Author Topic: Robservations 9/9/02 - #637/638 - Mrs. Peter Bradford--or is That Mrs. Jeff Clar  (Read 1751 times)

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637 - (Grayson Hall) - Darkness hangs like a shroud over the Collins estate as a stormy night grows closer to dawn. Inside the great house, a young man broods over a momentous decision, for he has discovered he belongs to an era gone by. Now he stands on a threshold between past and present, torn between his allegiance to those he once loved and to the woman he now loves.

Vicki comes into the drawing room, where Jeff paces. Liz will be down in a minute, she reports, and he pronounces that good--I was thinking about us, he says--I wish I had your faith. They hug. We've got so little time together, he laments. Vicki begs him not to say that. I can hold you in my arms, he says, but I don't exist here and now, and if we marry, it will be like marrying a corpse, he warns. Hearing this unromantic comment, Vicki looks stricken.

Vicki begs Jeff to stop thinking about the past, but he can't. He hears the thunder and says it brings back a night almost 200 years ago. She was condemned to be hanged, and when they led her to the gallows and they said goodbye, it was thundering just like this.
Vicki has only one memory of that night--his vow to follow her and be with her. His love helped her to keep that vow, and her love for him will protect him and keep him here. You really believe that? Jeff asks. Yes, she assures him. They hug. He tells her even if she's right, they might not have that long--Eve's murder is still hanging over his head. Earlier that evening, Roger went to the police and told them Jeff couldn't possibly have done it, because they were together at the time, at the Eagle Hill Cemetery. Roger didn't say what they were doing, but Jeff's innocence has been established. Liz comes downstairs to find out why Vicki wanted to see her. Vicki apologizes for bothering her, and explains that she and Jeff have decided to get married--we need a witness and I want you to do it--we're marrying tonight, and the Justice of the Peace is waiting for us. Is this what you both want? asks Liz. I wouldn't have it any other way, says Jeff. Liz requests time to get dressed. Vicki tells her how much this mean to her. Liz assures her as long as she knows they believe in it, she'll do whatever they want, and no thanks are necessary. The clock chimes 3 AM.

The Justice of the Peace looks over the marriage license and says all is in order. He has Liz stand next to Vicki and tells Vicki and Peter to join hands. "It was meant to be," murmurs Vicki. As the ceremony is performed, Jeff's mind floats away to 1796, when Vicki told him they were coming for her, and he promised that he would find her as she had found him--somehow, I'll find you again--remember. Vicki swears she will. I love you, he tells her. The minister asks the usual questions, pronouncing Vicki and Jeff husband and wife. They kiss. Liz is wearing the hideous coat that Julia sometimes wears. The married pair kisses and the minister shakes Jeff's hand. Liz hugs Vicki and shakes Jeff's hand, wishing them every happiness. Liz steps to the mantel, taking her pocketbook in her hands, looking somber.

At the Collinsport Inn, the newlyweds joyfully enter their room, Vicki holds a bottle of champagne in a brown paper bag. They kiss. She tells Jeff to open the bottle while she gets two glasses. The champagne is warm, but Vicki says she doesn't care if he doesn't. She brings out two bathroom glasses while he deftly pops the cork. He pours the bubbly for them and they drink to their future. He agrees to the toast. Thunder booms as if denying any possibility for happiness.

The newlyweds clink and drink. Jeff says the storm is making him nervous. They sit together by the fire. He comments that the storm is like a warning. She realizes he fears something might still happen, and reassures him it's too late--they're married, one, no one can take him from her now. He tells her he want to believe that, and she begs him to do so, because it's true. Earlier that evening, he felt himself being pulled back into the past, but it didn't happen, he's still here, and he'll stay here. He tells her he loves her and they kiss. And I love you, she says--we must keep saying and believing it--and we'll always be together. They kiss with tremendous enthusiasm--and saliva.

Barnabas and Julia enter Collinwood; he's fretting where Adam could be. He couldn't have gotten far with a bullet in his back, she assures him. We looked everywhere and couldn't find him, says Barnabas. Julia reminds him Adam is stronger than most men. But not immortal, Barnabas reminds her--if that wound isn't treated, they know what will happen. I suppose I must take precautions, he says--if Adam dies tonight, I will need a coffin. Julia doubts Adam will die tonight. How can you be sure? He asks. Because of your behavior, Julia says--you don't feel any differently than you did before Adam was shot, right? A little weaker, he says, but no urge for blood yet. She doubts there's any danger now. If Adam goes for good, what sort of life will I have, laments Barnabas, wondering what could happen. Julia says there's another threat besides Adam--Angelique.
Barnabas hasn't forgotten her, but what can they do about her? Julia says they can make certain Ang won't return, by going to her coffin at dawn and staking her--we can do it now, with Nicholas gone. Barnabas says the problem is finding her coffin, he's never been there! Julia finds this a shock. Barnabas says his memory is no longer clear--she summoned him to the woods, then to Widows' Hill cemetery, and finally, an old crypt. Good, says Julia, "And at dawn, we will destroy Angelique." "And I want to drive that stake into her myself." Says Barnabas. Julia notes it's less than two hours until dawn and suggests he stay there and rest. Liz joins them; they're surprised to see her (what the hell time is it?). She looks depressed, telling them she doesn't know if anything is all right anymore. She left Vicki in town with Jeff--they were married about an hour ago. Barnabas looks stunned to hear this news, and Julia's eyes widen.

6 AM - Collinwood - Julia comes downstairs, looking pretty refreshed for a woman who has had so little sleep. She finds Barnabas sitting by the fire, his head pressed against his hands as if praying. "Barnabas, you didn't get any rest," she chides him. No, he says. I wants to see that you do when you get back, she insists. Barnabas, sad, asks why she did it--why did she marry HIM? Julia, probably smarting like crazy, tells him Vicki's in love with Jeff--and you knew that. I never really believed it, says Barn. Julia apologizes--you have to accept it, she says, you know that, don't you? Yes, I'll accept it, says Barnabas, and pray she'll be happy with him. He looks out the window at the dawn. Julia suggests they go. Barnabas says they'll go to the Old House and get the hammer and stake.

Hammer and stake in hand, Barnabas and Julia enter the crypt where Angelique had her coffin. Barnabas stops and Julia asks why--it's daylight--there's no danger now. Barnabas knows Angelique is helpless--"But I can't believe I'm this close to being free of her." Julia leans in close and whispers, "Get it over with!" As he approaches the coffin, he steps on the broken magic mirror. Barnabas says he wants to put an end to her now. He opens the coffin--it's empty! Barnabas doesn't understand! Julia asks if he's sure this is the right place. He's positive this is it, and he says she also took him to Nicholas' house. This might be our last chance, says Julia, and if she rises tonight, she might call you. Barnabas has a frightening feeling something happened to Angelique. Because Nicholas disappeared? asks Julia. Barnabas would like to believe that, but he can't--she may be gone, but not for good, and sooner or later, she'll be with us again!

Vicki sits beside her husband, wearing a pretty, cover-all blue nightgown that definitely didn't come from Victoria's Secret. She's given him a watch that's engraved: "To Jeff, I love you forever, Vicki." He admires it and puts it on. I don't have a gift for you, he says (cheapskate)!) She assures him his love is enough. They kiss and smile at each other. You looked like that the first time I put my arms around you, he says--do you remember when? Vicki insists that she only cares about him and the future. It was in the old Collinsport jail, he says, when I agreed to defend you. Only you, she says, and it wasn't courage--he didn't know the first thing about the law, but he knew he loved her and wouldn't let anyone take her away. Those were awful days, he says, and she glances at him uneasily. Jeff goes on and on about the evil Trask, jurors who wouldn't listen--they put up a good fight, kept each other going. . .she doesn't want to talk about that, but Jeff does, he's really into it as the memories flood over him with more clarity--I can't get it out of my mind! Vicki tells him it can't do any good, but it's so vivid to Jeff, as if it were happening now. He can feel the same emotions--they were waiting for the verdict and he felt they believed him--the reasonable, honorable men wouldn't take her away from him, sure. . .but they did! And now, says Jeff, beginning to feel himself being drawn back--they're taking me away!--Vicki, it's happening again, I'm being drawn away from this place. Vicki throws herself in his arms and begs him to hold her. Resist it, hold me, she pleads, but he can't stop it, he's going back, it's more intense than at Stokes', and there's nothing they can do. She runs to call Stokes--he has to know what to do for Jeff! Vicki starts to make an emergency phone call, despite Jeff's begging her not to. I can't fight it, he says, I've already had more time with you than I was meant to have! I'm going back! He starts to fade away, assuring her he loves her.
She darts forward to the empty space where her husband was, screaming, "JEFF! JEFF!" But she's calling to an empty room.

NOTES: It would have been so much more effective if Alexandra Moltke were still playing Vicki. I wish they could have kept her a little longer. I never liked Jeff and this Vicki doesn't mean a thing to me. I did feel Barnabas' pain, and Julia's, over the news of Vicki's marriage. Liz didn't look happy at all, and why did she take her pocketbook? She should have revealed she was Vicki's mother, shouldn't she?

These days, when Jeff disappears, I'm always glad, but I recall feeling sad for the young couple the first time I saw this ep. So, do you think Vicki and Jeff consummated, or was she denied even that little pleasure? Only one of them was in nightclothes.

638 - (Grayson Hall) - Morning at Collinwood, a morning that should be a happy one, for on the previous night, Victoria Winters was married to the man she loves, a man whose love has lasted through time. However, unknown to the residents of the great house, a mysterious and terrifying event has just occurred, an event which will plunge Victoria Winters and those around her into new terrors.

Vicki, looking stunned and dazed, returns to Collinwood, walks through the foyer and into the drawing room, slowly, her blue eyes glazed. She stands for a moment, then faints, falling to the floor. Liz comes out with a cup of something, sorts through the mail, takes a sip, then takes the letters and coffee into the drawing room. She's horrified to find Vicki on the floor and pats her face to wake her up. She helps Vicki to her feet, leads her to the sofa and sits her down. What made you faint? she asks--and what are you doing here?--where's Jeff? Vicki seems unable to speak, then turns to Liz and says, "I didn't know where else to go. He's gone." Jeff? Liz asks.
Yes, replies Vicki--he didn't want to go, he had to. Liz doesn't understand. Vicki explains Jeff had to go back to his own time--I thought my love could hold him here, but it couldn't, and he disappeared right before my eyes! Vicki buries her face in her hands, sobbing, and Liz does her best to comfort her.

Liz tries to reassure Vicki, who is sure she has lost Jeff forever. He was so sure everything would be all right, and then. . .and then. . .I have to talk about it, insists Vicki--I ran to the phone to get Stokes' help, and that's when he was drawn back--and he was gone! She continues to sob. Liz brings her to her room. What am I going to do? asks Vicki.

Julia watches Maggie sleep in her bed at the cottage. She awakens, surprised both to see Julia and to realize it's afternoon. She asks Maggie what she remembers. It's strange, says Maggie, the last thing I remember is being in this house in the middle of the afternoon. Julia tells her it's a day later--you've blocked a day from your memory for traumatic reasons--Nicholas Blair sent for you, says Julia--you had fainted after telling him you wouldn't marry him, and Nicholas couldn't revive you--it was difficult for you, explains Julia--that's why you blocked it from your memory. Maggie finds this tough to believe, but Julia says it does happen.
Nicholas asked Julia to say goodbye for him--he left town after Maggie refused his marriage proposal. I won't see him again? asks Maggie. Probably not, says Julia. Maggie is surprised to hear this, but sorry?--I'm not sure. Why should he stay, if you turned him down?, asks Julia. Maggie supposes so--I feel relieved, glad he's gone--I don't know why, but I am. (Maggie's nightgown is pretty.) Still, Maggie feels it's odd she forgot an important day. The phone rings. Maggie answers. It's Liz, asking for Julia. Julia takes the phone. Liz asks her to come immediately--there's an emergency involving Vicki--come quickly, Vicki needs you badly! Maggie asks what's wrong and, hearing what's going on, says she'll follow Julia to Collinwood and see if she can help.

Vicki (oh, she really does look like Monica Lewinski) sits on her bed. Liz comes in to tell her Julia is on the way. I'm all right, Vicki assures her--because I've decided something--I'm going to find Jeff--I don't know how, but I will, somehow. Liz looks perturbed to hear this.

Vicki accepts a sedative from Julia. Vicki asks her to phone Stokes and ask him to come tonight. Julia objects--Vicki needs rest. Stokes helped Jeff, says Vicki--perhaps he can help me, too. Not tonight, says Julia, perhaps tomorrow. I'm going to see him soon, insists Vicki, and I hope he can help me. I hope so, too, agrees Julia. Liz interrupts--Chris Jennings is downstairs to see Julia, and he says it's important. Liz also says that Maggie is here to see Vicki, and even though Julia said Vicki should have no visitors, she apparently thinks it's OK that Vicki see her friend, if not Stokes.

Down in the drawing room, Maggie is reading the riot act to Chris, sternly calling him heartless. It has to be this way, he says. I'm furious with you, she tells him. Julia comes in and sends Maggie up to Vicki's room. Chris gives Julia money for Amy, explaining he can't go to the hospital again--I'm leaving town soon, tonight. Julia thought he was staying. I had to change my plans, says Chris. Postpone them for a while, she advises, but he says he can't. I want you to spend a few days with Amy, she says. Impossible, says Chris. Julia is sure he'll at least stop at the hospital and say goodbye to Amy, but Chris says it's better that he doesn't. Julia wants an explanation, but he can't provide one. Julia asks if he realizes how much he means to Amy--he's her only living relative, all she has!--yet you're willing to walk out on her, is that it? I have to go, says Chris, I'll still send her money. Julia stuffs the wad of cash into his pocket and says, in a marvelously angry way, "She doesn't need money, she needs you!" (Oh, go, Julia!) I would like to stay and take care of her, begins Chris -- "but you won't," finishes Julia. She demands to know why, and he says he can't go on any further--he has to go--and nothing she can say will make him change his mind!

Maggie goes in to see Vicki--I heard about Jeff, she says, expressing her sympathy. Vicki sits up in bed then crawls forward as if chasing someone. "No!" she cries, disappointed.

Julia is still downstairs trying to encourage Chris to change his mind when Liz comes to get her--Vicki is hysterical. When Julia turns to head upstairs, Chris is about to leave. She asks him to stick around, she has more to say. He wanders into the drawing room by the fireplace. He hears the clock chiming, sees that it's 5:30. The moon is full. Do we ever see any other kind of moon in Collinsport?

Vicki keeps telling Maggie, "It's true, it's true!" Julia and Liz come enter; she tells them Jeff is here in the room--I felt his hand touch my cheek! babbles Vicki.
The other three women eye her as if she's nuts.

On the landing Liz asks Julia if Vicki is going to be all right. I think so, says Julia, as soon as she gets enough sleep--Maggie is sitting with her. Neither woman understands anything that is happening to Vicki. Liz answers the phone--it's for Julia. (Busy lady.) She's upset to learn Amy has escaped Windcliff. She tells the caller to let her know if there's any news. Julia rushes into the drawing room and is upset to find Chris gone--Amy, her patient at Windcliff, escaped, and Chris said he was leaving Collinsport tonight. I must find Amy's brother, says Julia--where can he be?

Chris stumbles through the woods, not looking well at all. He falls down, hugging a rock, staring with an open mouth at the full moon. He begins to moan in pain, then gets up and continues bumbling through the woods.
Maggie watches over the sleeping Vicki, who awakens and insists, I don't want to sleep--Jeff is with me, in the room!  Maggie asks her to stop. Vicki says she doesn't care if Maggie believes her--Jeff is in the room--I want to stay awake and be with Jeff. The door opens by itself. Maggie maintains it's the wind, but Vicki is sure it's Jeff. She runs out of her bedroom and stands in the hall--he's gone now, I don't feel his presence--why did he have to go away? laments Vicki. Maggie encourages her to go back to bed. On the floor, Vicki finds the watch she gave to Jeff after they were married. The inscription is the same. The women stare at each other.

Julia is on the phone asking about Amy. No news. I'll be at that number all night, says Julia--call anytime. Liz reports that Vicki is no better. She grabs her coat and says she's going to the Old House to get Barnabas--he needs to know what's happening; he and Vicki have always been close, perhaps he can help her. Julia agrees and wishes she could go with her, but she must wait for a call from Windcliff. Liz understands. She leaves. It's 6:50 PM. Liz walks through the woods toward the Old House and hears bushes rustling. She asks if someone is there, but receives no response. She hears it again and demands to know who is following her. We hear growling, see Liz' terror-stricken expression. "Don't come near me!" she cries, covering her face.

NOTES: What manner of creature has Liz found? Adam? Something else? Is this connected to the dead hotel clerk? Is Liz in serious danger?

Best scene was between Julia and Chris. I loved the VENOM in her voice when she shoved the money back into Chris' pocket.

Vicki is still too shrill, and Betsy Durkin so on my nerves.

Everyone needs Julia--Amy, Chris, Vicki, Liz--and she's always there to help. Great lady, one of the most giving women!

Must be pretty easy to escape Windcliff--Amy did, it, Liz did it and Maggie herself did it months ago. Where is the security in that hospital?

Love, Robin

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Wyndcliff should hire Garth Blackwood for security.
It is a good day because I am still ticking!

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Windcliff should hire Garth Blackwood for security.

Willie must have forgotten his skills as petty thief since he didn't escape from Wyndcliff. Must've liked the food and the TV in the lounge!

"All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream" - Edgar Allan Poe

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Willie must have forgotten his skills as petty thief since he didn't escape from Wyndcliff. Must've liked the food and the TV in the lounge!

I think deep down inside, he probably felt that he was much better off there than back at the old house. :)
"Calamity Jane"


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DVD episodes for June 29rd and 30th.
The 3rd and 4th episodes on Set#11/Disc#3 (3rd and 4th episodes on MPI tape Volume #81)