Author Topic: #0218/0219: Robservations 10/24/01: Willie & Cattle  (Read 1570 times)

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#0218/0219: Robservations 10/24/01: Willie & Cattle
« on: October 23, 2001, 05:53:31 PM »
Episode #218 - A path that can never be lighted by good because evil hides itself too well in the night, choosing the moment that it will reveal it's horrors.

Dogs bark wildly as Barnabas watches Jason leave the mausoleum.

Roger, puzzled because he couldn't reach Cousin Barnabas at the Inn, the only decent place to stay in the entire town, suggested letting him stay with them at Collinwood. Hey, he's family, while Jason and Willie are only usurpers. Besides, Roger knows Barnabas is interested in starting a business, and he, Roger, would love to be of assistance as a consultant, paid, I'm sure. When Barn shows up, he smoothly bypasses Roger's question about his accommodations (can't very well tell the guy he beds down in a coffin during the day),
but asks to live at the Old House, startling Liz. He speaks so passionately about the house and his desire to live there, and I laughed when he assured her, "I'm the product of a proper marriage."

Jason confesses to Liz that he wasn't able to keep Willie resting in bed.
Liz, still not believing Willie is ill, insists Jason take his friend to a doctor.

Fascinating conversation between Barnabas and Jason. Jason wonders how Barnabas knows about him, while Jason finds Barnabas' resemblance to the portrait uncanny. Hey, by the way, WAS your ancestor buried with his jewels? asks Jason and is, of course, disappointed to find out not only was he not, but he's buried in England, anyway.
Jason chuckles how he hates to see crime encouraged, and you sense that Jason suspects some unsavory stuff about Barn, but Barn probably knows a lot about Jason, not just from what Willie might have told him, but through their blood bond.

Of course, Roger, trying to talk Liz into letting their cousin stay at the Old House,
(Barn sensed an ally in Roger, apparently) is puzzled when he realizes, damn, he still doesn't have their cousin's phone number or any idea where he's staying. The reason for that is obvious when Barnabas steps up to the mausoleum door. Roger would never understand these accommodations, and it's not as if Barnabas has access to a phone where he's "living" now.

Episode #219 - A dawn obscured by mists from the sea slowly creeps toward Collinwood, and through the morning mists, a man emerges from the darkest pit the night can know. But the peace he looks for will not come with the day, for through the mists, into the morning, he brigns with him the torment of the night.

A furious Jason accuses a weak, sickly Willie of searching for the jewels. Loomis is terrified when Jason says he knows damn well what Willie was up to, and is laughingly relieved to find out his friend thinks he's after those jewels again! Rather than lead Jason to a more horrifying conclusion, Willie agrees--yeah, he was looking for those gems again! Willie gazes at Barn's portrait and says NO to jewelry! Jason orders Willie to take the next bus out of town, but Willie insists he can't, and collapses against Jason, whose anger fades when he sees that Willie is truly ill. More puzzled than ever, helps his friend upstairs and, at Roger's insistence, calls in a doctor.

Although Roger admits Willie looks "ghastly," he still believes he's faking his illness.
Jason becomes nervous when Roger gets a call from the sheriff, and even though Roger seems to think they just want him to serve on some committee, he wonders what this is all about--him, perhaps?

Sheriff Patterson tells Roger about the local cattle being drained of blood--and explains that no animal, but only a human being could have done it.
Roger wonders what kind of man could or would do such a horrendous thing.

Willie isn't sick, he's weak from loss of blood,
Dr. Woodard gravely explains to Jason.

Sheriff's office - Roger and Patterson discuss and speculate about the mysterious cattle deaths. Roger leaves.

Woodard tells Jason that Willie's wound healed with surprising speed, which is curious. Rest and fluids are what the patient needs, says the doctor. The doctor reveals his findings to Roger, which, given his discussion with the sheriff, surprises him. Dr. Woodard assures them that Willie will be fine, with decent food and rest.

Willie thrashes in his bed, insisting he "won't go back there." Dogs howl outside in the distance.

NOTES: Poor Willie, as much a victim as the cattle. Does Roger make the connection between the cattle slaughter and Willie's mysterious loss of blood? Now they know Willie is truly ill, not faking, so will they be kinder to him? Willie doesn't want to go back there, and we know where, don't we? What a sad state Willie's been reduced to!

Love, Robin