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Messages - Gothick

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Many thanks once again, MB, for sharing those two lovely shots of Joan and Grayson.  For me they were the true Queens of DS.

And I just have to comment that TIGER BEAT would be about the last place in 1970 I'd expect to find a "rare still" of Joan Bennett--just shows how much interest there still was in our show in the "teen market" back then.

Another irony is that the movie was publicized in such a way that well before going to see it, you'd know practically the entire story.  But as a result, as you have shown here, we have images of many scenes and set-ups that would otherwise have been lost forever.


I saw The Love Witch at a screening at the Brattle Theater in Cambridge last February or March (I can't recall specifically).  The production values are meant to recall cult films of the early Seventies such as Simon, King of the Witches and The Deathmaster.  The costumes and sets are gorgeous but the script and acting range from competent to community theater levels of stiltedness. 

The movie came out on DVD in April or May, I believe--don't know if it's available via Net flicks or other.

I give the sets and costumes an A and the rest of it a C minus.


Interesting that that is happening.  I only saw a couple of episodes of that show.  I wasn't a fan.

By an odd coincidence, though, I thought of it yesterday because I saw a photo of Juliet Mills on David del Valle's social media page.  She looked great, which was heartening because when I saw her on Passions, she really looked rather dire.  I guess that was the makeup and costuming, reminiscent perhaps of how awful they made Joan look in This House Possessed.  That was upsetting to see.

Juliet was photographed with del Valle and Maxwell Caulfield attending the screening of a documentary about somebody named Allan Carr. I didn't have time to look up and see who that was.  Of course it was in H'wood.


Current Talk '17 II / Re: Oh Boy, Serious DSFMS
« on: July 13, 2017, 02:03:16 PM »
Hi Patti, no, what you are seeing is the introduction of Harry.  I really like his scene with Mrs J when he shows up.  Once the storyline revolving around 1968, "that year of insanity," really got going, there was very little time or opportunity for scenes that were character focused such as this.  Occasionally they would do them--there were a couple of good Maggie and Joe scenes during the Nicholas Blair period which is a few months away from where you are now.

Happy viewing,


Julia's backwards head-tilt as she begins to expostulate, and Liz's particularly icy deployment of "the freeze," are two of the few truly DS moments to be enjoyed in this film.

And if it weren't for your artistry, MB, I'm not sure I would ever have been aware of them.


Current Talk '25 I / Re: And Even Yet Another New Slideshow
« on: July 11, 2017, 08:28:20 PM »
Wonderful captures, MB!  What a gorgeous man he is!


MB, here's another one: "Retired Living Television."  They have a film slot they're calling "Creepy Cult Classics."

The rest of the programming by and large is less than inspiring.  I'm clueless about how television works now.  Apparently a lot of it is online broadcasting and this may be another example


Calendar Events / Announcements '17 II / David Bowie and Dark Shadows
« on: July 10, 2017, 12:04:14 AM »

I don't think this short film ever screened in the US, but the plot synopsis makes it sound an awful lot like a plot point from the 1897 storyline--which aired of course in 1969, one year after this film's completion:

For those titillated by the mention of an X rating, it should be mentioned that in England in the Sixties, that was usually awarded for violence that transgressed the guidelines laid down by the official UK Film Censor Board.  Although this article says that the movie screened in porno houses, I really doubt that was the case.  All the classic Hammer horror films of the late 1950s and 60s were given the X rating and they played regular theatres, not "adult" venues.

Who knows?  Maybe Sam and Gordon saw this at some Film Festival or art house in NYC and decided to borrow the idea for the whole Charles Delaware Tate thing...


That's a very cool shot of Lyndhurst with that tarp over the window, MB.  You really do find the coolest stuff!

Thanks again for all your work on this epic!


That's a fun film.  Very evocative of the period.


MB, I'm glad you enjoyed the little article.  I mainly remember the Junior Soph credit from PT 1970.  It might have continued for Summer of 1970; it's been so long since I watched any of those episodes I can't recall now.

LOL, I often think of when these fans were visiting Grayson at home in '73 and they made a tape recording of their conversation.  They were talking about big stars who go to Europe and make films in the context of KLS's film career (since she had moved to Paris) and Grayson deadpanned, "Katie Scott is NOT a big star."  I always laugh when I hear that.


Some of you may find this article from 1970 about TLATKLS of interest:

cheers, G.

Current Talk '17 II / Re: Dark Shadows linger
« on: July 07, 2017, 02:51:23 PM »
They did have what looked like a car (though it might have just been a frame) on the set in the scene in 1970 where Sebastian is driving Maggie to Windcliff.  I'd guess it probably was just a partial frame because the set was so cramped and I think the actual shooting area involved stairs.  I'd have to watch it again to see how much is visible.  There was a nice photo of that scene being shot in the original MY SCRAPBOOK MEMORIES book by KLS.

When Barnabas and Vicki were in a car in 1968 it was obviously just a mock-up.  That scene always cracks me up because they obviously took Roger Davis somewhere to film him trying to flag the car down on the road.  I wonder if that was the last film (or outside video) insert they ever had in the show.  It may have been.

It could be the dude was remembering something that happened with the 1991 version.  I've read there were tons of bloopers in that even though DC proclaimed a couple of times that that version was going to be completely clean and free of mistakes. LOL


Current Talk '17 II / Re: Dark Shadows linger
« on: July 06, 2017, 11:18:49 PM »
I enjoyed reading ANGELIQUE'S DESCENT once.  That was enough.  It was good until she had to write about stuff that was canon.  I don't know why she didn't just ask a fan who is also a writer to go through that part and correct it for her.  Doesn't she realize there are several qualified people who would have been happy to do it free of charge?

I haven't bothered with the other ones.


Current Talk '17 II / Re: Dark Shadows linger
« on: July 06, 2017, 04:36:41 PM »
Oh gawd.  That stuff was from Parker?  I should have known...

If I were more than just a rather remote bystander in fandom now, I'd have to read those things just to keep up with how people are re-conceptualizing the story.  Fortunately, I don't take the drugs that would be required to get through that stuff.


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