For anyone who's interested, this page includes links for each issue published. Unfortunately, some of the pages are blank, presumably because whoever worked on this either did not have access to all the issues, or just never got around to doing treatments for certain numbers.
It states that issue 2 was published in August of 1992, and that the publication schedule was erratic. So maybe the first one came out in June, which always feels like International DS History month to me. the first issue of the third "book" was released when Innovation, the publisher, went out of business. I wonder if the complete storyline planned for that "book" was ever posted online.
Despite their disclaimer, the comics do seem to make use of material from the original series that weren't a part of the Universe of the 1991 iteration. For instance, in one story, Liz warns Vicki not to set foot in the basement, and Carolyn asks her what she's hiding, to Liz's displeasure. This idea of Liz keeping the basement locked up and warning people away from it wasn't spoken of in the 1991 episodes that I saw, at least, I don't recall it ever being mentioned.