« on: September 29, 2017, 07:36:38 PM »
I don't remember having any real sense of what Barn had done FOR Jeff in my viewings of hoDS over the years. What I do remember is that I figured that part of the story out thanks to the Dan Ross book.
Evidently there was another earlier scene involving Jeff and Barnabas which hasn't survived in ANY existing recension of the screenplay. Jeff mentions that the two had already met when they're introduced to one another at the Ball.
Researchers have attributed Roger Davis's abrupt departure from the daytime series to all the material he had in the movie that was cut. Reportedly, Davis tossed his head, cocked his chin, snapped at Dan: "Well, if that's the way you feel about me... GOODBYE." And, as the saying goes today, flounced dramatically from the room, to a scattering of applause, while a certain ingenue blew kisses.