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Author Topic: My screen shots of DS!  (Read 1436 times)
Taeylor Collins
The Guardian of Grayson's Shadows

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« on: October 14, 2008, 07:03:22 AM »

Hey guys.  I just shared some pictures over at the hottest man thread I started.  For a while I have been taking DS pictures with my digital.  I don't have that fancy screen cap stuff on my computer (I wish I did) but I do the best with what I have. From time to time I would like to present some of the these DS captures and I hope you willl enjoy them.  For those who haven't watched the entire run, this could be a bit spoilerish. I also plan to combine do screencaps from both shows in this thread. :)  Where is that darn Pilot when you need it! ;) 
I would cap it too!

Naturally I am starting off with the fabulosity that is Miss Grayson Hall followed by the fabulosity that is Barbara Steele!

* Grayson # 12.jpg (30.43 kB, 350x262 - viewed 105 times.)

* Grayson # 15.jpg (32.33 kB, 350x262 - viewed 107 times.)

* Grayson # 9.jpg (32.44 kB, 350x262 - viewed 106 times.)

* Grayson # 2.jpg (34.83 kB, 350x262 - viewed 110 times.)
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Taeylor Collins
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« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2008, 07:11:51 AM »

Here is the fabulosity that is Barbara Steele!

* StunningBS.jpg (37.36 kB, 350x262 - viewed 105 times.)

* SliverBeltedJulia.jpg (42.28 kB, 350x262 - viewed 110 times.)

* JuliaNoteBook.jpg'.jpg (34 kB, 350x262 - viewed 105 times.)

* AndToYou.jpg (34.38 kB, 350x262 - viewed 104 times.)
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« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2008, 03:12:42 PM »

Glorioski, Taeylor!  Is this thread Diva Central, or what?

I'm SWOONING, Dahling, from Diva Overload!  Utterly, consummately magnificent!

Taeylor Collins
The Guardian of Grayson's Shadows

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« Reply #3 on: October 15, 2008, 03:31:47 AM »

Here are some more.  I hope everyone enjoys and thanks for the nice compliment Gothick my friend!  It is DIVA central right now but I will be sure to feature men too! ;)  [128]

Below are some pictures  from The Time of the Leviathans!  I always thought Oberon was quite creepy and I loved their look and clothes! [female_skull]  Do any of the the original viewers  here on this board remember perhaps being freaked out over Oberon and those creepy scenes in 1795 when they [spoiler]capture Barnabas!??(the writers said 1796 but they were crazy) LOL[/spoiler]

* Quentin1.jpg (46.3 kB, 350x262 - viewed 108 times.)

* Oberon.jpg (39.72 kB, 350x262 - viewed 107 times.)

* Barnabasrecountshistory.jpg (47.29 kB, 350x262 - viewed 107 times.)

* JuliaWorriewithStokes.jpg (53.61 kB, 350x262 - viewed 100 times.)
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Taeylor Collins
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« Reply #4 on: October 15, 2008, 03:44:33 AM »

I wanted to share my second set for the day.  These are shots from 1970 Parellel Time!  Some great ones of John Karlen looking really sexy along with a sorted variety! Hope you enjoy!  [8_1_214]

* DearFriend.jpg (45.05 kB, 350x262 - viewed 125 times.)

* SEXYJohnKarlen.jpg (41.51 kB, 350x262 - viewed 102 times.)

* SexyJohnKarlen2.jpg (48.85 kB, 350x262 - viewed 103 times.)

* RTJuliainPT.jpg (38.96 kB, 350x262 - viewed 98 times.)
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« Reply #5 on: October 15, 2008, 03:49:06 AM »

Thanks for these... I wonder if manipulating the color is possible?   

I always want Oberon to introduce himself as Merle Oberon, in that grave voice, but he never does...!
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« Reply #6 on: October 15, 2008, 03:39:12 PM »

These are all fabulous, and how great to have a shot of Oberon!  I liked him so much better than the replacement Leviathan (can't remember his name) from that one episode with Marsha Mason.

The one of John Karlen against the Tarot card stained glass window is so gorgeous, I wonder whether Janet the Wicked could somehow send a copy of it to John Karlen himself?

When I loaned the DVD of Daughters of Darkness to a friend, I got an email a day or two later exuberantly informing me that Karlen should have had a career as a major Seventies pornstar!  I *think* Johnny would have taken that as a compliment...

Taeylor Collins
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« Reply #7 on: October 16, 2008, 05:29:18 AM »

Is the color bad Magnus?  It looks crystal clear and very colorful on my end!

I agree Gothick.  This is the part of the series when John is sex on a stick to me.  I love when his lips get all wet when he is talking!  WHEW.....Tight pants and great face and great long shaggy seventies hair! 

I am sure JK would get a big kick out of that.  Imagine partying with him in the '70's!  I would have been in heaven!   [8_1_209]

I still need to see that movie!    [8_1_202]
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Taeylor Collins
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« Reply #8 on: October 16, 2008, 05:33:50 AM »

Oh yeah! Sorry to double post!  If Janet The Wicked can get a copy to him I will definately send one! :) [128]
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Taeylor Collins
The Guardian of Grayson's Shadows

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« Reply #9 on: October 16, 2008, 07:49:15 AM »

Sorry to triple post.  This little thread I started probably benefits me more than you guys.   I wanna keep bringing you guys some nice shots. I have a lot and I just really enjoy sharing them.  I wanted to start this so even when I have bad days I will know I owe you guys some good SS and it that will help encourage me to get here.  I am not trying to be a sob story, I am just trying to be real. 

Here are tonight's!!  We have some more from PT time and one from The Leviathans. I think the final picture is a bit creepy, especially the way the director had FRID react to the camera as if it were Jeb!

Hope you enjoy!

* Lovely Lara.jpg (41.13 kB, 350x262 - viewed 104 times.)

* BeautifulBabyBlues.jpg (38 kB, 350x262 - viewed 104 times.)

* NancyPT.jpg (38.04 kB, 350x262 - viewed 102 times.)

* FacingOffAgainstTheLeviathan.jpg (51.03 kB, 350x262 - viewed 102 times.)
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