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Messages - Gothick

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There's actually an interview from the Seventies where she talked about GARGOYLES and apparently somebody did suggest or ask her if she wanted to do that medium long shot where she's hanging from the wire. "Not this kid!" was the response. I think she said it was a teenager in a wig. For the close-up, she said the shot was accomplished while she was "hanging over the side of a bed."

I just love the scene where Mrs P dashes into the sheriff's office and goes IMMEDIATELY for the bottle of whiskey he keeps in his desk drawer. And knows EXACTLY where that stuff is.

I've always said Grayson had brilliant comic timing and it's a shame she didn't get to do any for-real comedy on the tube or the big screen.


Current Talk '25 I / Re: Boardindex Page Montage/aka 'Book 1'?
« on: March 07, 2018, 10:31:46 PM »
I am not seeing any artifacting in the smaller scan here. I'm running some outdated version of Windows here and an outdated Mac OS X at home.  Looking via Chrome in both places.

Since Julia's own family members were among the "living dead" (or whatever), this begs the question as to why she was so obsessive in her initial pursuit of Barnabas. I can't recall if the script for the 1991 initial confrontation when Julia reveals her "research interest" to Barnabas includes the dialogue about her long search for someone who could span the worlds of the dead and the living.

That Barretttown storyline (one wonders if the town name is an odd tip of the cape to Nancy Barrett?) really slithered way down the cliff very quickly from what I recall of the issues I did see way back when.


There's a trailer now. I still do not really care for it.  But I'm most definitely not the audience this is aimed at. I have not a clue whether this will be a big hit or just another blip of space dust.


Current Talk '25 I / Re: Boardindex Page Montage/aka 'Book 1'?
« on: March 05, 2018, 03:54:39 PM »
I did a google search after Gerard posted and I saw something called a "universal typewriter ribbon" on sale. I don't know how that would work since different machines had different gears and/or gauges. There were also the more traditional ribbons that we used to have so apparently, the ribbons are still produced. But you'd almost certainly have to order one online.

We really are in alterna-verse land with where the book is going now. I always thought the 1991 Julia was British since if she had been American, I'm sure Barbara would have done an accent. Also, there were no Witch trials of the type described in 18th century Maine (which was of course a part of Massachusetts back then--as all DS fans know!).


Current Talk '25 I / Re: Boardindex Page Montage/aka 'Book 1'?
« on: March 04, 2018, 12:39:52 AM »
MB, glad you got power back. The photo looks as if you were enjoying (?) your very own flashback to 1795....

I have no idea what the latest storyline twist is in the comic book--you have certainly piqued my curiosity!


Current Talk '25 I / Re: Boardindex Page Montage/aka 'Book 1'?
« on: March 02, 2018, 04:13:06 PM »
It seems as if we're only a few pages into the first issue and already there have been several moments that, even with my really limited knowledge of the 1991 series, just do not fit at all with the story and characters as established in the canon of the actual episodes.

I mean compared to some of these dialogue exchanges, the visual gaffes you've cited have been really trivial.

Enjoying this series for what it is rather than what it could have been, nevertheless.  Thanks MB for all your effort with this.


I personally enjoy the Great Vegetable Rebellion. It's so fanciful and I particularly love the scenes where Dr Smith is being turned into a celery stalk and recites the most absurd dialogue with his usual scenery-chewing verve.

Mark Goddard has said several times in interviews that he could only get through the scenes with Mr. Carrot by NOT looking at Stanley Adams. It's only noticeable in one scene, as I recall. I was amazed at how exquisite the score composed for the episode was. The composer wrote in the style of French impressionism--Debussy and Ravel, and it was very effective and otherworldly.

I personally found the episode about the Hippie Planet where Smith was frugging in a mod go-go wig wearing an absurd medallion like something Hugh Hefner would have sported on "Playboy after dark" to be more ridiculous. But I still love watching it.

All that to one side, the first season of LOST IN SPACE is on a completely different plane with that beautiful black and white photography. And some genuinely terrifying moments.

Back in 2015, a "Blu Ray" set of this series was issued where the same thing was done as happened to the 1991 DS, with tops and bottoms of the frame being cut off to fit today's preferred 16 x 9 screens. I read in a couple of reviews, however, that the original "full screen" versions of the shows were included. The same thing was done with the 1960s Star Trek 'blu ray" set, where they presented both the CGI "enhanced" versions of the shows alongside the original versions with the original 1960s model shots, paintings, etc. (I own the mid 2000s Trek DVD sets in the tricorder boxes--these were done from the original prints of the shows.)


I didn't really care for the trailer. I also don't see the point of remaking shows such as LOST IN SPACE or THE MUNSTERS. They were artifacts of a particular time and place and thank the gods, we still have the originals. Television has moved in several different directions since the 1960s. Series such as AMERICAN GODS, LUCIFER, STRANGER THINGS and VIKINGS have shown what good television can do and what imaginative storytelling can tell us.

Of course, I mostly watch shows from the Sixties and the Seventies. I was thrilled a few weeks ago to find the 8 disc box set of Brian Clemens series THRILLER (many of the shows ran on the ABC WIDE WORLD OF MYSTERY slot in the mid 70s) and I look forward to watching more of those this weekend.  I've been away most of the past 3 weeks and had no time at all for TV.


Current Talk '25 I / Re: Boardindex Page Montage/aka 'Book 1'?
« on: February 23, 2018, 04:19:25 PM »
From what I have seen thus far, like all the other comics and book series and the rest spun off the various versions of DS, it's an alternate timeline or "Parallel Time" to the universe of the 1991 DS. Just in a few pages both the writing and the artwork have made it clear that it's not showing us events of the actual 1991 DS verse. Not if you accept any definition of canon known to this writer, at least.


I see Barnabas and Angelique as adversaries, not a couple. That's all I'll say about that. But yes, remarkable that the magazine had someone on staff who thought of them, or DS, at all.



I was surprised to learn that Christopher Lee's home was in Cadogan Square, the same address claimed (fictitiously, perhaps, but one wonders if it may have been the residence of Niall Bradford in the 1790s/1830s) by a certain cousin from England back in 1967.  This letter dates to sometime in the mid 1980s, I believe.


Current Talk '25 I / Re: Boardindex Page Montage/aka 'Book 1'?
« on: February 14, 2018, 06:35:30 PM »
I know this is meaningless given that it's me, but I thought the cleaning lady was depicted with a very notable resemblance to an older Grayson, as she looked in the Seventies.

The dialogue yesterday and the way the characters were positioned made one wonder if the subtext was that Barnabas wanted to have a threeway with Julia and Vicki. *eyeroll*


Current Talk '25 I / Re: Boardindex Page Montage/aka 'Book 1'?
« on: February 14, 2018, 03:47:17 PM »
I think the comic book may have already jumped the shark. The dialogue exchange in the past two days has been absolutely painful. Though there's a kind of ironic appropriateness to Julia telling Barn he's "sanguine" on V Day...


Not all that surprising--a lot of occult people watched the show back then, for obvious reasons.



That's fascinating, Uncle Roger. And what an odd name for a Joan fanzine.

I saw Edith Tilles at one of JF's reader theater performances a couple of decades ago. She seemed very sharp and sassy.

Like so many people involved on the show, she obviously had no interest in the occult, or she would have known better than to have offered to send off locks of people's hair--a notorious element in voodoo doll spells...


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