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Topics - Midnite

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 I / Jim Fyfe on "All My Children"
« on: March 31, 2003, 09:19:40 PM »
It was a nice surprise to see Jim Fyfe on today's All My Children.  He played the father of young boy treated by "David" for a pacemaker-related problem, and the continuous worried look on his face was reminiscent of his Willie Loomis.  It's hard to tell if he'll be on the soap again, but it appears his character already served its purpose.

I know fans are divided on his casting for the '91 series.  I didn't care for him at first because he was so different from John Karlen (and what an act to follow!), but his portrayal grew on me with each viewing.

Bette sent along today's very favorable L.A. Times Review of Donna McKechnie's cabaret act "My Musical Comedy Life" playing this week at the Orange County Performing Arts:,0,1275780.story

Check out these 3 words from the 2nd to the last paragraph:  "McKechnie can act".  :D

From MPI:

In celebration of the DVD release of WAR AND REMEMBRANCE - THE FINAL CHAPTER, you can submit questions and have them answered by Dan Curtis (Producer/Director) or Hart Bochner (Byron Henry) during the week of March 24th. Simply visit the MPI Home Video website anytime before March 24th and submit your question. Answers to your questions will be posted on the MPI Home Video Website from March 26-28.

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 I / DS mention on "Angel"
« on: March 13, 2003, 06:39:59 PM »
Angel and BtVS fans are accustomed to the infusion of pop culture references, but DS fans got a special treat on last nite's Angel.  In referring to the apocalyptic rain of fire and blotting out of the sun meant to plunge the Earth into eternal darkness and brought about by a pact between a demon (The Beast) and Angelus (vampire Angel) [are you still with me? ;)], Gunn fretted that the latter would be "pulling a Dark Shadows again".

OT - Willow is L.A. bound, yay!!!


Happy Birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday, Bob the Bartender

Happy birthday tooooo yooooou!!!

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Updated profiles - EMAIL ADDRESSES
« on: February 23, 2003, 08:09:44 PM »
While many of us are taking the time to update our profiles, while birthdates, avatars, or secret questions are completely optional, I hope everyone can verify that their profile lists a current email address.  I can't speak for MB or dom, but I'm being inundated with password requests following the conversion.  Now please understand that if someone is having a login problem I do want them to let one of us know, but the vast majority of the forum-related emails I'm receiving have to do with a problem that can easily be solved by using the Forgot password? link on the login page, which of course requires a current email addy.

Please don't forget that if you decide to change your email address, a new password will be generated by the system, and you'll be required from then on to log in with the new one in order to regain access to your account.  Oh, and I should mention that MB and I haven't had a chance to test to see if Compuserve, AOL, Netscape, and Road Runner servers accept email at our new location and with this version, sorry.


Current Talk '03 I / Practical magic
« on: February 21, 2003, 12:27:12 AM »
Now that we've seen the Count's magickal cabinet (snort), I thought I'd throw a question out.  We've seen lots of items on DS that are imbued with special powers-- for divination, spying, travel, and otherworldly communication, also for gaining power, control, immortality, protection, knowledge, etc... and pretty much everything but a magic carpet.  So, what one magical item from DS would you most like to possess, and why?

I'd choose the linen closet that at times is a nursery.  I'd turn it into a guest room that's only there when friends are visiting. :)

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 I / CHAT Sunday nite
« on: February 16, 2003, 03:13:38 AM »
Woo hoo!, a members' chat [okb] will get underway tomorrow (Sunday, Feb. 16) at 10 p.m. Eastern, 7 Pacific.

The entrance to the chat will appear shortly before the start time.  Just look for the link in the Info Center on the DS Forums Home page.  Hope to see you there!

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 I / Today's Birthday
« on: February 05, 2003, 01:25:25 AM »

Happy Birthday

Current Talk '03 I / Role playing and Fan fiction / REPOST
« on: January 28, 2003, 06:56:40 AM »
Yay!, we completed our move to a new server and hope to soon reopen to new registrations and guest traffic.

In anticipation of the increased workload this will create for the mods, we feel we must strictly enforce the guideline concerning role playing and fan fiction according to the way it has always been written for DS Forums:  The purpose of these forums is to discuss DARK SHADOWS, its characters, actors and storylines. Role playing (putting oneself or another poster into the DS story) is discouraged, and repeated efforts to role play may result in removal of these posts from the board. This does not, however, refer to DS-related usernames or signatures. These forums also do not accept fan fiction and such works are subject to removal.

Effective immediately, fan fiction will be removed in a timely manner, regardless of its length.  Fan fic is any creative work of fiction, whether it be in the form of a story, script, scene, filk song, or poem.  Posting a link to the work or announcing new additions to it are welcome, as are requests for feedback ... and if space is provided alongside the work for leaving comments, encouraging your readers to take advantage of that feature would be greatly appreciated.  We don't feel this is an undue inconvenience to our users considering that there is free space available on other sites such as ; the latter has BBs created specifically for DS works.

Role playing is becoming a DS or DS-related character in your post and writing as if you're speaking through that character.  This doesn't refer to usernames, signatures, avatars, or personal texts.  There are sites dedicated to DS role playing as well.

If anyone has a question, please feel free to IM Dom or myself.  I hope to have my email set up by tomorrow at the latest.



Testing. 1, 2, 3... / test / please ignore
« on: January 26, 2003, 06:09:24 AM »


modified ... because I choose to do so.  ;)

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 I / Today is Dom's birthday!
« on: January 18, 2003, 10:29:15 AM »
Here's wishing you a day
that's as special as you are...

Happy Birthday, Dom!


Current Talk '03 I / A warm wish for Dean!
« on: January 18, 2003, 10:25:16 AM »
Happy Birthday, Dean

May all your wishes come true

Current Talk '03 I / Reminder:  No DS on Monday
« on: January 18, 2003, 06:17:42 AM »
[backcolor=maroon]Don't forget that DS won't air on Monday, Jan. 20-- the Martin Luther King holiday. :(

At least it's the last pre-emption through February.

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 I / Happy Birthday to WidowsHill
« on: January 17, 2003, 10:04:44 PM »
[size=8]Happy Birthday


It's today, I swear!  WidowsHill announced the birthdays on VNet, and was way better at it. [embb][/color]