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Topics - Midnite

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 I / KLS on Magum PI
« on: January 25, 2004, 06:58:43 PM »
PatrickM (thanks!) posted this on the DS SciFi board recently:

For those who might be interested, Kathryn Scotts
Magnum PI episode entitled The Black Orchid, will
air on Monday Jan 26 at 6pm EST on the Hallmark
Channel. It will also be repeated on Tues Jan 27
at 2am EST.

I don't have the Hallmark channel, but I stumbled on this episode a few days ago on KDOC in L.A. and found it to be a very pleasant surprise.

Current Talk '04 I / Ep #528
« on: January 20, 2004, 04:56:51 PM »
DVD Set 8, disc 4,
or MPI Vol. 60, #1,
or follow this link:
for Robservation #528

Recaplet --

Vicki and Jeff argue-- Jeff orders Vicki to stay put and says the matter is settled (it isn't) because the dream is just a simple nightmare (yeah, right) and he insists that Professor Stokes isn't infallible (but he is) and that nothing happened when he was hypnotized by him (that's not what we saw), and he tells Vicki that she should be able to read his mind (who can?).  Vicki reassures him she doesn't feel any pity for him (she totally does) and that he hasn't been taking out his frustrations on her (oh, please), and he replies that Vicki cares for him more than he cares for himself (not possible).  Then Vicki denies to him that Barnabas loves her (ha! ha!), and Jeff convinces her that if she only pretends to go away that Cassandra will never know (Cassandra will SO find out!).

Nicholas and Cassandra chat, and he tells his sister that drugging drinks is not his style (only until the writers change their mind) and that their relationship is not a game (Is so!).

Vicki is now at Maggie's, and Maggie says that she and Joe are getting married soon (sniff), and then she wishes her friend "pleasant dreams" (very poor choice of words).  Then Angelique shows up to put a spell on Vicki to "remember my instructions" [spoiler](not gonna happen).[/spoiler]

Right before Maggie's scream ruptured my eardrum, it occurred to me that everybody in this episode was full of sh*t.

M.  ;)

(He spoke very quickly and his sentences tended to run together, but his talk was transcribed as best I could.  Thanks for the tape, Bette!)

Part 1 - Thingus Interruptus

Hi.  My name is Matt Hall.  Coming on after Jonathan Frid makes me feel a little like someone coming on after Jimi Hendrix at [?].  The reason I'm here is because my mother was Grayson Hall and my father is Sam Hall.  [Applause]  That's really nice of you, thank you.  And they're good people.  And I've been in touch with the people who organized this from the start, and they were kind enough to invite me because I hung out at the studio endlessly as a child and they thought that that might be interesting.

The one story I love of what it was like in the DS studio was that at one point Vinnie Loscalzo was the makeup man and he made me up... he had to be there for hours and hours as they taped and stuff, but he didn't have much to do, and one day I was just hanging out after school in the studio and Vinnie sat me down in the chair and made me up, like an hour and a half, into this wolf creature with long ears and a long nose and eyebrows and he aged me and made my hands all weird and then I got to wander around like that terrorizing school children.  It was SO much fun.  That's kind of what Dark Shadows meant to me because I was there endlessly and it was a great deal of fun, but... there ARE some decent stories.

I sorta feel like everybody knows more about this show than I do except that... because you guys have all been studying it and, you know, plot points and things like that, but you may not know the story of how my mother and my father both got onto Shadows.  The real, true, unhidden, unvarnished story is that Mom had had some success as an actress going... they had married in 1953, and as I like to say it, they spent the 50s going to places that had free hors d'oeuvres, and what is now called networking was once called social climbing.  And they basically were attempting to have careers as an actress and a writer in Manhattan and in New York, and it's difficult to do.  They had me in '58 and I'm an only kid-- I'm a child of only children.  Then, things began to break for them and Dad got onto a show called Brighter Days as a writer and Mom eventually got Night of the Iguana, her first film, [Applause] an Academy Award nomination in 1963, and I was down there for the shooting of that in Mexico and I'll tell one story, which is that Richard Burton had such deep pits in his face from acne that they had to put putty in them for closeups.  But he was a really nice man the one time I met him.  Anyway, so I was there for that.  Then after Iguana, Mom did a Disney film and a few other things and then came a little bit of a bleak period in her career.  Then around '65 or '66 there wasn't a heck of a lot of money coming in and they had both rebelled from their parents-- my mother and father both had rebelled from their parents-- and they didn't relish the thought of going back into the situations that they had rebelled from.  My father was from an Ohio factory-- a small town in Ohio factory town, uh, farm/factory town, and Mom was from Philadelphia, and they didn't relish the thought of returning to those worlds but nonetheless at some point they had a kid to raise now and they sincerely... My father went back to Ohio to check out whether or not it would be feasible for him emotionally to return to Ohio and give up all the dreams of being writers and actors and all that stuff.  And while Dad was in Ohio looking at houses, my mother one day came home, and I wasn't there, and she went to take a shower and she put on the shower water and she stuck one leg in the shower and the phone rang.  And she stood there on one foot and she thought, "Do I answer the phone; do I take the shower?"  She got out of the shower, and she answered the phone and it was her agent saying did she want to do a soap called Dark Shadows?  And she said, "Hot damn, we don't have to move to Ohio!"  And that was the beginning of it.

Dad got onto the show several months later.  I think Mom got in, like, May or June of '67, and Dad got it by the end of that summer.  And the way it worked was there was a party that eventually ended up as parties tended to do at my parents' house, and Dan Curtis was there and my father was being host to all of these actors, right?, and he was just, like, being Mr. Grayson Hall and running around, like, making sure their drinks were filled and that they weren't, you know, spilling them onto the carpet and things like that, and eventually, very late, Dan Curtis and he got into a long conversation in the kitchen, and Dan Curtis by the end of the conversation said, "Look, I want you to write for my show."  And my father said, "Don't say this.  I mean, it's 1 in the morning, we're both drinking-- don't.  This is not the time to talk business."  And Dan said okay and called the next day and said, "I don't say those things to people unless I mean them.  Be at my office."  So my father went in and got a job, which was like awkwardness for us.  And, you know, that we didn't-- we really didn't have to go to Ohio and become factory workers.  [Laughter]

So, anyway, what I would do is I would come home from... school would let out... By the way, I was really pleased to get the 3:30 to 4 spot because it holds a great deal of sentiment in my heart... But I would come home and if there was no one home, I would go into the studio and, I remember the studio was... I was really welcome there because the only other kid was David Henesy, and honestly, like, after a while, I liked David a lot because he was a little bit older than me, and he was a really nice guy but, in all honesty, I always felt slightly envious of David Henesy because my mom was on the show, my father wrote the show, all of our friends came back afterwards from the show and hung out in our kitchen forever and ever and ever.  David Henesy was on the show and I was David Henesy's age and why couldn't I do that?  [He laughs]  And years later I actually acted in high school and, you know, my parents were gratified to find out that I could not act.  That's why I couldn't do that, but I didn't know that at the time.  It was just like, wait a minute, something is massively unfair here!

So, there are a couple of really nifty stories.  I was just talking to Lara Parker in the other room and there's a very funny story about her pug and my pug.  See, for one thing that was weird about the growing up-- most people here probably, like, had two parents that were working, and it's kind of interesting, you know-- you're sort of on your own a lot-- but it's kind of interesting when your mom is doing a soap opera.  I mean, you know, people would stop us on the street and ask for her autograph, and at first I was really really bashful about that, because it was, like, my mother that they were interrupting.  And eventually one got used to it because as the Shadows phenomenon rolled on, it became big.  But I remember at one point when I was still, like, on the shy side because I was a pretty bashful kid, somebody coming up, when I was with her, to my mother on Fifth Ave. and saying, "Could I have your autograph?"  And she signed something and he said, "You know, you're one of the most valuable autographs I have."  And she said, "Oh thank you" and whatever.  That stuck in my 8 year old or 9 year old head, and it was like "most valuable autograph," right?  And about 30 feet later I turned to my mother and said, "What's he going to do with it?" and she was like, "What do you mean?" and I said, "He said, 'it was valuable'."  And Mom thought about it and said, "That and 30 cents will get him on the subway."  But there was... that's not the story with pugs.  Eventually the fans were always [?] and I got to the point where I really liked it, but at first I was, like, this is [???] territory.

The story with pugs is, we had this small dog named Thing.  If any of you remember, Mom always mentioned Thing in interviews and stuff at the time.  And it was a nice pug.  There's now [?] and somebody which has a pug in it.  It was a pug.  Pugs are kind of ugly little runts.  They're sweet animals.  They're like weird bulldogs.  Anyway, Thing was a virgin.  And Thing... [looking into the audience] This man has a picture of my childhood dog!  Alright!  Could I see it?  Thing!!  Thank you.  It's your picture.  This is him.  Thing-- boy, he was ugly.  I named him Thing from the childhood Dr Seuss books-- there was Thing 1 and Thing 2.  And I was 4 years old when I got him and he was Thing 4.  Thing was a virgin.  Thing was a small New York apartment dog and he hadn't had much experience with members of the opposite sex and it came time.. we decided at some point to mate him because we wanted smaller Things, and Lara Parker had a pug named Rosie.  Okay?  So the Dark Shadows main cast being the way it was, Rosie was brought to our house for an extended visit, you know?  And we were going "maybe sparks would happen and we would get little Things."  So Rosie gets there, and Thing does not understand.  Thing is slow.  He doesn't get it, and Rosie hadn't quite gotten into heat yet but Thing was not really there for it.  He wasn't terribly curious about her until one day, my mother was walking them both the 2nd or 3rd day she was there, and she was in front of the New York Hilton Hotel, right?, with these two small dogs, and she's standing in the New York Hilton Hotel and this bus pulls up, right?, and starts to unload passengers, and it's a cheerleading convention, all right, and two of the cheerleaders see my mother and recognize her and come over.  And Mom watches them and she's, you know, doing the Dark Shadows thing with these two cheerleaders, and all the other cheerleaders are coming out of the bus and they're all beginning to riff on to the fact that my mother is my mother and standing there with two pugs.  And at that moment, Thing mounts Rosie.  And my mother looks at this, and my mother is talking to these two very sweet little cheerleaders who are asking for her autograph, and my mother remembers that when pugs make love, it takes 45 minutes.  And then, the last thing my mother wants to do is stand in front of the New York Hilton with two dogs engaged in coitus for 45 minutes while cheerleading conventions ask her for her autograph.  [excitedly] So she rips the dogs apart and runs back to the apartment and slams the elevator and gets them upstairs and takes the leads off, and they both sit down.  And Thing remained a virgin.  And it's really... it shows you what trauma at the wrong moment can do.  My dog was a virgin-- didn't have puppies because of Dark Shadows.

Will continue in Part 2

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 I / MOVED: OT: Cute Joke
« on: January 18, 2004, 10:11:48 PM »
Removed -- sorry, David!

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 Post all your special events, announcements, notices of Web site updates, items for sale, personal messages, and well wishes - basically anything DS-related that isn't specific to the DS storylines

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 I / Best Wishes to Dean
« on: January 18, 2004, 07:55:54 AM »

Have a fantastic birthday, Dean!

Current Talk '04 I / Ep #527
« on: January 16, 2004, 07:25:58 PM »
Regarding that so-called "ancient" tree mentioned in the voiceover, after Trask tied Vicki to it in 1796 didn't Angelique burn it til it was a smoldering, charred stump? [hdscrt]

And who knew you could hypnotize somebody with a monocle?! [idontknow]

But as Nicholas said in between, "I find that the most interesting things in life are the most unexplainable." [wink2]

Current Talk '04 I / Ep #525
« on: January 14, 2004, 07:48:54 PM »
Just after Nicholas returns the painting to Vicki, he says, "Oh, Miss Winters" and she replies, "Yes?"  At that point in the MPI tape the screen turns a bright green, and I'm curious what happens in that spot on the DVD.

Roger to Nicholas:  "She's an odd girl, Vicki.  She's been acting very strangely lately."  LATELY?  And you shouldn't talk, Mr. Dover Beach.

I wouldn't know where to begin listing why I love Nicky Blair!  It's a pity there's no capture on the forum of the shadows he was casting over Angelique's portrait with his hands.  I was waiting for them to form a bunny. :D 

Today's L.A. Times (Business, p. 1) reports that the WB has lost some of its younger viewers, yet despite recent failures ("Tarzan", "Birds of Prey") the network will continue to gamble on high-concept shows.  The article is available online, but registration (which is free) is required:

Young Viewers Slipping Away From WB Network:  Viewership is down 18% among 12- to 34-year-olds this season, but co-CEO is not discouraged.

Current Talk '04 I / Ep #524
« on: January 13, 2004, 06:17:57 PM »
Submitted for your approval-- this episode as best illustration of the horror that is Jeff Clark.

My pick for best line (delivered by the AWESOME Joel Crothers):  "I'm already dead."

In New England, do girls wear heavy long-sleeved dresses in June?

Current Talk '04 I / Ep #523
« on: January 12, 2004, 06:08:38 PM »
See Robservations 6/17/02 - #523/524 - Jeff, Peter, Peter, Jeff or MPI Vol. 59, ep #1 or DVD set #8, disc #4

What's the logic behind having Nicholas cringe before the cross? [hdscrt]  But I think it's highly amusing that the devil's emissary would claim to be a lawyer.  It made sense in terms of ingratiating himself with Tony Trask, but funny as hell nonetheless.

Great line by Nicholas:  "You were a blind, overzealous fanatic-- a bigot and a fraud; intolerant, cruel and unjust... a man afer my own heart."

Does anyone remember who else lived in apt. #24?  There may be more than one answer, btw.  (This was once a Kosmo kwestion on the SciFi boards, but I'm not sure that I can even remember all the answers.)

I've said it before, but I think Jerry Lacy is kinda hot.

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 I / Happy 18th, Lindsey!
« on: January 04, 2004, 07:01:39 PM »
Hope your birthday is magical and memorable and fun!


(full article below)

Grean co-wrote and recorded "Quentin's Theme" as the Charles Randolph Grean Sounde.

From:  Metropolis ..... Passing Through

Last month, 6,139 men and women from about 100 countries took the oath of citizenship at the Los Angeles County Fairplex in Pomona. The emotional celebration included a salute to the flag, a videotaped greeting from President Bush and a video of singer Lee Greenwood performing "God Bless the U.S.A." Some of the participants discussed their American dreams.  --MICHAEL T. JARVIS

Barbara Steele
59, Actress/Producer
Beverly Hills

Country of origin/time in U.S.
Great Britain/25 years.
How did you come to America?
I had a contract with 20th Century Fox. It was a
much more innocent world then.
What surprised you about America?
The strong identification that Americans have with
the flag, which Europeans do not have at all.
What American do you most admire?
Billie Holiday and Martin Luther King Jr. They
spoke from the soul.
What would improve America?
We could lose TV for a year. We could be less ce-
lebrity-driven and quit portraying material inter-
pretations as the answer to life.
What character traits are typically American?
It's interesting how emotional Americans are
about being American. My friends at the ceremony
were weeping away.
What English custom would you import here?
The corner store with the butcher, the baker and
candlestick maker. I also miss those country pubs
with the big fires where you could go read a book
and have a sausage on a stick with all these lovely
multigenerational people.


Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / Happy Birthday to CD_Tate
« on: December 09, 2003, 08:32:42 AM »
CD_Tate is having a birthday

Hope it's fantastic!

To VictoriaWintersFan

Happy 17th!