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Messages - Gothick

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That's nice to know, Tragic Bat.

I think Diana Gabaldon is a very competent writer, but I don't think I care for the personality she projects in her work.


It's not much of a spoiler to reveal that Lord John falls madly in love with Jamie.  I did not care for how one part of this long-drawn-out scenario was written in one of the books I read.  After I stopped, she published one where the two had to work together on something or other.  That might have been interesting.

I'm tempted to say I suspect this novelist of sadistic tendencies, but the dynamic that characterizes how she writes this type of story is very popular in such slash sub-genres as "hurt/comfort" and the like.  So, she might be working in that framework.  I have no idea.  It could just be how her mind works because I don't think she is involved much in online culture.

Thanks for the recommendation.


Thanks for moving my post to the correct thread, MB.  I was offline for about six days on one of my Canadian jaunts and didn't realize this had already been posted.

I read awhile back that in the new season, the prominent gay character of the Outlander series, Lord John something or other, is going to appear.  The only books by the author I have read were two novels featuring Lord John that were mostly spinoffs, though Jamie appeared in at least one of the books.  A friend told me about the books and I looked for them.  After the second novel, I stopped because I did not really care for the author's sense of plot and characterization.


Calendar Events / Announcements '17 II / DS clip on OUTLANDER
« on: October 11, 2017, 03:04:31 PM »
I presume you have all heard of this by now.  I thought it was an interesting crossover moment, given that the basic plot structure in OUTLANDER really seems to echo the whole Vicki/Peter thing on DS (which is the storyline this clip is from--somebody involved in this new series is definitely more than just a casual fan of out show):

I have to confess I have not seen any of OUTLANDER but enjoyed this little article and the clip.


Congrats on your scoop with that still, MB!

I think their pose and respective expressions speaks volumes about their famous onscreen "chem"...


Calendar Events / Announcements '17 II / Marsha Mason - BRIGADOON (1966)
« on: October 03, 2017, 02:32:40 AM »
Marsha Mason, remembered for her memorable appearance in one episode of DS in 1970 as "Audrey the Leviathan Girl," appears in this 1966 TV version of the classic Lerner & Loewe musical BRIGADOON.  This was one of the more memorable TV events in my family during the period when DS was on.  The broadcast was repeated in 1968 and I watched both times.  I never understood why they didn't put it on again.

Best, G.

I'm afraid I almost literally laughed out loud when I read today's script excerpt.  First I imagined Roger delivering the line while literally fondling his own hair.  Then I wondered about the appropriateness of a grown man "rumpling" a fourteen year old's hair.

An interesting moment... well, that's one way to describe it... in our journey through this beleaguered screenplay.

Thanks, MB!


That still is an amazing find, MB.  Maybe that was the day when as KLS was riding home, she was writing in her diary about all the pastry she was going to start eating because DC had said he thought she and Davis had great chem together and he was going to put them together on the show again...

Uncle Roger, LOLOL!

Best, G.

I'm intrigued by the thought of a world where Jeff Clark is an up and coming young artist. And vampire Barnabas Collins, who at this point has barely been out of his coffin six weeks if that, is somehow in a position to "recommend" an unknown artist to a prestigious gallery.  I suppose he could have done it if he had made a trip to the gallery, dropped a huge amount of money on a few pictures, and then told the amazed owner that he knew of a young painter who was going to be "hot."  I'm still having trouble envisioning this.

I'm quite sure however that you are bang on the mark in your scenario regarding the great director's thought process in chopping this scene.  I've wondered how long the cut he originally delivered to MGM was.  My impression is that material such as the current scene wasn't even in the original delivered edit, but doubtful we will ever know for sure...


Calendar Events / Announcements '17 II / OT: Celebration of Elstree Studios
« on: September 29, 2017, 08:34:47 PM »

This article alludes to a number of TV shows that were popular with those of us who watched DS way back when, including THE AVENGERS and THE SAINT.



I don't remember having any real sense of what Barn had done FOR Jeff in my viewings of hoDS over the years.  What I do remember is that I figured that part of the story out thanks to the Dan Ross book.

Evidently there was another earlier scene involving Jeff and Barnabas which hasn't survived in ANY existing recension of the screenplay.  Jeff mentions that the two had already met when they're introduced to one another at the Ball.

Researchers have attributed Roger Davis's abrupt departure from the daytime series to all the material he had in the movie that was cut. Reportedly, Davis tossed his head, cocked his chin, snapped at Dan:  "Well, if that's the way you feel about me... GOODBYE."  And, as the saying goes today, flounced dramatically from the room, to a scattering of applause, while a certain ingenue blew kisses. 


I love it that the one theatre ran the movie with FEARLESS VAMPIRE KILLERS which was 3 years old at that point as a co-feature.  I'm very fond of FVK.


I remember it having been an even smaller ad than that, but yes, those were the images on it.  I think it was edited so you just saw Nancy's face, not the stake (possibly due to how graphic the image is--it was somewhere in the Deep South, for sure, and in 1970 there were more stringent rules about what could be shown in various places, as you recall...).

If you own the hoDS pressbook--which I have never seen--I would think the ad would have been in there. 

Best, G.

My memory of the very first newspaper ad I ever saw for hoDS is pretty dramatic.  What I recall is that we were on a holiday trip to Florida and somewhere along the way, one of my parents picked up a paper.  I was looking through it and there was this tiny ad for the movie.  It just showed the faces of Barnabas and Carolyn running with blood.  (I think the Barnabas shot was from his second attack on Maggie, and the Carolyn shot was from the post-staking set-up.)  Maybe it's a false memory but I just remember bouncing up and down with excitement, no doubt while my mother rolled her eyes--she hated DS.

I'm sure I clipped this and later pasted it in one of my scrapbooks when I got home.  But all my scrapbooks got tossed when Mom cleaned out my bedroom one day some years after I had left home. 


Interesting to reflect that at this point in the story, Julia is completely misinterpreting Barnabas's behavior with her, while Barnabas himself is not really comprehending the nature of Maggie's "interest" in his company.

And it all ends in tragedy...

I definitely don't feel that AS FILMED, Maggie is in Barn's thrall at this point.  It's just a replay of the material from the original 1967 storyline with Vicki.  She is fascinated and charmed.  And she has not a clue that he's romantically hot for her.  Between that and her choice of Jeff Clark as a boyfriend, you really have to wonder about this version of Maggie...


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