606 - (Grayson Hall) - The great house of Collinwood is silent, and its residents sleep peacefully, unaware of the dangers which exist elsewhere in a strange, isolated house by the sea, Barnabas Collins is risking his life to destroy an evil woman named Eve. He does not know he is approaching the greatest moment of terror he has ever known.
"It isn't possible!" Barnabas insists, horrified, staring at his former wife. "You thought you were rid of me, didn't you?" she taunts--"Well, you were wrong."
He's totally stunned--I thought Nicholas destroyed you! "Well, he allowed me to live again," she tells him. "You're frightened, aren't you?--oh, I like seeing that expression on your face--I've been waiting for this moment a long time." "GET AWAY FROM ME!" he shouts. Angelique asks, "Aren't you curious to know why I'm alive? How Nicholas allowed me to live? This is what I am. This is what Nicholas had made me." Her fangs descend; Barnabas, backing away, moans, "No! No! No!" She darts forward, snakes her arms around his neck and sinks her fangs into his throat. He screams, a vein in his forehead pounding as she drinks from him.
Barnabas sits in a chair, blood dripping from two holes in his throat. Angelique calls his name, tells him to look at her. He wakes up and weakly mutters her name. "Yes, your bride--the only bride you'll ever have." she says softly. I will never be rid of you, will I? he asks forlornly. Never, she says. As long as I live, you'll exist to torment me? That's right, and he will never escape her now. I thought I finally had--I should have known better. She rises, tripping over the diaphanous white dress. "You're mine," she says--"You'll never belong to anyone else." Do you know how much I hate you? He asks bitterly. She says it doesn't matter--"Your hatred for me could never be as strong as my hatred for you." You loved me once, he reminds her--it's hard to believe now. If only you'd accepted my love, she says. I couldn't, he tells her. Yes, you wanted your precious Josette--"Well, you lost her." "Because of you," he says. Yes, she agrees with satisfaction--and now at last I can teach you to want me. What are you planning to do? he asks--make me revert to what I was? He closes his eyes, miserable at the thought of it.

"Possibly," she says. And there's nothing I can do to stop it, he says. No, nothing, she agrees--I hate being what I am, but one thing about it pleases me--"You, and what I can do with you." She tells him to look at her. He does, with the eyes of a wounded animal. She exults, "You're beginning to need me already, aren't you?--you are, I can tell." His mouth works. "And each time we're together, you'll need me more" she says triumphantly. "I've got to get away from you," moans Barnabas. He struggles from the chair. Not yet, she cautious. He stumbles out. She looks at her reflection in the mirror (vampire faux pas) and smiles happily. She's got her man!
Barnabas works his way downstairs, nearly falling, telling himself he must get out and escape her. He opens the door--Angelique is waiting for him. "Oh no!" he rasps. I told you I wasn't ready for you to go, she says, closing the door behind her. Barnabas leans heavily on his cane, barely able to stand. Did you really think you could escape me that easily? she asks. People are waiting for me, he tells her. I know, she laughs. I've been gone a long time, and they'll be suspicious, he says. Let them, she insists, it doesn't matter to me. She escorts him into the drawing room, pointing.
Old House - Stokes offers more sherry to Nicholas, who says he must be going. "Please don't," says Julia. Stokes reminds Blair that Barnabas will be disappointed. Nicholas wonders what's keeping him. Julia wonders, too. Perhaps he stayed with Liz, suggests Nicholas. Stokes agrees; otherwise, Barn would never leave guests waiting. Nick asks Julia if Liz is that ill. She's very ill, replies Julia--her rational moments come and go, but she seemed upset, calling to Barnabas as though only he could comfort her, so she felt he should be with her. Julia gave her a sedative and Barnabas should be here before long. The clock strikes one AM and Nicholas comments on how nervous she seems. It's because of Liz, says Julia. Stokes remarks that's understandably frustrating. No one seems able to help Liz, remarks Nicholas. He stands--he must be going--it appears Barnabas isn't getting here this evening. Stokes says he wanted to discuss his house with him. Nicholas begs off, says he must go--thank Barnabas for an interesting evening. He shakes their hands, makes pleasant good-byes and sees himself out. What will happen if Barnabas is found in Blair's house? Frets Julia--what will happen?--what will we do? Julia demands an answer from Stokes. He says nothing--we have to wait, we have no other choice. We must warn Barnabas, she insists. Stokes says they couldn't possibly get there ahead of Blair--besides, perhaps Barnabas already left the house by now and Blair will never know he was there. Possible, says Julia, but he's been gone so long. Concerned, Stokes says he doesn't know. Julia drains her glass, worriedly thinking that Barn could have run into Adam, Eve might not be sleeping. . . Stokes reminds her Barnabas knew the risks and was willing to take them--he made his choice. Julia is sure something has happened to him--he's dead, she knows it, Adam found and killed him.

Stokes tells her not to panic, but Julia says if he isn't dead, something else must have happened--something terrible!
Barnabas is fingering the holes in his throat as Ang tells him he will come to her whenever she calls him: "You are mine now." He murmurs he should never have come here--how I wish I hadn't. She says he underestimated Nicholas; from the moment he got his invitation, he knew what he had in mind, wanting to get into the house--so he let him. "So I walked into a trap," says Barnabas bitterly. Yes, she says--I'm really surprised at you, I thought you more intelligent. He rises--I must leave now--"Please," he says, a combination of reluctance, anger and pleading. "Say that again," she asks silkily--"I enjoy hearing you plead with me." (she's having too much fun!) Hoffman and Stokes will be waiting for him, wondering why he's so long. Angelique doesn't care. What can I tell them? asks Barnabas Tell them anything, she suggests--tell them the truth. Barnabas can't do that--what can I say? I'll leave it up to you, she says. They'll be suspicious, he reminds her. You must end their suspicions, she instructs him. Yes, but it won't be easy, he says. She says that Stokes and Julia already suspect too much--he must end that, and she's sure he'll find a way. "You may leave me now--temporarily." He gives her a look of hatred as he starts to leave, and she repeats her orders about Stokes and Julia. Yes, he says. "I release you," she tells him. "You may go." Giving her another look of hatred, he limps away, and she looks after him, a woman in lust with her victim.
Angelique is wandering the room, lightly touching the furniture, when Nicholas returns. He can tell by her expression their plan was successful. She told Barnabas everything Nicholas told her to, obeying all his orders--Barnabas is in their control now and will do as they wish. He asks if she's happy now. I've never been happier, she says, glowing.

And is she grateful to Nicholas for giving her what she's wanted for so long? Very, she says. You can only see Barnabas occasionally, he warns--*I* will determine when you see him and you won't see him until I tell you you can. She agrees, too quickly, of course. He know she'll be tempted to call Barnabas, but must withstand the temptation until Nicholas tells her to summon him. She agrees, and he says she's acquiescing too quickly. He doesn't trust her crafty little mind--she wants to make Barnabas what she is. She admits that, but she knows she can't disobey Nicholas, he has too much power over her. She has disobeyed him before, with less provocation, he reminds her. She knows he'll destroy her if she doesn't do as he says. That's right, says Nick--so you must obey me whether or not you want to--do you mean it? he asks. She does. They understand each other, they agree. He says this is his only warning--remember it. I will, she says, and after he leaves, she looks pissed and determined.
Barnabas returns to the worried Julia and Stokes. Holding his collar closed over his wounded throat, he assures them he's all right. Nothing happened, he say--our plan failed. He got into Blair's house, found the room, but Eve wasn't there. He searched, but the whole house was empty. Stokes and Julia say this makes no sense, they were certain Eve was there, they had proof. She wasn't there while I was there, says Barnabas, speaking distractedly--I don't know where they are. He sits down. Barnabas assures them Blair didn't see him leave the house, and Julia says Blair left only 10 minutes before Barnabas got back. Barnabas says no one will know he was there, and he was there as long as he was because he was searching the house, even the grounds, but found no sign of Adam or Eve. Julia can't believe this has happened. Barnabas tells her he doesn't want to talk anymore, he's exhausted. Julia says he looks strange, but he quickly denies nothing is the matter. He thought this nightmare would be over tonight and it isn't, and he doesn't know what to do next. He clutches his cape around his throat, confessing to being afraid and worried. Julia wants to keep talking, but Barnabas begs her to leave it until tomorrow. Stokes offers to take her home, and Julia gives Barnabas one last look of concern before leaving. Barnabas smothers a yawn.
Julia tells Stokes she's worried--he looked and behaved oddly--something is bothering him. Stokes tells her she's done enough worrying for one night, and they leave.
A dog howls. Barnabas sits in the chair, wincing at the sound. He must find a way of escaping her! How? The dog howls again. He rises from the chair, holding onto it for support. He goes to the window, looks out. The wind blows the curtains. The candles go out. Barnabas is afraid. No, he protests, I know what's happening. Angelique appears, miniaturized, (poor special effects). "I know what you were thinking," she says, "but you'll never find a way to escape me. Never." He asks if Nicholas sent her here. He doesn't know I'm here," she says--"and he's not going to know, because you're not going to tell him." "Haven't you done enough to me tonight?" demands Barnabas, backing away unsteadily. "Can't you leave me alone?" "I'll never leave you alone," she says, advancing on him, "until you're mine--completely MINE!" She slithers her arm around his neck. As he cries, "PLEASE, no, NO!" she plunges her fangs into his throat again. He screams fiercely as she holds him close and enjoys the sweet taste of his blood.
NOTES: Lara Parker was heard to say that she likened a vampire bite to an orgasm. She certainly brings that philosophy to her vampiric relationship with Barnabas, which borders on pornographic! While she expressed a wish to be a GOOD girl, by this time, Lara Parker was genuinely enjoying herself as the baddie.
Such a good, tense episode--Julia and Stokes, trying so hard to keep Nicholas occupied while Barnabas is on his errand, Nicholas knowing damn well exactly what they and Barnabas are up to, enjoying their worry and concern for their friend.
Barnabas, face to face with his greatest terror--Angelique--except now, she's a vampire as he once was, and feasting upon his blood, messing with his mind. It's so much fun to watch these two! Notice that Angelique really went for Barnabas in a big way, biting him twice in the same night. I guess she was trying to recreate some of that Martinique magic.
607 - (Lara Parker) - The walls of Collinwood are still obscured by darkness, but soon the light of morning will come. For this long night is almost over. It has been a night of terror, for one man was lured to a mysterious house by the sea, and underwent a horrifying experience, an experience that will not only change his life but the lives of others around him. And before this day is over, another man might die a horrifying death.
Adam sleeps restlessly. Nicholas comes into his room and smiles down at him, waking the big guy up with a start. Adam, having a bad dream, is glad to be awake. Eve is safe, says Nicholas, their plan worked--Barnabas came here and found Angelique; he is under her spell and will never again do anything they don't want him to do. Adam is happy, but--damn, he feels crappy--weak--strange. He's grasping his throat. Nicholas suggests lack of sleep, but then he notices how Adam is rubbing his neck and realizes something is wrong with him. He takes Adam's hand from his throat and finds ghostly fang marks!
Nicholas tells him there are marks on his neck and gives him a mirror so he can see them for himself. Adam has no idea where they came from, but his dream. . .that someone attacked him. Nicholas is surprised to hear this. Adam felt strange and weak in his dream, frightened, too, though he doesn't know why. Something is going to happen, something terrible, predicts Adam. Nicholas asks him if Angelique was in his room tonight. No, says Adam definitely.
Nicholas thinks this over and knows what happened. He can't explain, it's nearly morning and he must locate Angelique. Adam is afraid of Angelique, he says, though he doesn't know why. Nick knows, and reassures him nothing will happen to him--he understands Adam's fear and will put an end to it right now!
Blair House living room - Angelique looks out the window. In a few moments, the sun will rise, she says, and when it sets again, she will summon Barnabas to come to her. He won't be able to resist her, she says dreamily, and he will be hers at last. She smiles at this thought. Nicholas enters. She tells him she must go to her coffin. He insists on speaking to her--don't argue, he orders, this is vital--it's Barnabas and you are concerned. Stay away from him, orders Nicholas. But you told me. . .she protests. Nichilas knows, but he must change his mind because of Adam. They forgot--Eric Lang's message on the tape recorder! It said there was a connection between Adam and Barnabas, and if anything happens to the latter, the same would happen to Adam. And something has--he has wounds on his neck, says Nicholas, and is weak and dazed, just as Barnabas is--you must not see Barnabas again. When I rise, I'll need Barnabas, she insists. Call Joe, Nick orders. I don't want Joe! Ang says.

Too bad, says Nick, summon him anyway. Ang accuses him of wanting Joe summoned because of Maggie Evans and Nicholas' involvement with her--you want her for yourself. Beside the point, says Nicholas--the sun is rising, are you going to do as I say? She agrees to his terms; he calls her wise. She goes to her coffin, slowly, first turning to give him a look before heading to "bed."
Blue Whale - Joe sits at the bar, drinking shots--he wants another one. When Maggie comes in, they look at each other for a moment. She starts to greet him, says nothing, then walks behind him and says a quiet hello. He sadly tells her he didn't think she was going to speak to him. She admits she wasn't, but she had to--the way he looks. . .

He doesn't care. You don't care about anything, she notes. Joe agrees--I suppose you're here to meet Nicholas. Yes, she admits, and we've been seeing a lot of each other--is there any reason I shouldn't?--Nicholas has been kind, considerate, thoughtful. She asks if he's been working and he says no, rubbing his face. He knows everything she's going to say, and wants no lecture. She agrees. He finally turns to look at her, asking if she's OK. I guess so, she says. I've thought about you, he admits. She thought he stopped caring long ago, but he tells her that isn't true. Maggie, he begins, but doesn't finish. She says when he looks at her that way, she thinks he feels the way he used to. You have no idea how I feel, he says--I wish I could tell you, but I can't. We're living in the present, she says, and it isn't easy to talk to each other. He agrees it's hard. Nicholas comes in and greets both Joe and Maggie. Maggie wants a table, so they leave Joe behind. Maggie says goodbye and he says it back. He gazes at her and wishes he could tell her what SHE has done to him--but he can't. The sun is beginning to set, he realizes, and he must go to her. He doesn't want to, but he has to--he has to! He leaves, but not before exchanging a longing look with Maggie. SO SAD!
Nicholas asks Maggie what she wants to drink. Anything, she says. He calls the bartender over. He notices how upset she is. It's just seeing Joe that way, she explains. Nicholas understands. He orders a Black Russian for Maggie. She says she doesn't want to think or talk about Joe--as far as she's concerned, she doesn't even know him, and wants to forget him. Nick asks if she means that, covering her hands with his. He asks to see her smile, and she does, but it doesn't look sincere.
Adam is reading in the drawing room, slitting open pages that are stuck together. Angelique comes in and he stands. "You!" he says, clearly scared. She demands to know where Nicholas is. Adam backs away from her and tells her he's out with Maggie Evans. I knew it, she says angrily--are you afraid of me? Yes! Says Adam, I don't know why, but I don't want to be in the same room with you. He flees out the door. She looks totally pissed off, thinking that Nick is getting what he wants and depriving her of what she wants--and doing it deliberately. She gazes at the mirror. Nicholas thinks he can control everything, but he's in for a surprise, she says, because tonight, she will do everything she can to spoil his plans! She grins with satisfaction.
Joe enters Blair house and goes into the drawing room, where Angelique is sitting. I didn't summon you! she says--leave me alone. I had to come, says Joe--you never said that before. Go away, she repeats. I can't, I need you. Ang doesn't care--I don't need you now, she says. He asks what's happened. She coldly informs him she doesn't want him anymore.

You can't mean that, says Joe--but she does. Joe is horrified. He can't believe this is happening--there must be somebody else. Yes, she admits, someone she wants much more than him. He demands to know who, he'll kill him! She won't let him. Is he coming here tonight? Yes. I'll stay and wait here, he announces, sitting down. She orders him to leave the house and never come back, but he refuses--he'll stay until he comes. She's going to show him something, hoping it will drive him out of here--look into the mirror and see what's happening to your beloved Maggie right now. Reflected is the cottage door; Nicholas is telling Maggie he wishes he could make her life less difficult. You have, she says--being with someone as kind and considerate as you has been a help. He denies being those things; he is very fond of her, he says--very fond. Joe watches this, sickened. In fact, says Nicholas, I am falling in love with you--don't say anything, let me talk--if you feel you could care about me the way you cared about Joe, I want to go on seeing you, but if you don't feel that way, we should stop seeing each other--it's up to you. Maggie doesn't know what to say. Yes or no? he asks. She replies that she doesn't want them to stop seeing each other. Then there's a chance? he asks, smiling jubilantly. Yes, she says, grinning back. That's all he wanted to hear. He kisses her, and she kisses back, like a couple of statues.
Joe says he's seen enough. Now go, Angelique says, and don't come back. "I've lost her," says Joe forlornly, "because of you." Callously, Angelique suggests Maggie will take him back, but Joe knows she won't, not as he is now. It doesn't concern Angelique either way. Joe recounts that he's lost Maggie, his job, and all because of her, all he has left is her! She reminds him he doesn't have her anymore, she doesn't want him. Joe becomes more agitated--you've ruined my life and you don't even care! Not particularly, she agrees. Evil, he calls her, rubbing his face. Vicious! He picks up a letter opener and approaches her--he'll kill her! No you won't, she says--you can't, you know that--drop that, you look ridiculous. I should kill myself, snarls Joe, I hate himself and everything I've become--I'll never be anything else. Angelique tells him to please leave. Joe insists he wants to die. She says if he won't leave her, she'll leave him--you bore me. Joe shoves the letter opener into his stomach and falls to the ground, unconscious, the handle protruding from his stomach. Joe? Angelique cries.
NOTES: Angelique is such a cruel bitch, whether she's a witch or a vampire. She casts Joe off like an old pair of shoes she no longer wants--and this poor man has given up his lady, his job and just about everything else that meant anything to him--and now she no longer wants him! What will happen when he learns Barnabas is his rival for her "affections?" Joe doesn't know their history, so this is going to come as a shock.
Nicholas is working hard on Maggie, offering to stop seeing her if there's no chance for them, but she opts to stick with their relationship, more's the pity. I felt so awful for the two of them in that bar scene; I always loved them as a couple and wished they found their way back to each other. I thought them DS' most promising couple.
Nicholas has realized that a link exists between Barnabas and Adam (shame on his for forgetting in the first place) and all his plans might be thwarted by the vampire he created. He knows only too well how treacherous Angelique is--can he really trust her promise to leave Barnabas alone? I think we already know the answer to that!
Love, Robin