600 - (Marie Wallace) - On this night, a horrible memory has mysteriously been erased from a young woman's mind, and Barnabas Collins no longer lives with the threat of having the past exposed. But the time of terror at the Old House is not over, for the present and the future contain greater dangers than were ever known in the past.
Julia can't believe Maggie escaped from the tomb. Barnabas explains that the police should know about him, but don't--before Maggie got to the police, someone got to her. When they returned from the searching, Barnabas explains, they got a message Maggie wanted to see him. They went and found her memory had been erased. Julia is puzzled, but Barnabas says only one person would be capable of that act--Nicholas Blair.
Julia, who looks very pretty in her gray outfit, finds this incredible (how could she find ANYHTING incredible anymore?), but Barnabas surmises that Cassandra had to have told Nicholas everything about the past--if he did erase Maggie's memory, he did it knowing he was helping him, and there's only one reason for that--Adam--Blair knows if Barnabas is in danger, so is Adam. Julia says if it is Nicholas, he must know about the experiment, but they need proof. Stokes should have been here, he may have found Adam. Barnabas says they're better off if he didn't--let's hope that Adam and his mate have left and gone far away.
Adam sits in Blair's living room, looking morose. Nicholas comes in, smiling at Adam, asking him why, 24 hours after the experiment has been completed and he got what he wanted, he looks like the whole thing was a complete disaster. Adam has been thinking about things--why did Stokes tell him Eve was no good for him? Blair doesn't know--does Adam think Eve is evil? No, says Adam, but Nicholas reminds him Stokes, along with Barnabas, was always against the experiment--he didn't want Adam to have a mate. True, says Adam, Stokes tried to help Barnabas. Nicholas reminds Adam he has what he wants--forget Stokes. Something else is bugging Adam, and Nicholas is eager to listen. Leona died in the experiment, says Adam, why did you let her do it? Blair reveals that Leona was going to die anyway; she was sick and this gave her a chance to give life to someone else. She was unusual, comments Adam. Blair agrees with that assessment. Stokes was wrong about something else, says Adam--the strange thing that happened after the experiment--he said Leona was involved--they were standing in the Old House, the door flew open, the curtains were moving and the candles blew out--no one knew what caused it. Adam felt something strange happening--does Nicholas know what it could have been? No, says Nick, forget it! Adam can't. Nicholas tells him he has Eve now, and Adam says he's happy with her. Concentrate on her, advises Nick, make her happy with you. Adam says he understands, and Eve, who has overheard the last few words of their discussion, looks pissed as hell, bathed in crimson light.
Adam and Eve sit on the sofa. She's drumming her fingers on the arm. He asks if anything is upsetting her; she denies it. This place bothers me, she complains. He says they aren't staying much longer--Nicholas is taking them away somewhere they can be very happy together. She looks skeptical. Adam asks if it's what she wants. She says she wants to be happy, and he pushes, "I mean with ME." She asks if that's a fair question. He doesn't know. They barely know each other, she says. You were meant to be mine, says Adam.

She gets nasty--she isn't a piece of property, something he owns--a woman hates that! He apologizes for hurting her feelings. She asks that they not discuss it further tonight and tells him to go to bed--he looks tired. He doesn't want to leave her alone, but it's what she wants--to sit by herself and think about things. Good night, she says, through gritted teeth. Adam leaves, looking very unhappy. She takes the letter opener she's been toying with and plunges it angrily into a small table. Nicholas enters and tells her if she's going to tear apart the furniture, he can get her something more practical than a letter opener. He grins at her, and grins eagerly back. We must talk, he says, and she says she'll like talking to him--he isn't like Adam. She can't bear the sight of him--ugly, boring, stupid. He says he is sorry she feels that way, and she flirtatiously says, "I don't feel that way about YOU--you're different--intelligent, exciting, charming, my kind of man."

He's flattered. I think I'm your kind of woman, she adds, and he agrees. She snakes her arms around his neck and suggests they do something about it. He asks what she suggests they do, and her smile goes away as she says they can begin by getting rid of Adam. How? asks Nicholas. Send him away, she says. He'd come back, says Nicholas--would you kill him? I'd have no future with Adam, says Eve, but I could have one with you--if the big guy stood in the way, sure she could kill him, yes! Nicholas laughs. "You ARE my kind of woman"! he says sexily--"Evil from head to foot, I made a very good choice even if I do say so myself." He peels her arms from around his neck and tells her the only future she has is with Adam. She's furious, proclaiming that ridiculous. He warns her that he gives the orders and she follows--she was made for Adam, and must accept that. She calls him insane and says she hates Adam. He puts an arm around her and tells her she can hate him all she wants--but don't show it! He expects her to love Adam, and that's what she'll do. No, she says. He growls in reply, "I do like your spirit, but I will not tolerate defiance."--do as I say or your life will end as suddenly as it began. He grips her chin and tells her to think about that--he's going to go get Adam.
Old House - Julia and Barn hear a knock at the door. It's Stokes, who tells them he went to the place Adam was hiding and learned he left there last night and hasn't been seen since. Barnabas expresses hope that's the last they'll see of him, but Stokes isn't sanguine--his instincts tell him not to hope for the best--he's suspicious of Leona, and if she was the reincarnation of Danielle Roger. . . At this, the doors blow open, the candles blow out and the chandelier sways. The curtains billow, and the storm starts up. The three note that if just the mention of Danielle's name elicits this response, they must make contact! The bookcase opens and a book falls down onto the desk. The disturbance stops and Stokes deems it safe to check out the book. He opens it what turns out to be an account of the French Revolution, written by Philippe Cordier, published in 1798. Stokes says Philippe might want them to contact him, so they should hold a seance and find out.
Stokes puts out candles as Julia and Barnabas watch. A table and three chairs has been set up. Stokes holds Julia's chair while she sits down. They touch fingertips and Stokes tells them to concentrate. He calls to Philippe Cordier, asking for a sign, calling to him to "Make your presence known!" We need your help as you need ours. The candle on the table blows out. Barnabas goes into a trance, which concerns Julia. Stokes tells her to leave him alone. Barnabas begins to speak in French; Stokes asks for English. I am Philippe Cordier, says the ghost, speaking through Barnabas. Stokes asks about Danielle Roget. "Danielle, mon amour," moans the spirit. Stokes asks if he was in love with her and he says, in French--accented English, "I AM in love with her, she is mine and has been taken away." Another man has taken her, I don't know his name, but he stole her spirit away. I am very lonely without her, and have come back to find her. Stokes asks if her spirit was in this room tonight, and Philippe says oui, but it's not here now. Where has it gone? asks Stokes. To another house, a house by the sea, replies Cordier. "Nicholas Blair's house!" bursts out Julia. "Danielle, I am coming for you, we will be together again," cries Philippe. Stokes begs him to reveal who lives in that house. "Wait for me, I will come for you. And when I find you, I will do what I have to do. Danielle, I will revenge your honor--I will kill the man who says he loves you."

"Adam!" cries Julia. "He will die this night for what he has done for us--attendez! Attendez, mon amour, je viens, je viens! Danielle, c'est moi, Philippe. Je viens, mon amour!" Barnabas collapses on the table. Stokes says the spirit is gone, there is no chance to learn more--Julia should have kept silent, they were making remarkable progress. Julia is only interested in helping Barnabas sit up, making sure he's all right, checking his pulse. Julia heard all she needed to, she says, patting Barnabas awake. He looks at her and asks what happened. Stokes assures him he served them well. You went into a trance, says Julia. You became our medium, says Stokes, and our worst suspicions were confirmed: Leona Eltridge is the reincarnation of Danielle Roger. How? asks Barnabas. Blair summoned Danielle from the dead, explains Stokes, gave her a different name and sent her to provide the life force--for what reason I can't imagine. Whatever it was, says Barnabas, it was for some evil purpose. Julia says that the last thing the spirit said was that he would go to the house by the sea and kill the person who loves her--that could only be Adam!
Nicholas, Eve and Adam are sitting together in the living room. Adam sits at Eve's feet, caressing her hand, explaining, "Nicholas told me you wanted me to come downstairs." He assures her he doesn't expect love to bloom instantly, he will give her time to get to know him. Eve stands, staring, upset. She looks around, terrified. Lightning flashes, thunder, and the door blows open. The curtains blow, the chandelier shakes. Eve screams, "NO! Someone in this house is going to die, tonight!" She screams and races out. Adam tries to go after her, but he is choking, and Nicholas rushes to his aid.
In the Old House, Barnabas finds his collar too tight. Julia is suggesting they confront Nicholas, but Barnabas calls that absurd--neither of them is a match for Nicholas Blair. Barnabas begins to choke in earnest, and Julia rushes to help him. Barnabas chokes out, "It's happening--the spirit of Philippe Cordier is killing Adam!"
NOTES: Well, here we see the connection between Adam and Barnabas going the opposite way--Adam is choking, and so is Barnabas. Will Cordier succeed in killing Adam, making Barnabas a vampire again? Or will Barnabas simply die, too?
Great almost-seduction scene between Eve and Nicholas, huh? She really wants him, and he seemed to feel the same, almost baiting her to come and get him, but then he put her in her place. He was very hot in this ep. How ironic that Adam is being the sweet, sensitive guy and Eve immediately goes for the only other man in the house, Satan's bad boy. Surely Nicholas anticipated this problem, and he also must realize that a gal like Eve will never fall for a guy like Adam, no matter what Nicholas orders her to feel! She already despises him!
Jonathan speaks flawless French, and I always enjoy when he uses that beautiful language on the show. I took French in junior high school because of DS, and my in-class name was, you guessed it, Josette!
601 - (Nancy Barrett) - The threat of sudden death hangs over the Collins estate once again. A seance held at the Old House this night has unleashed a vengeful spirit and revealed the whereabouts of a man named Adam whose life is now in grave danger.
Adam chokes, as does Barnabas. Barnabas gasps out to Julia that the spirit of Philippe Cordier is killing Adam.
Julia holds onto Barnabas' shoulder, helping him into a chair. At Blaire House, Nicholas tends to Adam, helping him into a chair. Nicholas is upset as Adam begs him for help. The lights go on and off as Nick commands the alien spirit to leave Adam, the house, the world or face the tortures of eternal damnation. Barnabas grips his collar, trying to loosen it, to no avail.

Nick warns the spirit it will be consumed by the eternal fires of hell as both Barnabas and Adam announce that they can't breathe. (yet they can talk!) Nicholas succeeds in banishing the spirit; Adam can breathe, as can Barnabas. Adam assures Nick he's all right. He doesn't understand what happened. Barn tells Julie the pain is gone; he has no idea what happened. Nick promises Adam it will never happen again, but won't explain how he stopped it--rest, Nick urges Adam. Julia tells Barnabas Nicholas stopped it--he must have been there when the spirit attacked Adam and used his powers to drive away the spirit. Barnabas rises from the chair. With Nicholas in control of Adam and his mate, the danger might be greater than ever--they must put a permanent stop to Nicholas. Julia reminds him they are no match for him, how can they stop him? We must do it, insists Barnabas.
Carolyn calls Harry into the drawing room at Collinwood. She closes the door and tells him not to ask questions, just sit and listen. She tells him to go to the Old House and find out if Adam is there. Harry says it's the last place he'd find him. Carolyn can't believe Adam would leave without saying goodbye, and perhaps Barnabas is responsible for Adam's disappearance. That's a little risky, says Harry, I could get into trouble. Getting the hint, Carolyn assures him he'll get extra money. He has his mother to think about. . . You'll be paid, she says curtly, but no bargaining--you'll do as I want and I'll pay you what it's worth. Bitterly he remarks that she really has it made--on the outside, sweet and innocent, inside, a real tough customer. He touches her shoulder and she smacks his hand away. "You'd better believe it, Harry," she warns.
Harry listens outside those thin glass windows as Barnabas tells Julia they will concentrate on Eve--she's important to Nicholas, that's obvious, and if they destroy her, they destroy his plans. They must be extremely careful and make it look as if she died naturally. It will entail enormous risk, says Julia--if Eve is living at Nick's house, how can they get to her?
We'll lure Adam and Nicholas out, suggests Barn, then find her. Julia is sure Nick won't leave Eve there unprotected, but Barnabas says he has no reason to believe Eve is in danger. Too dangerous, says Julia, she doesn't want them to consider it. Barnabas is convinced this is the only way, and must be done now. Harry walks away, pondering what he's heard and how he can use it.
Harry goes to Nicholas and tells him he has valuable information he might want to have. You mean sell it to me, guesses Nick. He calls Harry enterprising, smiling at him, asking how much he wants for it. Five grand, says Harry. Nick asks for the information, but all Harry tells him is that it concerns a lady named Eve. What about her? asks Blair. Harry explains that some people are planning to kill her. Nick listens carefully--he believes Harry. Harry refuses to reveal who is going to do the killing, he wants to discuss money first. Nicholas opens his wallet and gives him a hundred bucks, a down payment--knowing who is going to kill Eve is worth more. Harry confesses--Barnabas and Julia are the intended killers, he overheard them discussing it--he doesn't know when, but soon--they gave no specific time. Nicholas thanks him, saying he's been helpful. Nicholas tells Harry he's never seen 5,000 dollars in his life and won't see it now. Harry, pissed off, accuses Nicholas of chiseling him out of it--my ace in the hole, Harry says, is that you've has been hiding Adam. What will you do about it? demands Nick. I could tell Carolyn and get money from her, suggests Harry. (not too bright, is he?) Yes, agrees Nicholas, Carolyn is anxious to find Adam. Harry says either Nick pays him or he will just tell Carolyn Adam is there and get it from her.

Nicholas contemplates this parasite who has dared to come to him. "Good night," he says in reply. Harry says he's making a big mistake, but Nick says HARRY made the big mistake. Harry starts to leave, but finds himself locked in. He asks Nicholas to help open the door, but Nicholas has seemingly disappeared. Harry finds the drawing room locked, too. He calls to Nicholas to help him get out, and the doors finally open--but the room is dark and Blair is not there. Harry glances nervously around, asking if it's a joke--if so, it's not funny--help me. The doors close, locking Harry in the living room. He begs to be let out, then wanders around, checking a window, finding it locked. He tries another door, but that's locked, too. He's growing more scared, and is really terrified when he sees a disembodied hand groping for him! Harry turns away, but the hand follows him, getting larger. Harry finally sits on the sofa, screaming. Nicholas, his face bathed in an eerie light, appears and asks Harry if he's comfortable--we must have a little talk. Harry, still shaking, tells him to forget everything he said before, he'll go back to Collinwood, not tell Carolyn, mind his own business. Nicholas tells him he's incapable of that--but when he finishes with him, he will be. He orders him to call him Mr. Blair, and Harry does so. Nicholas orders him to sit there and look into his eyes. Harry tries to resist, but can't. Nicholas hypnotizes him, telling him not to be afraid, he won't hurt him, he'll take care of him. Harry will work for Nicholas, and he won't tell anyone about tonight. He'll live at Collinwood and work for Carolyn, but his first allegiance will be to Nicholas. Harry understands. He stares blankly into space.
When Harry returns to Collinwood, Carolyn comes rushing out. You were gone a long time, she complains. Adam isn't with Barnabas, says Harry--Julia and Barnabas were there, he waited until they left, looked around and found no one. Carolyn is upset. She knows of another place--Nicholas Blair's--she's heading out that way.
Adam tells Nicholas he wants to have a talk. Nothing is going right since the experiment. Nick says that's not so. Adam wants the three of them to go away. We will, in due time, Nicholas assures him--there are many things to do first--Adam's scars must be removed, considering how miserable they make him. Adam is thrilled to hear this, but Blair says he was trying to keep it a surprise. When someone knocks, Nick sends Adam into another room. Nicholas lets Carolyn in, explaining he can only spend a moment with her. Adam eavesdrops. She asks Nicholas if he's seen Adam. Nick says he's surprised Adam isn't at Collinwood. He's been gone since early last night, says Carolyn. Nicholas suggests that Adam went off to think about things.

I've been taking care of him a long time, she says, and I've become more attached to him than I ever thought I would--let me know if you see or hear from him--Adam doesn't have to come back, if he doesn't want to, I just want to know he's all right and happy. Nicholas promises he'll let her know and she thanks him.
After Carolyn leaves, Adam tells Nicholas he heard everything, he didn't mean to hurt Carolyn, he must tell her he's all right. Out of the question, says Nicholas sternly--you can't go to Collinwood--we have a more serious problem now--someone is planning to kill Eve. Adam's face darkens--who? Barnabas, says Nicholas. Adam runs for the door--I'll kill HIM first! He vows Nicholas orders him to stop--he will handle this. He can deal with Barnabas, permanently--they will do nothing. "Go upstairs and tell Angelique I want to see her here, at once," says Nicholas. Adam leaves to do so. Nicholas watches him, a satisfied grin on his face.
NOTES: Uh oh, is it Nicholas' plan to have Angelique bite Barnabas, bringing him under her control, and hopefully, Blair's, too? You know that when it comes to her husband, for I'm sure that's how Angelique still considers herself, she will ignore any orders on Nicholas' part and do what she wants. On the other hand, knowing the connection between Barnabas and Adam, is Nicholas really that foolish/forgetful? I guess we'll find out.
Nicholas certainly got the better of two-bit hustler Harry. Apparently Harry believed her was dealing with a mortal man, but he certainly isn't, and he probably doesn't realize it even yet that Nicholas has forced him to change sides! And how skillfully Nicholas manipulated Carolyn, who must surely suspect that Nicholas is lying to her about knowing Adam's whereabouts--yet she doesn't accuse him. She also admitted her feelings for Adam, and she clearly cares deeply.
I don't think we ever see Philippe Cordier again, and am pretty sure he was just brought in so Julia, Barnabas and Stokes would realize that Leona was, indeed, the murderous Danielle Roget.
Love, Robin