LMAO "nooooooooo you put these words on romanticism. what the hell is romanticism?? poor old feller, getting asked the same ole questions, he is hurting he looks like he dont wanna be there. but he comes up with some doozies..."like all women they like gossiping". it looks like their are times where he is quite lucid, then seems a bit disoriented...He was an actor, doing a role, getting apparently a decent wage at the time so he got while the getting was good...I was a little surprised at the comments about some of his fellow actors....did he mean to say grayson hall would have been a better witch than Angelique???(lol) And if anyone knows, what was "the big one" where apparently he screwed up so bad they had to go redo it, or splice tape and cut tape to make it not look so bad....if i recall correctly, he kind of stared down the telepromptor too, and i can recall quite a few mess ups on his parts where it seems he dont know his lines...a very interesting interview and in some cases brutally honest.