From the Chair of the Earthbound 2005 Convention--
"Kathryn Lee Scott will be appearing at Earthbound 2005, a Space:1999
convention, in Tampa Florida the weekend of July 22 - 24. In addition
to participating in regular convention activites, Kathryn will also
attend the play 'Contact' and Celebrity Banquet; where, along with the
other actors, she will host her own table and sit with fans for the
evening. For more information regarding Earthbound 2005, please visit
our website at"
Many thanks to Ms. Lindow for the info.
According to the posted schedule of events, the Q&A with Kathryn Leigh Scott will be Saturday at 3. Check out the Guest Biographies page to see photos from some of her SciFi roles.
Note: DS fan Terry S. Bowers (prolific fan fic writer, member of the Shadows on the Wall writing group, and J-Lister), has a special listing as Fan Guest of Honor.