What a terrible moment for David, when he finds out he has betrayed Quentin without even knowing it! He knows there will be no mercy. When he ran outside and Ned Stuart happened to be coming in, it was a wonderfully full moment - you can't help seeing how funny it is that every time Ned sees Maggie she's looking for David, but you can't laugh because what is happening to David is so dreadful.
It's mind-catching - for lack of a better way to put it - to see Chris caring about Amy when he was so ready a couple of months ago to leave Collinsport without even seeing her, and when currently he seems to care more about Carolyn than he does about Amy. Don Briscoe was very believable - but I have the feeling of there being a missing link there.
When we returned to the Quentin story after the brief look at the Chris story, I felt strongly how much more compelling the Quentin story was. David is far more innocent than Chris is in their respective storylines, and he faces a bleaker future. I was imagining David and Amy running away to who knows where to get away from Quentin. Of course Quentin could catch them if he cared to - but maybe he wouldn't care enough. And heaven only knows what would happen to David and Amy out there fending for themselves.