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Current Talk '17 I / Re: He's So Mean
« on: April 23, 2017, 11:27:00 PM »
It is interesting in retrospect how negative fan reaction was in December of '69 when he suddenly became a coldly calculating villain again.  They did not like it at all.  I still think those are some of the best shows they did...

I was shocked when I got to see the 1967 shows for the first time in early 1976 when the first syndication happened in my area.  Both Barnabas and Julia were so different from the people I remembered from my viewing in the Sixties.  I also started watching in June of '68.


Current Talk '17 I / Re: DS episodes online
« on: April 23, 2017, 11:23:30 PM »
A lot of people now believe that physical media (such as CDs and DVDs/BDs) have gone the way of the dinosaur.  This fiction is being promoted by some huge corporate media megaliths that want you to get rid of anything you have in the way of physical media and just sign up for subscription services that you'll pay for for the rest of your life.

Anything that is not available via some kind of streaming or online access could just as well not exist for a lot of people. 

The article on the Collinsport Historical Society about some selected DS DVD sets being streamed by public libraries via a protocol called HOOPLA was interesting.  Part of the problem with this is that a lot of the people who think physical media went out the window circa 2005 also think that public libraries are on the way into the dustbin of history. Most don't even know where their local library is or how to go about getting a library card (I imagine you can do it online now but I don't know--I'm sure it varies in different states and systems).

As a librarian who works in technical services, which involves acquiring and cataloguing resources, the attitudes and trends that the top leaders in the profession are focusing on are extremely frustrating.  In all fairness, those of us involved in "information management" or "metadata management" (just plain old librarianship no longer exists) are constantly bombarded with requests to learn about the hot new platform/protocol/service/space what have you... everything to do with information and media is now relentlessly driven by non-stop innovation because it's all about making people upgrade to the latest, shiniest new product.  The top people have to manage all this and try to plan for a future where we're constantly being given new information about what libraries will look like and what kind of services we will be expected to provide.

Sorry for the digression.  As I said, I thank God Herself I own the DS DVDs!


Current Talk '17 I / Re: DS episodes online
« on: April 23, 2017, 03:45:56 AM »
I found the link about this.  No timeline is given for when the shows are going to disappear--a lot of them are listed as "expiring."

I don't have the service so I find how they handle our show confusing--they seem to divide the original DVD boxes into "seasons."


I feel for people who might have just started paying for it thinking they were going to have access to DS.


Current Talk '17 I / Re: DS episodes online
« on: April 23, 2017, 02:42:32 AM »
There was a story posted on a couple of DS book of face groups a few days ago, I think originating from the Collinsport History Museum site, stating that all or nearly all of the DS episodes on Hulu were going to be pulled.

Feeling so grateful for my DVDs whenever I read such things.  Nice to know that a lot of the shows are on Daily Motion, too.


Calendar Events / Announcements '17 I / Re: Grayson Hall 1965 Oscars
« on: April 18, 2017, 08:00:00 PM »
You get another glimpse of Grayson--brief, but we take what we can get--here at the 4:55 mark.  This clip is the beginning of the 1965 Oscarcast.



Oh yes MB you're right about PBS in the 70s.  Point taken!  The first time I ever saw two men kiss was on a UK production of Marlowe's play Edward II, starring Ian McKellen, which was shown on PBS sometime around 1974 or 1975, I believe.  There was no reaction in the press at all because nobody in Washington bothered to watch PBS--and the church groups paid no attention, either.  Times have certainly changed.

I think when you wrote Caligula, you meant I, Claudius.  It's certainly amusing to contemplate what public reaction, if any, there might have been had the Malcolm McDowell Caligula aired on PBS, circa 1978...  I remember being surprised at how nonchalantly the actress playing Messalina sat up in bed bare-breasted in one scene.


Another good one from this series is "Viktoria," with a sympathetic role for Catherine Schell and a complex one for Judy Cornwell (who was a regular, or semi-regular, on KEEPING UP APPEARANCES in the 1990s).  This one involves retribution via doll magic and a twisted gay subtext, among other themes.

I don't think this series ever aired on the MYSTERY show on PBS and I can think of a number of reasons why not, at least back in the time of the late 1970s...


Golly, MB--knowing how tight your schedule usually is, I'm impressed!

I started "Mr. Nightingale" earlier this evening but despite a very strong beginning (featuring Jeremy Brett in fabulously fantastical old age makeup), had to give it up.  I'm now watching "Night of the Marionettes" with Gordon Jackson (from UPSTAIRS DOWNSTAIRS) and Vladek Sheybal (from UFO) and it's a much stronger, more effective story.

Glad you enjoyed the shows!  There is no arc so I do not think one should bother to watch in order...


Calendar Events / Announcements '17 I / Of potential interest to fans
« on: April 15, 2017, 01:03:40 AM »

A few evenings ago I stumbled upon this amazing playlist on Youtube.  It includes (from number 93 onwards) the seven episodes of a short lived 1976 British anthology series, SUPERNATURAL.  The episodes I've watched thus far are very reminiscent of DS--lots of character moments, emphasis on mood and atmosphere, and psychological twists.  Please note that episodes 2 and 3 constitute a two part story (which could accurately be given the title of the first of the two parts, COUNTESS ILONA).  These scripts were written by actress Billie Whitelaw's husband Robert Muller and seem to be intended as a kind of homage to the themes of Victorian horror, but again, with a twist.


I am enjoying this a lot--perhaps other fans will, as well.

The framing story involves a very exclusive gentlemen's club in London.  The rules of the club are that each prospective new member must tell a horror yarn to the assembled members.  If for whatever reason they don't care for his story, they will kill him.  And so it begins...

cheers, G.

MB there is a distinctive facet to Parker's work in this that I can't reveal without it being a major spoiler.

I think you will like it a lot if you do watch. 


Oh boy, Uncle Roger.  I'm just trying to imagine Parker's face during that conversation!  I think I was present at one fan q & a where someone asked her about NIGHT STALKER and she just said that she didn't get along with McGavin.


That's a really good episode.  Nina Foch is in it as well.


Current Talk '17 I / Re: DS episodes online
« on: April 11, 2017, 04:54:46 PM »
Thanks for the responses. I guess my friend isn't going to be watching any more DS online. 

cheers, G.

Current Talk '17 I / DS episodes online
« on: April 10, 2017, 08:11:40 PM »
Hi folks, Last weekend, I had to telephone a friend who recently retired, and he surprised me by telling me he started watching DS on Youtube. He got up to around episode 70 and I think either the episodes switched to for-pay or there was one episode that he couldn't access--I couldn't really understand what he was telling me about it.

This made me wonder whether DS is on HuluPlus, Netflicks or other web content services currently.  Does anyone have current info?

It's hard to google this kind of thing because there are so many sites around with outdated information--and just so many DS websites, period.

Best, G.

Calendar Events / Announcements '17 I / Re: OT: Lara Parker on Swat
« on: April 10, 2017, 12:15:38 AM »
Those are awesome captures, MB.  I have not seen the episode so it was fun to see these.

Best,  G.

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