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Messages - Gothick

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Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / Re: OT - "Forever Knight"
« on: April 03, 2002, 06:06:55 PM »
Hi Vlad,

I hope you persist with Forever Knight.  Last time Sci Fi did a "Chain Reaction" for the show, they only ran episodes from the rather tawdry, gimcrack 3rd season. At that point, the series was no longer being run on CBS; it had been picked up by USA, and they made some rather unfortunate changes (#1 on my list being that they fired Deborah Duchene who played Nick's old vamp flame Janette--they did bring her back for one episode, but it WASN'T enough).  

Since the episode you mention that explains the origin of Lacroix is from the 3rd season, I suspect that this is what they showed on Monday.  The first 2 season shows are MUCH better in my opinion, though I do enjoy some of Season 3, especially the episodes with Divia and the ones with Ben Bass who is very easy on the eyes.

I think Lacroix started out as a rip-off of Lestat from Anne Rice, but the fabulous Nigel Bennett made the character a much more intricate, complex creation.  I just love his scenes with Geraint Wyn Davies, the chemistry between the two is superb.  Really crackling.  The fact that the Nick character is being helped by a feckless woman medic who's fallen for him bigtime and is trying to cure him is reminiscent of a certain other show we all love...

Best,  Steve

To Chris, re Joel Crothers,

Back in the archives of the old Board, someone had posted this very interesting magazine interview that was done with Joel in 1969.  In the interview he gave several reasons for why he had left Dark Shadows.  I honestly think it was a combination of things, plus maybe he wanted a little more money and he got that with his next job.  I'm not sure about that.  Anyhow, it is a very interesting interview; among other things, he discusses the scripts he wrote while he was on the show.  I think this interview may be the only print source where that is documented.

If you email the Mysterious Benefactor, he may be able to locate the old scan of that article.  He's a busy man and I can't guarantee that he will have the tiime to look, but, if anybody could find, he could!  Alas, I failed to keep a copy of the original post.  You could also post a topic to the Current Chat board headlined Joel Crothers Interview (or similar) and see if any of the fans currently registered might have a copy they could share.

FWIW, I do think the character of Joe got more interesting towards the end, until he turned totally loony-tunes, I mean.  Some of his scenes with KLS after Joe's breakup with Maggie were among the best work both of them did in the series, IMNSHO.



« on: April 02, 2002, 05:42:59 PM »
My fave is Chris Jennings' bedroom.  Especially when nobody else is around and Chris is just coming in from the shower wearing only a towel draped over his shoulder.  YEAH.


Current Talk '02 I / Re: DARK SHADOWS HISTORY
« on: April 02, 2002, 05:34:37 PM »
April 2, 1971.  A date... that will live ... in INFAMY!

I still remember being shattered by the loss of DS.  It was my secret garden and I HATED being locked out.  It was a big thrill, though, when they brought it back when I was a senior in High School.  I still remember being fascinated and bewildered by those 1967 episodes.  The night of Julia's debut I vividly recall being mesmerized just as much as Maggie was!


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Governess of the Year Award
« on: April 02, 2002, 05:28:08 PM »
Bette darling, How could I have forgotten that you are also working amongst the stacks (or the ref room, to be more accurate)???  I guess it's because you were so regal and charming when I met you, I think of you more in a job like "Mistress of Collinwood" than "Ruler of the Ref Room"!

Anybody else here ever find those OCLC records for some of the MPI videos?  I guess some might consider them not worthy of mention, but I think they're a hoot!


Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / Re: OT Belated Intro
« on: April 01, 2002, 11:21:04 PM »
Welcome aboard, Allen!  What was your handle when you were on the Dominion?

I live for music, but am afraid I don't know Lynyrd Skynyrd.  I'm sure Ringo knows all about them, though, he seems VERY informed about all the current bands.

Interesting that you're from Balto.  I'm from Havre de Grace myself, although I have lived in Boston since 1994 (and lived in Connecticut before that--and overseas before THAT).  Havre de Grace is a bizarre little town.  One of the librarians I used to work with always called it Kooksville.  You could really imagine the kind of strangeness that used to take place in Collinsport happening there.  When I lived there, it was a mouldering old port on the Chesapeake Bay with such timeworn establishments as the Chat 'n' Chew Lounge, Tim's Bar, This 'n' That (from Here 'n' There), Shocket's Bargains, etc.  There was an "eccentric" doctor who lived in a Victorian mansion on Union Ave. and wound up being strangled by his chauffeur one stormy night.  I could go on, but you get the picture.  In recent years it's gotten a lot more touristy and pricey, which seems strange.  Perhaps one of these years a pack of manitoux will hit town and massacre everyone whose bloodline doesn't bear a certain "taint."  

Sorry, I've been reading too many creepy stories by a certain young gent of my acquaintance ... Didn't you say that you and your wife are Avengers fans, too?  Ever watch Strange Paradise?



Current Talk '02 I / Re: It's HERE! - new for fans of Big Willie!!!!
« on: April 01, 2002, 10:27:02 PM »
This is so cute, Ringo.  What a hot photo of him for the cover, too!   He was a juicy kid, once upon a time!

I've always seen Willie's family named spelled Loomis.  The way you spell it makes me think of Willy Lomas (is that the name?) in that Death of a Salesman thing.  I always wondered whether the name of Willie Loomis was somebody's weird idea of an homage to Arthur Miller.

Anyhow, hope you have a great time on your trip!  

I saw the statement here in another post (can't recall where now) that Angelique was created by Ron Sproat.  I didn't realize that.  The first episode in which she appeared was written by Sam Hall, I believe.



Current Talk '02 I / Re:  What's in Julia's Bag?
« on: April 01, 2002, 10:20:04 PM »
I can't believe you guys could forget one of her most important items of equipment:  the MEDALLION!  There's probably a little crib note too to help remind her how to go through the "find the center of the light" speech.

Besides the Medallion, I'm sure she had:

a packet of Marlboros (Julia's too butch for Virginia Slims)
a matchbook from the High Hat Lounge
a hankie plus some tissue
a tiny bottle of Chanel No. 5
Dr's choice of prophylactics (you KNOW Jules was always prepared)
a fold-up rain bonnet
a .45 revolver (she almost used it during the Cassandra storyline, remember?)

Showing yet again that I spend WAY too much time thinking about my Favorite Redhead,


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Governess of the Year Award
« on: April 01, 2002, 09:49:57 PM »
Well, I'm not really a librarian, just a bib assistant--I do provisional records (all encoding level a) when I'm not migrating stuff out of OCLC, RLIN etc. and most of my time is spent doing orders and receipts.  So I'll be in the servants' quarters, obviously.

I bet there's a slew of biblio-related workers here, though, and it would be fun to have an honorary association.  I kind of like Shadows in the stacks.  It sounds appropriately ominous.



Current Talk '02 I / Re: Governess of the Year Award
« on: April 01, 2002, 05:54:49 PM »
Vicki is the only one of all of them who ever behaved like a governess, so she gets my vote.  I do feel sorry for Rachel whenever I watch those episodes.  I think she was a nice enough girl, but to describe her as uninformed would be a charitable act.  I know I would have packed my bags the first time Judith had that "little talk" about how "all hell breaks loose here every night, but we DON'T say anything about it!"

Vam, you're a librarian too??? We should start a club!



Current Talk '02 I / Re: Andre's Departure
« on: April 01, 2002, 05:36:23 PM »
Gerard, this is priceless!  It sounds like Whatever happened to Baby Jane!  I'd like to see Hoffman's kid sister.  Think she wore a long blonde Goldilocks wig and spent her spare time caterwauling the lyrics to "I've written a lett-tah to Dad-deh, his add-dress is HEAVEN above ..."????


Darling Luciaphil, thanks for these wonderful notes.  I love how you write about the series, and you always bring out details and observations that elude me.

I've never been a fan of Barnabas/Josette, and I think you are explaining why.  It's certainly not because of lack of skill and depth on the part of either Jonathan or Katie.  

Fascinating to read your exchanges with Nancy.  You both make such interesting points about the production.  I personally think it is a miracle that DS is as good as it is.  And there is no doubt that at many points through the history of the series, DS touched the stars in a way that was unique in television history.  I was watching an episode of the Count Petofi storyline of 1897.  Violet Welles wrote such marvelous dialogue for him, Thayer David delivered it all with such superb relish and wonderful bits of business.  All the other actors, Jonathan, David Selby, David H, Nini, were all spot on.  Fabulous.  Comparing this with the episodes of Days of Our Lives from 1966 I have seen--there IS no comparison.  

I think the biggest problem of DS overall was the fact that Dan Curtis was the de factor Head Writer.  So, whenever the writers attempted to bring some consistency into the storylines, DC would throw a spanner into the works with some kooky idea.  And then a lot of them he wasn't even around (which in my opinion was a good thing) because he was off pursuing some other project.  My personal opinion is that DS was axed because DC was finding it too much of a distraction and he wanted to spend more time with feature films, as he began to do immediately after it left the air.

Anyhow, great notes!  I look forward very much to the next installment.

Your fan,


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: Notification of Removal!! SORRY!!!!
« on: March 30, 2002, 12:38:50 AM »
Sorry, I still haven't received my email informing me that I have been DISMISSED from the DS Boards due to my DISGRACEFUL behavior.

When it arrives, I expect it to inform me what I am supposed to do for my punishment.  If it involves French lace panties, knee pads, and a cat-o-nine-tails, so much the better.

As Barnabas Collins commented in one of the more notorious episodes of the greatest storyline in DS history,  "PUNISHMENT must be exacted!"

Just another loopy fan on a Friday afternoon,


i've been naughty, haven't i????

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Suki Madness!!!
« on: March 30, 2002, 12:33:53 AM »
Wow, Ringo, I'm really pleased, you are one of the few str8 guys I have met who doesn't slavishly follow every conceivable sports season!  

"March madness" is some sort of college basketball face-off.  I apologize if my silliness was unnecessarily obscure.  I was actually quite puzzled when my boss was telling me about it!

Love the snoop dogg comment, btw!  And I didn't post there, but I really enjoyed your Quentin magazine cover.  Someday I must email you off board to ask about what goes on with all those references to the pants.

Best,  Steve

Current Talk '02 I / Suki Madness!!!
« on: March 29, 2002, 09:35:45 PM »
My boss was telling me today about March madness, an obscure festival involving some cult that revolves around two sacred symbols, a rubber ball and a hoop hung high, no doubt to symbolize the fact that the sun is rising earlier and earlier each day and the Wheel of the Year (represented by the ball) is turning brighter and brighter.  Yeah, that must be it.

Anyhow, thanks to the Mysterious B for today's montage and the alert that SUKI madness has come to Collinwood!  Suki's ensemble, especially with that chapeau, is very Mae West and Belle of the Nineties, isn't it?  Boy, how I am looking forward to the Fashion Notes from today.  Miz Luciaphil, if you please!

Let's imagine one liners that could happen in Suki's chat with Millicent:

"Goodness, what lovely false eyelashes."

"Goodness had NUTHIN' ta do with it, HONEY.  Ever hear of WOOLWORTH'S?"

"You must excuse Nathan, he's been working very hard these days."

"Funny, when I knew Nathan, if there was something HARD about him, it didn't involve WORK."

"You know, Miss Forbes, I do hope my homemaking skills are sufficient for your brother, I know what HIGH standards he has!"

"Honey, it's not HOMEMAKING he wants, it's MAKING HO!!!"

(Millicent conveniently faints at this point)

Oh dear ... I'm afraid I've shockingly lowered the tone of this board ... I'm afraid I see Midnite with a large HOOK glowering at me in the wings!!!


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