544 - Adam, hanging out in his room, looks depressed.
Nicholas stands on the landing at Collinwood, staring, plotting. Stokes knocks at the door and Nicholas lets him in. Stokes is surprised to see Nicholas, a reaction the warlock picks up on. Stokes says he must be more careful not to show a loss of control-it could be dangerous. Stokes has a slew of books with him and Nicholas asks if Carolyn is studying with him. Stokes remarks on Nicholas' curiosity, and Blair says he's making idle conversation. Stokes says he seems more like the kind of man who knows what he wants and says what he means. Stokes excuses himself, but before letting him head up stairs, Nicholas asks him about Adam.

Stokes says he once knew a man by that name, a missionary married to a woman named Eve. They lacked humor, says Stokes, and a humorless man is an incomplete one. Carolyn heads downstairs to interrupt, and Nicholas excuses himself to take his daily walk. Left alone, Stokes asks her if she mentioned Adam to Blair; he was asking questions. Don't let him find out Adam's in the house, cautions Stokes, and Carolyn launches into how unwise it was to bring him there in the first place. She relates her problems-he tried to kill Harry Johnson, and she was forced to stop him. She assures Stokes she's taken care of Harry keeping silent; he has a police record. Carolyn says Adam is becoming unmanageable, too attached to her, falling in love with her.

Stokes is sure she's mistaken, but she tells him about the kissing picture and how Adam tried to practice on her. Stokes says he'll speak to Adam, but says he can't take Adam back to his house--he'll try to persuade Adam to concentrate on studies rather than biology. Carolyn asks Stokes about his interest in Adam. Why did he help him? For the same reason as Carolyn, says Stokes-he felt sorry for him. Carolyn looks troubled as Stokes heads upstairs.
Adam is still looking at the kissing picture, saying "Carolyn" and making with the lovesick eyes. Stokes knocks and Adam admits him. They greet each other like long lost friends. Adam prefers Stokes' house; he's lonely here. Stokes observes the cheerless surroundings and hands Adam a bunch of books, a writing pad and some pencils. Adam is pleased, but unhappy Stokes can't stick around. Stokes says Carolyn will help him, but first. . .Adam admits to liking Carolyn very much, but Stokes warns him against liking her TOO much. Stokes feels ill equipped to answer Adam's why, wishing he'd had the foresight to marry and raise a family. He sits down beside Adam and orders him not to panic if anyone else discovers him. Just tell Carolyn, says Stokes, she's his friend and knows what's best for him--obey her wishes--most important are your studies, says Stokes; everyone has warm feelings toward certain other people, which is fine, but for Adam, learning must come first--the sooner he's educated, the sooner he can leave the room and go out among other people.

Adam agrees to concentrate on reading and writing. Carolyn joins them, asking to speak to Stokes, who promises to see Adam as soon as he can. Adam and Stokes shake hands.
Outside the room, Carolyn tells Stokes Julia spotted his car outside and wondered where he was. She said he was in her mother's private library looking at a first edition of THE FEDERALIST. Stokes grows very excited-does Liz really have such a thing? Carolyn has no idea; she made it up. She tells him to go downstairs and he agrees; they can't rouse Julia's suspicions. Carolyn returns to find Adam avidly reading a book. She surveys him for a few moments, then asks about his talk with Stokes. Adam says he understand everything they discussed, and his studies are very important. She's happy. He covers her hand with his and says he's happy, too. She says he can't study on an empty stomach, unlatches her hand from his, and promises to return soon with food. He gazes after her, mooning, and writes something on his pad. "Carolyn," it says in big red letters, and he smiles at his handiwork.
Julia tells Stokes she and Barnabas need his help-they need to know where Adam is. Why? asks Stokes, but she says she can't reveal that. Stokes says they've developed a rather unfortunate pattern-they don't hesitate to call on him for help whenever the whim strikes them. He isn't a religious man, but sometimes he feels it's better to give than to receive. (get her, Eliot!) He thinks it's time she and Barnabas adopted that principle. She insists they've been as honest with them as possible, but he says it's rubbish-she didn't answer any of the fair questions he posed to her the other night. He examines a chess board. Desperate, Julia asks if she answers his questions now, will he tell her where Adam is? He points out he hasn't admitted to knowing Adam's whereabouts, but says if she cooperates, he might consider helping her. What do you want to know? she asks. The riddle in the dream-he can't interpret the last line-"and one door leads to the point of return." It's meant for Barnabas, she says--he went through it in the dream--it took him to the Old House. Return to what, he asks, but she says she doesn't know. Nothing happened in his dream, he woke up from the dream unharmed, and believed he'd broken the spell. She left the room and when she returned, he was gone. She found him on the ground outside the house and concluded he was dead. She assumed he died from heart failure brought on by fear. Stokes tells her to do better than that. He moves some chess pieces and asks about her decision to secretly bury Barnabas, without consulting the family or the law--WHY? She followed Barnabas' instructions, she says. He believes Julia is leaving out an important detail-Barnabas' belief the dream would result in his death. Somehow, he feared his death would be gruesome or somehow shameful, which explains the secret burial. Conjecture, counters Julia, but Stokes asks about the strange connection between Adam and Barnabas. Julia insists she doesn't know.

Relentlessly, Stokes pursues: Why did Adam begin to suffocate for no apparent reason after Barnabas was buried? I didn't believe your explanation of an amazing coincidence, points out Stokes, and you don't believe it either. She says she knows no other explanation, and Stokes says he can't help her-she didn't give satisfactory answers. Stokes starts to leave, and she begs him to listen to her. Stokes asks her one final question, food for thought-could the hostility between Adam and Barnabas have anything to do with the fact that Adam is an artificially created human being-and that Barnabas is somehow responsible for his creation, and all his subsequent misfortunes? "You see Julia," says Stokes evenly, "I already know a great deal more than you think I do." In despair, Julia watches him leave. (a delicious, satisfying scene!)
At the gazebo, Nicholas summons spirits unknown to him or each other, but with a common cause. He says he has the power to restore what each of them has lost. "Spirits resting in violated graves, hear me. Listen to my command. Come to me and help me if I am to help you." He speaks as their benefactor, says Nicholas, commanding them to make their presence known to him.
Adam arises restlessly from the bed. Carolyn has brought his dinner. He opens the door and she sets down the tray. She observes he's been studying hard, but sees something is wrong with him. He says he feels not sick, just weird, and when she probes, yells that he doesn't know. She suggests he'll feel better after eating. He asks her to stay with him and talk while he eats. She agrees, and sits down; Adam begins eating.
Nicholas continues to call for the dead bodies that "contributed" to Adam's creation. Two ghosts, one missing an arm, the other a head, blood dripping down its torso, appear before him. The headless body touches the empty space where the head used to be, and Adam suddenly grips his throat. My head, says Adam--it feels strange. Carolyn suggests he studies too long without a break. He says he feels better and nods in agreement. Carolyn is relieved.
Nicholas has summoned the two bodies and decides they will be enough for his purposes. The man missing his right arm gestures to the empty space with his left. Adam clutches his own right arm. Carolyn tells him to finish eating, but he complains that his arm feels strange, too. Carolyn says she wouldn't know what to do if he got sick; calling a doctor would be too dangerous. Adam assures her he isn't sick, but she's still perturbed. He returns to eating.
Nicholas tells the two deformed ghosts that he must find Dr. Lang's creation, Adam--only after that can he avenge their suffering. Lead me to Adam, he commands, you must know where he is, being part of him--if you can't lead me, then point the way. The two ghosts lift their arms and gesture. "Collinwood!" says Nicholas. He asks what part of the house Adam is in, but they disappear without supplying that information. That's all right, says Nicholas, he knows enough--he will find him!
We see Collinwood, then Adam, sitting, eating his dinner, unaware of what is happening.
NOTES: What does Nicholas plan to do with Adam once he finds him? He doesn't appear to want to harm him, but who knows? He will have to convince him, without telling him, to cooperate with his plan. How will he go about that?
Love how Stokes handles Julia! He knows she's hiding something, perhaps even has an inkling of what it is, but when she wouldn't "give," neither would he! Julia has met her intelligence match in Prof, Stokes for sure!
Carolyn and Professor Stokes are determined to prevent anything bad from happening to Adam, but with supernatural folks like Nicholas and Cassandra around, it's going to be tough!
545 - Nicholas enters Collinwood. Cassandra, dressed in stunning black velvet, comes down and demands to know what he's been up to. Nicholas tells her he "more or less" knows where Adam is, but he can't tell anyone else. She demands he stop teasing her and tell her. Roger comes in, suitcase in hand, fresh from visiting Liz. Looking and sounding depressed; (the door won't stay closed) he kisses Cassandra on the cheek. Cass tells Roger David is fine and Nicholas says he will leave them alone; he has much to do upstairs. Cass wants to know about Adam, which Nicholas is well aware of, but he coyly says not to invite him to stay for a drink. He bids Cassandra, his "dear sister", goodnight and goes upstairs, leaving her obviously infuriated.
Roger notices Cassandra's rapt stare and asks her to come into the drawing room; he wants to talk to her. She refuses his offer of a brandy and takes one himself. He tells her he knows she and Liz were never the best of friends, but he's annoyed she didn't ask about her. She says she meant to ask him when they were alone and inquires if there has been any change. She's still a very sick woman, reports Roger glumly. Cass says that's too bad. Liz still thinks herself Naomi, living in the 18th century. He's puzzled-Liz has always been so stable, how could her mind snap like that--and her preoccupation with death.
Roger tells his wife, who pays little attention, that he needs her support and advice, but he sees her gazing after Nicholas. Angrily, he suggests that if she isn't interested in what he's saying, she should say so and he'll stop wasting their time. She assures him she's listening and invites him to go on.
Adam is reading when Nicholas appears in his room. Adam, surprised, orders Nicholas to leave, but the warlock tells him they will be good friends. Carolyn is his friend, insists Adam, but Nicholas points but so is Stokes, whom he knows. Stokes told me you were here, reveals Blair, and I am going to be teaching you, too, taking up where Stokes left off. He knows Adam will finish the simple books soon, and Nicholas will see to his higher learning--Carolyn doesn't know I'm here, says Nicholas. Adam smiles and admits he likes Carolyn very much, and Nicholas tells him not to worry about what others think or do what others want him to do-he must be a strong-willed individual. He tells Adam he is stronger than other people, bigger, can learn faster, has a better brain, can do things others can't-a very important person.

Adam likes this ego-stroking a lot. Nicholas promises he will learn, with his help, how important he is. Nicholas says he's never seen anyone quite like Adam, a man who, with his guidance, can alter the course of history. Adam likes this, too. Nicholas shakes his hand and promises they will be going a long way together.
Cassandra paces in the drawing room, impatient, annoyed. Nicholas comes in, smug, and says she is perpetually unable to learn--your rages will get her no where with me. Roger has gone upstairs, she says, then asks about Adam. I found him, he says, secreted away in the West Wing-by Carolyn! This surprises Cassandra, who asks how soon she can see Adam. Nicholas knows her intentions toward Adam, the only instrument that will ensure the successful ending to her curse--you must stay away from Adam or you will pay, says Nicholas.
He has important plans for the creation, which Cassandra will know in due time-I have a vested interest in Adam's future. Cassandra stalks out, heading upstairs.
Adam lets himself into the sleeping Carolyn's room, quietly closing the door behind him. He gazes at her, moving in closer, and shakes her awake. She sits up with a gasp and asks what he's doing there-he frightened her. He apologizes for that. She's in a pretty pastel nightgown which she covers with a matching robe. He tells her about the man who found him--Nicholas. She's upset to hear this. Adam assures her he didn't harm him. How did Nicholas get in, the door was locked, wonders Carolyn. Adam can't remember the many things Nicholas said to him. Carolyn tells Adam she's glad he didn't panic and came to tell her, but she will handle Nicholas Blair. He's all set to return to his room, but she orders him to stay there and wait for her-she'll come and get him when she is finished with Nicholas.
Nicholas sits by the fire, creepy music playing, as Carolyn heads down the hallway.
Midnight - Carolyn walks gracefully downstairs and into the drawing room. Nicholas looks as if he's waiting for her. She orders him to sit down; she wants to speak to him. He notes she seems angry. Curtly, she reminds him he's a guest of the Collins family, and those privileges don't include indiscriminate wandering around. He realizes she's speaking of his visit to Adam in the West Wing and apologizes for what he discovered, but she says it isn't a family secret, and he asks if it's HER secret.

You had no business being in the West Wing, insists Carolyn--what were you doing there? Nicholas says she wouldn't believe him if he told her, grinning hugely-he was checking for the old European architecture. She agrees--she doesn't believe him. If that was true, he wouldn't have had to break into a locked room. Nicholas insists the door was open, which was the reason he dared to go in--it wasn't, he insists. Carolyn accuses him of lying. How could I have gotten into a locked room? he asks innocently. She doesn't know, but he went to the room because he knew someone was there, someone he was looking for. Nicholas denies this, but Carolyn tells him she knows Blair questioned Stokes about Adam. Natural curiosity, insists Nicholas--he's been the subject of a great deal of talk. Carolyn tells Nicholas she isn't one of those who believe Adam is dangerous. The sheriff does, points out Nicholas, and she turns and asks if he intends going to the sheriff with what he knows. No, says Nicholas, and he isn't after anything. She asks what he intends to do about Adam. He points out he could have asked her many embarrassing questions about the strange man in the upstairs room, but he hasn't, nor has he reported it to the sheriff. I will do nothing, promises Nicholas. Why? asks Carolyn. Simple courtesy, says Nicholas, and if you'd stop working up hostilities toward me, you might find I'm not your enemy and have nothing against your family--I know my status as a guest--I accidentally saw Adam and can't forget having seen him, but I feel obligated to respect your privacy, and will keep silent about it. He hopes he put her mind at ease, and she says yes, for the moment. He's disappointed it's only for the moment, hoping he could have won her over completely, but he's a patient man and can wait. He bids her good night, and she glares after his departing figure. He smiles at her from the landing as an unhappy expression crosses her face.
Carolyn leads Adam back to his room. She goes in with him and expresses relief that no one saw him. She tells him everything is all right, but they must be more careful. She still doesn't understand how Nicholas got in. Adam tells her he was sitting and studying, went to get a book, then heard Nicholas speak. He was just standing there. Perhaps Harry left the door unlocked, says Carolyn, he's witless enough-she intends to give him the third degree. Adam is puzzled by his slang expression, and she laughs. Adam tells her he likes her smiles and starts to touch her mouth. She suggests they both get some sleep. He softly, sweetly bids her good night.
Cassandra is listening to Lang's tape for the umpteenth time. She smiles as the music resumes, then turns off the recorder. She leaves the drawing room, weapon in hand, and goes to the West Wing, where Adam lies asleep. 2 AM - She finds the door locked, holds out her hand and opens it via witchcraft, with a gentle wave of her hand. She enters, gazes at Adam for a moment, and says to herself he must not die by magic or Nicholas will know she is responsible. She must kill him the human way-and so she raises an axe above his unsuspecting head.
NOTES: Whoa, Nicholas has really pissed off Cassandra and she, surely realizing that even if she murders Adam in this "human" manner, he will still figure out she did it, does this rash thing anyway. She's acting desperate, so I guess she still fears Nicholas' retribution, but now Blair has a plan of his own, and she's sticking her foot directly through it. Cassandra doesn't even try to pretend to be a good wife to Roger, and her inattention listening to Liz' problems proves it. He's annoyed with her almost constantly these days.
In his very smooth way, Nicholas tried to convince Carolyn that he wasn't a threat to Adam, or to anyone else, but she mistrusts the warlock, with good reason, and we hope she will continue to be on her guard. She knows that his appearance in Adam's room is very weird indeed.
Adam continues to moon after Carolyn, and you can tell that's going to be an ongoing problem for her. Every time he sees her, he wants to touch her. And Stokes, smart as he is, hasn't a clue about handling a huge man with surging hormones.
Love, Robin