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Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday
 [occasion18]   [92c5]  [occasion18]   [92c5]  [occasion18]

Calendar Events / Announcements '07 I / Today's Birthday! -- Anubis
« on: May 15, 2007, 06:48:12 PM »
Happy Birthday

Calendar Events / Announcements '07 I / Happy Birthday to FireRose!
« on: April 30, 2007, 05:15:23 PM »
Happy Birthday,

~~@}{~ ~ ~ ~

West Coasters can still catch Close to Home with Joanna Going, on CBS now.  The ep, starring Eric Stoltz (playing her husband) and Jonathan Silverman, is called "Drink the Cup."  Her character is named Samantha.

Hmm, MsCriseyde posted recently that lately, JG seems to be doing her share of crime dramas.

Calendar Events / Announcements '07 I / Happy 50th Birthday to Birdie!
« on: April 25, 2007, 09:19:34 PM »

Happy Birthday
Angelique Wins!


Calendar Events / Announcements '07 I / Happy Birthday to Stuart!
« on: April 16, 2007, 10:34:31 PM »
Happy 27th, Stuart!

Calendar Events / Announcements '07 I / Happy Birthday! Aristia
« on: March 20, 2007, 04:58:51 PM »
Happy Birthday, Aristia!

Calendar Events / Announcements '07 I / Happy Birthday to Patti!
« on: March 17, 2007, 04:39:18 PM »
Happy Birthday


Calendar Events / Announcements '07 I / Quiz From the Dark Side
« on: March 08, 2007, 07:01:39 PM »
Even if you're too timid to take their Blood Quiz, at least check out the 1st page: QUIZ FROM THE DARK SIDE on

The quiz isn't perfect but it's definitely fun, and a guest at the last Fest is a consultant for the site.

Thanks, Julia99!  :D

Calendar Events / Announcements '07 I / Happy Birthday to LdyAnne!
« on: February 27, 2007, 07:38:33 PM »
Happy Birthday

Calendar Events / Announcements '07 I / ShadowGram Update #166
« on: February 21, 2007, 10:50:00 PM »
ShadowGram Online Dark Shadows News Updates List
Marcy Robin's Cyberspace "Dark Shadows" News Update List
An Internet Publication of SHADOWGRAM

Number 166. February 20, 2007.

Hello, Dark Shadows Fan,

ShadowGram (SG), The Official Newsletter & News Source for Dark Shadows (DS), announces the following breaking news.

Lisa invites fans to the world premiere run of BAD HRT ON CEDAR STREET. She stars as "Elaine Kendall" and her husband Stephen Mendillo co-stars as "Ed Kendall."

Publicity: "Set during the course of Easter weekend, 2001, it chronicles the tribulations of the Kendall family of Cranston, Rhode Island. The play is a family drama of survival and the power of the human spirit to persevere." The publicity notes "there is limited nudity" in this story of a woman coping with her drug-addicted son and developmentally-challenged daughter.

She says it's "doing well and I've gotten good reviews." The play continues through this weekend.

Tickets are $22 each and there is free parking adjacent to the theater. The production is at the Greenway Court Theatre, 544 N. Fairfax, Hollywood, CA 90036 (at Clinton Avenue). Box office: 323-655-7679, ext. 100.

She tells SG she plans to attend Wondercon at the Moscone Center South in San Fransisco 3-2/4. Publicity: The convention "combines the worlds of comics and pop culture to offer a lively and exciting mix of shopping and stargazing."

*** Fans attending Lisa's play or Kathryn's appearance are encouraged to share their photos and reports with SG readers worldwide. Please send them to SG's e- or postal- mail addresses below. A Contributor's Copy issue is given in thanks for major input.

The latest published issue, SG #109, is being mailed now to all current postal-mail subscribers. It will be mailed to new subscribers and renewing subscribers as well. Subscription/renewal information follows later in this Update.


To accomodate all the in-person pictures, media coverage, news and other information, this issue is Part 1 of 2 companion issues, SG #109 and SG #110. Both SGs feature many pictures and details from the 2006 DS 40th Anniversary Festival and Halloween Party, plus extensive coverage of Lara Parker's recent book-signings, new and planned DS merchandise, DS in the Media, DS filming locations, and much more.

Plans for the 2007 DS Festival event were being finalized as this SG #109 went to press and should be confirmed soon. I will announce definite details on this SG Updates List. The upcoming SG #110 will include more information about the Fest event.

That next issue also will focus on all the news, projects, and productions for the individual DS cast and technical personnel for all versions - the 1966-71 daytime TV series / 2 feature films; the 1991 primetime revival TV series; and the 2004 WB pilot. Much of this information comes directly from them. That issue will update the news in this SG #109 as well.

As always, I will announce the publication and mailing of SG #110 on this List.

****** SG #109 HIGHLIGHTS:
--- Full pages of Guest Photos and detailed descriptive reports from the DS Festival convention (August) and Halloween Party (October).

Exclusive and behind-the-scenes pictures include:

Fest - The cast rehearsal for the onstage dramatic readings of the first and final DS episodes
Party - The private guest reception.
Fest and Party - Candid and posed photos of the guests individually and in groups

--- Details, photos, and publicity materials for Lara Parker's appearances as she held readings and signings for her new novel, "DS: The Salem Branch," at bookstores and book fairs across the country.

--- MPI `s Pre-Barnabas Episodes DVD Releases - The first 4-disc "DS: The Beginning" DVD Set is now available only to members of MPI's DS DVD Club. A total of 6 sets will come bimonthly through 2007 until all Episodes #1-209 are available. Each set is $54.98. These are not sold through retail or online sources.

ShadowGram Premiere Announcement:
MPI provides the tentative release schedule for the other "DS - The Beginning" DVD Sets (each with different bonus material). * Jan. 2007: #1 - Episodes 1-35. * Mar. 2007: #2 - Episodes 36-70. * May 2007: #3 - Episodes 71-105. * July 2007: #4 - Episodes 106-143. No episodes 109 - 110 - 131 - holidays). * Sept. 2007: #5 - Episodes 144-178. * Nov. 2007: #6 - Episodes 179-208 plus extra bonus material.

--- Recent SG Online Updates announced other MPI releases and SG #109 has more information:
"The Complete Dark Shadows Music Soundtrack Collection - Music Composed by Robert Cobert" is a new 8-disc CD set with the entire DS music library digitally-remastered.

--- Dan Curtis Productions (DCP) tells SG: "Dan's 1969 ABC pilot DEAD OF NIGHT - A DARKNESS AT BLAISEDON is due on dvd this year, along with the 1977 trilogy DEAD OF NIGHT as a double-feature. Dan's adaptation of FRANKENSTEIN will be issued, with commentary by John Karlen and Robert Foxworth. Another double-feature is COME DIE WITH ME (with Kathryn Leigh Scott) with SHADOW OF FEAR and INVASION OF CAROL ENDERS (with Karlen and George DiCenzo), plus NIGHTMARE AT 43 HILLCREST (with Karlen). These are projected for late 2007.".

For more information on the above and to join the DVD Club, please contact MPI Home Video, 16101 S. 108th Ave., Orland Park, IL 60467. Weekdays: 800-323-0442. (In Illinois 708-460-0555) or

--- The newest audiodramas from Big Finish Productions are featured in SG #109. "The Christmas Presence" and "The Rage Beneath" follow the first 2 CDs that premiered at the DS Fest in August, 2006. They were recorded last year by David Selby, Lara Parker, Kathryn Leigh Scott, and John Karlen. Robert Rodan guest stars and there is a cameo performance by Marie Wallace. The 2 new CDs retail for $15 each and can be ordered for $17.50 postpaid from

--- Media articles acknowledging DS' 4 decades and the Fest Celebration as well as a wide range of DS references on the air, in print, and online.

--- Media listings for "House of DS," the first theatrical movie, on TV last fall.

--- DS Filming Locations section includes pictures of Seaview Terrace/Carey Mansion (1966-71 Collinwood) and The Black Pearl (1966-71 Blue Whale); Lyndhurst (2 DS films' Collinwood); and a lovely interior photo of the elegant staircase in Greystone Manion in Beverly Hills (1991 DS and WB Pilot Collinwood and Old House). Greystone's annual Garden & Design Showcase event is detailed. Also reported: Recent paranormal investigations examining Lockwood-Matthews Mansion Museum ("House of DS" movie St. Eustace Monastery).

--- Discussion of the results from the 40th Anniversary Commemorative Fan Survey conducted by the DS Festival and SG.

--- A 2002 rare, exclusive print advertisement featuring Barnabas (used by permission) - for a techical support company.

--- Fan News with all the milestones, celebrations, and experiences that you, the fans, share together in SG.

*** Subscription information for the SG print issues follows. To begin your subscription, The previous companion issues, SG #107 and SG #108, are available upon reuqest and include 2 bonus complimentary Special Announcements.

Subscriptions & Renewals:
US & Canada First Class Mail: $12.00 for 4 issues or $24.00 for 8 issues
Overseas Air Mail: US $ 20.00 for 4 issues or US $40.00 for 8 issues

Send check/money order to:
Marcy Robin
P.O. Box 1766
Temple City, CA 91780-7766

You can pay online for your subscription/renewal using PayPal and

Thank you.
Marcy Robin
ShadowGram Editor / Publisher

Calendar Events / Announcements '07 I / Happy BDay to LadyAyla!
« on: February 19, 2007, 09:18:26 PM »
Happy Birthday!

Current Talk '07 I / Valentines Day Episode?
« on: February 15, 2007, 01:19:57 AM »
This morning I saw that FX had interrupted their regular Buffy tVS schedule to air the Valentines Day ep from Season 2 (Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered [in which Angelus impresses Drusilla by giving her a fresh heart that he found in a "quaint little shop girl"  [lghy]]).  So I thought I'd ask a question that differs a bit from dvlvan's-- if DS were to participate in a Valentines Day marathon, what one episode would you choose, and why do you think it's suitable to air on Valentines Day?

OMG, a Valentine floatie just showed up, lol.