From Marlene of Val d'or, Quebec, Canada: "I feel that it generally does sound like Jonathan. I have that article in question and have reread it many times. Since Jon seems capable of great mental reflections, it woudl appear natural that he should analyze his past, present and future quite thoroughly, which the article seems to indicate. My impression of Jon is that he is honest with himself and others, reason why he answered whatever questions the reporter may have posed him personally and honestly.
"The part I find questionable though is where he denied interest in the occult. Considering the fact that he protrayed the supernatural character, he must have had some interest in this field, even if only at the beginning. I realize that the whole aspect of occultism would become boring after portraying a character such as Barnabas in a show like Dark Shadows whcih resolves around the parapsychological belief for so long. But if I should be mistaken, I would appreciate correction from you, since you know Jon."
From Barbara of Brooklyn, New York: "If Jon did say what the article quoted him as saying I am very hurt. I'm sorry that he felt that way about playing Barnabas on DS. If he feels that way, where does that leave us his fans that loved Barnabas and enjoyed DS. Right now I feel rather stupid. I rather think that it is a compliment that an actor does a role so well that when fans think of the character that the actor is playing they immediately think of the actor. Another thing I didn't know. I thought that actors were grateful for fans of all ages, whether young or old as long as he had fans. I can't believe, I don't want to believe, that Jonathan said those things. I just want to think about this some more. I've been blaming everyone under the sun for the demise of DS, but I never dreamed that Jon could be connected with it. Jonathan Frid brought Barnabas to life for us. It's his portrayal of Barnabas that endeared him to millions of fans. Then to learn that Jon disliked being Barnabas well that's just too much. I hope now he is happy he has all the time he needs to do whatever it is that he wants to do. He still remains my very
favorite actor. If he was so unhappy being Barnabas I hope that he finds something that he will being happy doing. I only hope that I will see him somewhere again, be it movies, TV or on the stage."
From Dee of Huntley, Illinois: "I read this article some time ago, and I questioned it then. Now, I have never had the privilege of meeting Jon, and so I can't pretend to know how he would think of feeling regarding -- well, anything really. But I DO know that sort of man I would choose to admire, and that type of man just would not make some of the comments that were printed in this article. I don't think he would display such an uncaring attitude, particularly toward the vehicle which brought him stardom. Even if he felt that way privately, I can't see him ever making any such statements in public. Now, some parts of it could very well be more authentic - I can well understand his not wanting to be typed in the vampire role, and being eager to move on to other things. But other parts - the statement that quotes him as saying he should have left the show at its peak in order ot capitalize on its success, for example -- that is such a self-centered remark that it might well have changed my entire attitude toward Jon -- if I didn't doubt so strongly that he actually said it. On a recent Dick Cavett show, Ralph Nader made an appearance and he and Sandy Duncan were discussing movie magazines and their habit of printing just about anything as 'truth' -- be it true or not. 'Reporters' from these publications will interview stars and then twist those interviews any way they choose -- or they won't interview them at all, but will simply make up anything at all from their own imaginations, throwing in enough well-known background material on the performer to make their garbage sound authentic. And readers swallow it as fact. I have a strong hunch that much of this article was exactly that -- a product of Stephen Lewis' imagination. You and other members may or may not agree with me -- but those are my feelings."
The club president Carol Gould then wrote: "I want to thank each and every one of you who responded to this article. I am sorry that I could not print all of the letters I received, however, that feel that these few are indicative of the controversial potentials for such a questionable article. Personally, I feel that it is important for all of us to be wary of movie and TV fan magazines, many of which printed exaggerated or fabricated stories, just for the sake of sensationalism. Be careful of these magazines, and make sure they are legitimate before believing the stories they tell." -- Carol Gould