas and wants to keep him happy. Plus she genuinely likes Chris and wants to help him--if she can. Does she have another supernatural cure in her doctor's bag for Chris?

Lucky for Maggie she had that dream. How fortuitous. Do you suppose Beth or another sympathetic ghost sent it to her?

Love, Robin


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