ShadowGram Online Dark Shadows Updates List
Marcy Robin's Cyberspace "Dark Shadows" Update List
An Internet Publication of SHADOWGRAM
ShadowGram@aol.com >
Number 83. September13, 2002.
Hello, Dark Shadows Fan,
ShadowGram (SG) announces the following breaking news for Dark Shadows (DS).
* SG is extremely pleased to report that JOHN KARLEN is "back on his feet" following his recent hospitalization (announced in SG Online Update #82). He would like to thank all those who sent him get-well cards via ShadowGram.
* KATE JACKSON (Daphne Harridge, NIGHT OF DS' Tracy) guests on a rerun of THE MATCH GAME (mid-1970s) on the Game Show Network. It airs Sun., Oct. 6, Sat 9:00pm ET / 6:00pm PT, then repeats at 12:00am ET / 9:00pm PT.
* The Dark Shadows DVD Collection 2 is available now. DVD Collection 3 is scheduled for Sept. 25 but may ship a few days late.
See recent print issue SGs and online Updates for contents information and publicity material.
MPI currently is scheduling additional DVD releases for 2003. The upcoming postal-mail print issue, SG #97, will report confirmed detailsS.
* Dan Curtis Productions tells SG: DAN CURTIS' online chat is set for next Wed., Sept. 18, from 4:00-5:00pm Pacific / 5:00-6:00pm Mountain / 6:00-7:00pm Central / 7:00-8:00pm Eastern.
Advance questions can be submitted now at MPI's website:
www.darkshadowsdvd.comThe transcript of this chat session will be published in an upcoming issue of Kathleen Resch's "The World of Dark Shadows" fan magazine. (Previous online chats with John Karlen and Kathryn Leigh Scott also will be in upcoming issues.)
Info: Kathleen Resch at
Kathleener@aol.com or send a SASE to P.O. Box 1766, Temple City, CA 91780-7766.
* As SG Update #81 announced, the 2003 Dark Shadows Festival will be held in NYC next Aug. 8-10. The hotel location and reduced room rates for attendees will be announced on this List soon.
The upcoming print issue SG #97 will update Sthe 2003 Fest, the DVD releases, and all the DS news. This postal-mail DS Newsletter issue also will highlight the recent 2002 Fest in Anaheim, Calif., featuring details and many guest photos.
Thank you.
Marcy Robin
ShadowGram Editor / Publisher
Marcy Robin, P.O. Box 1766, Temple City, CA 91780-7766
E-mail: ShadowGram@aol.com
SHADOWGRAM (SG) is The * Official * "Dark Shadows" Newsletter. Much of its news is provided by the show's personnel and those involved in both the 1966-71 and 1991 TV series. Established in 1979, SG works directly with companies and others involved in Dark Shadows' creation, distribution, promotion, merchandise, etc.
The complete print issues are published throughout the year, with free bonus complimentary breaking-news published updates as needed.
Marcy Robin's ShadowGram "Dark Shadows" Cyberspace Updates List / ShadowGram Online "Dark Shadows" Updates List is sent via e-mail between regularly-published issues to quickly notify "Dark Shadows" fans of time-sensitive developments. You also can receive this identical SG Online Update by joining the ShadowGram Group at yahoogroups
First Class postal-mail subscriptions for SG print issues: $12.00 for 4, $24.00 for 8 (US & Canada). Overseas Air Mail subscriptions are US $20.00 for 4, US $40.00 for 8.
Send print issue subscription payment to: Marcy Robin, P.O. Box 1766, Temple City, CA 91780-7766.
Online subscription payment via Paypal to: Shadowgram@aol.com
For more information on the newsletter, please write with a SASE (Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope) to the above postal-mail address or e-mail to ShadowGram@aol.com
If your e-mail address changes, please notify me immediately. Please include your old and your new e-mail addresses.
If you do not wish to receive this online "ShadowGram / Marcy Robin's Cyberspace Dark Shadows Update List," please notify me via return e-mail.
Thank you.